Mob Assaults Marines in San Clemente

Mob Assaults Marines in San Clemente

Mob Assaults Marines in San Clemente

San Clemente, California — a staid, staunchly Republican city on the Pacific coast at the southernmost tip of Orange County. Many residents are civilian employees at USMC’s Camp Pendleton. It may shock, but it shouldn’t be surprising that an incident of unchecked mob violence broke out. Even Marines trying to enjoy a quiet evening at the beach are not immune from delinquents who feel public spaces belong to them.

Three US Marines were assaulted by a crowd of teenagers on Friday at a California beach, according to police.

One of the victims, Hunter Antonino, told KCAL-TV that the teenagers were acting aggressively and lighting firecrackers at the beach in the San Clemente Pier Bowl area and when he asked them to stop he was hit in the head with debris and the fight started.

Two of the victims ended up on the ground in the fetal position while the teens punched and kicked them before two other adults finally broke up the crowd.

In the video you discover that local residents overlooking the pier and adjacent beach had already made numerous phone calls to law enforcement about the mob of teens and use of illegal fireworks.

Where was the Orange County Sheriff’s Department? No amount of post hoc bloviating about “increasing patrols” and “continuing to investigate” is going to ameliorate the Marines’ injuries nor satisfy residents whose calls were ignored. Indeed, if the videos of the beatdown hadn’t gone immediately viral, would OCSD brass done more than just tut-tut and reach for another glazed donut?

This isn’t a tragedy, this is something that should never happened in the first place. Yeah, teens in large groups are particularly mindless and predatory. Spring Break shenanigans have been infamous for decades. But something changed after the summer of MostlyPeacefulProtests™. Mobs of a particular kind have lost all fear of repercussions. Police are told to avoid contact, to stand down from any confrontation by brass fearful of any bad press that will give their wokest local politicians from shrieking about defunding their departments. Politicians who listen to organized, Leftwing thugs more than their suffering, but law-abiding, constituents.

Over the last few years, street takeovers have grown as ubiquitous across Los Angeles County as smash-and-grab mob shoplifting. It finally reached a peak in August 2022 where these criminal events were combined. Come for the screeching cars, stay for the looting of nearby businesses.

And while LAPD made a Big Deal over showing up to arrest, I have been unable to find out the resolution to those arrests. Were they prosecuted? Were the cars confiscated? Heck, for the minors involved, did their parents suffer any consequence?

Meanwhile, summer season is upon us where, in face of car-fueled wildings, we will be told it is incumbent upon us to deescalate and retreat. Hand over your money, your car, your business … shut up, normie, these aren’t your streets.

Realize what happened to those Marines in San Clemente, of all places, is a feature, not a bug in the Fundamental Transformation of America.

And it’s going to get worse.

UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit readers!

featured image, San Clemente Pier at Sunset, copywrite HipShots Photography, used with permission

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  • Scott says:

    This is what happens when you give in to Burn Loot Murder… They should have been shut down immediately, before they gained the traction they did, but now, just like other gangs, they have been told loud and clear by certain communities (and the pResident) that they can do what they want…Not surprisingly, once cops here the demographics of the crowd, they don’t engage, because they know the politicians like Gov hair gel will blame them for the poor outcome..
    Liberalism is a mental disorder!

  • mac says:

    If I’m on a jury where someone has fatally shot a “wilding” teen, the defendant IS going to walk. The only thing that is going to get these scum to understand they can’t pull this crap is a few of them getting bullets between the eyes.

  • Rosco says:

    We are edging toward vigilante justice. If the formal justice system can’t or won’t enforce the law, then the social contract is void. Criminals and scofflaws will no longer be protected from mob justice. There will be beatings, hangings, summary executions, and lamentations. It happened before in this country and it can happen again.

    Moreover, “it is terrible to think how few politicians are hanged.” G.K. Chesterton.

  • Lloyd says:


    Used to be…Long time ago…
    We didn’t hit women and children.

    Used to be…Long time ago…
    Fights were fair.

    Used to be…Long time ago…
    Weapons: knives, clubs, guns were frowned upon.

    Used to be…Long time ago…
    We didn’t kick an opponent who was down.

    Used to be…Long time ago…
    We’d lose, rather than fight dirty.

    Well, read the newspaper; turn on the TV…
    Apparently, things have changed!

  • Snidely Whiplash says:

    Used to be Marines would take care of a little problem like this in their own way. Don’t be surprised if some of these, “wild”, teens don’t end up in the hospital before long. Maybe a couple in the morgue.

    • Liz says:

      To be a vigilante (no matter how badly needed, nor how badly deserved) in the age of surveillance requires a person have nothing to lose.
      Unfortunately, military members are almost always held to a much stricter standard and they would be prosecuted and convicted with a majority vote (not unanimous, which is why there is a Convening Authority to review the case after the court martial board makes its determination).
      Fantasy: Military members give “wild” teens the much needed discipline their “wild” parents never did.
      Reality: Military members do anything untoward (even speech) and are convicted on a court martial board and unable to find future employment.
      Generals like Craig Franklin (convening authority for the Lt Wilkerson case) do not exist anymore. To our detriment. No one wants to be the subject of public ridicule and turned into a social pariah directed by politicians who don’t understand military law,

  • Keith Glass says:

    ‘Youths’. Note that they never get described. . .

  • Taylor says:

    Yet the citizens of Los Angeles had an opporutnity to get rid of pro criminal D.A. George Gascon and failed.

  • An Ex-E5 says:

    The “good people” of San Clemente need to be informed that if incidents such as recounted in this article do not cease immediately, that the City of San Clemente will be put OFF LIMITS to all military personnel for the foreseeable future; that all relationships with organizations public and private within San Clemente and USMC-Camp Pendleton will be suspended and undergo extensive review; and that continuation of such incidents will be regarded as a security threat to Camp Pendleton requiring the stopping and inspection of all vehicles transiting the Camp on Interstate-5!!!!!

  • GWB says:

    shut up, normie, these aren’t your streets.
    Like he** they aren’t.

    And then the world goes truly topsy-turvy in a way most generations alive now have never known.

  • Rich says:

    Someone needs to teach these marines to kill someone with their bare hands. Someone who knows real self defense could have killed 3-4 of them each before being restrained. That in and of itself would have scared off at least half of the attackers.

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