Middle School Girls Forced into Lesbian Roleplaying; Boys Taught How to Identify a Slut

Middle School Girls Forced into Lesbian Roleplaying; Boys Taught How to Identify a Slut

Plenty of schools have adopted “anti-bullying” campaigns. This is usually code for “allowing schools to shove PC garbage down our children’s throats”. Still, Linden Avenue Middle School in Red Hook, New York may have just taken the prize for the most outrageous anti-bullying campaign ever. In this workshop, led by college students, boys and girls were separated, and then made to do things like roleplay as lesbians, or learn how to tell if a girl is a slut.

Some parents are questioning the appropriateness of an anti-bullying presentation on sexual orientations and gender identities given recently to eighth-graders.

Among their complaints: Bard College students weren’t a suitable choice to speak at Linden Avenue Middle School, and parents should have been notified in advance of Thursday’s health class lesson, according to Journal interviews and dozens of social media posts.

… In addition to learning vocabulary such as “pansexual” and “genderqueer,” the girls were told to request a kiss from a female peer, Coon said. Her 14-year-old daughter told her it was awkward and uncomfortable, she said.

Girls were also made to pretend that they were lesbians on a date.

And for the boys?

According to reports, during the workshop for the adolescent boys, the students were counseled to keep a condom in their pocket at all times, and were taught how to identify a woman who is a “slut.”

Parents were not notified that this workshop was going to take place beforehand, or given the option of removing their child from it.

The whole scenario is absolutely outrageous, and parents have every right to be furious. This is a workshop supposedly meant to stop bullying, but how does making middle school girls engage in lesbian roleplay prevent bullying? And isn’t teaching boys to call a girl a slut based on what she’s wearing or who she dates an example of… oh, I don’t know… bullying?

On top of that, this presentation was given by college students — not teachers, not licensed professionals, but college kids.

Worst of all is that, even with the parental complaints, the school isn’t backing down. They’ve so far refused to apologize, and plan to do the workshop again in the future. The only concession they’ve made is that parents should have been notified first.

Let’s just be clear about one thing though: this has nothing to do with education, or preventing bullying. This is indoctrination, plain and simple. And what’s truly scary is how easy it is for schools to put children through workshops like these without parents ever even knowing about it.

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