With the importation of various diseases into the U.S. over the past year, the most recent and controversial being the case of Ebola brought in by Thomas Duncan, immigration is becoming a more and more important issue. As the parent of a child with lung issues I am disgusted to learn that our state has multiple confirmed cases of Enterovirus-D68, this is the highly contagious respiratory virus that is (shockingly) common in South America and has killed four children thus far and has caused paralysis in many more. In an article posted on Breitbart’s blog site Big Government, Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, comments:
“We don’t know where it’s coming from… Are there immigrants from Central America, where this disease has allegedly been prevalent before? Should we be [looking at] the virus to see whether it’s like what’s been found in some of these countries that are just sending waves of children across our border and they haven’t been quarantined long enough to make sure they’re not sick?”
Illegal immigrants from 2014’s summer border surge-yeah that looks healthy
Yeah that was a “No”, doc. All summer long the media from coast to coast was filled with stories telling us about the surge of “undocumented children” flooding into our country and being warehoused in gyms, schools and other make shift “processing centers”. Then, we learned from Todd Starnes of Fox News that healthcare providers at a Lackland Air Force base “processing center” were threatened by a contracting organization that was paid by the Administration to run the center to keep quiet about the rampant disease and parasites that were coming in with said children. Then, later in the summer we found out that the very same contractor running the Lackland Air Force base site turned out to be essentially a government funded charity (think ACORN, only for healthcare).
Obama’s summertime round table with “faith leaders” in Texas, read BCFS officials-ACORN revisited
Which brings me to my current point, we desperately need to acknowledge that our current (non) immigration policy is literally a threat to our nation and its inhabitants. Until we stop the pay to play, or pay to stay, politics of this Administration things will not change, in fact they will continue to get worse. You see, the Mexican Government is paying for their citizens to apply for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Yup, you read that correctly!
The Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles, CA
In a story on Breitbart’s Big Government, Caroline May exposes what the Mexican government is doing to keep their citizens in our country and shockingly this story was broken by none other than famously left-leaning National Public Radio (NPR). All 50 Mexican consulates in the U.S. have been paying the legal expenses of illegal immigrants to apply for the DACA program by providing them pro bono lawyers. How many of these people have received this royal treatment you ask? Well, you see, they don’t really keep track of such trivial things.
“Julian Escutia, an official with the Mexican Embassy in Washington, told NPR that it does not keep track of how many illegal immigrants’ DACA applications they fund, and that funding is “on a case-by case basis.”
However, NPR was able to confirm that the consulate in Los Angeles, CA has funded 260 applications. Multiply that by the 50 consulates and that is a lot of illegals who will now be able to stay and work-taking jobs from our lowest skilled Americans who Obama poports to help . Think that the Mexican government funding illegal immigrants applications for the DACA program is inappropriate? NPR points out that it may be, but it is not illegal. According to Julian Escutia it is about helping Mexicans where ever they might be.
“Our main objective is the well-being of our nationals wherever they are,” he said. “So what we want for them is that they are successful and really continue contributing to this country [the U.S.],” she told NPR. “
As for the American people having something to say about this flouting of our immigration system by an “ally nation”, well Ms. Escutia doesn’t think they are contributing to the discussion about immigration or the DACA program in the U.S.
“Escutia added to NPR that the heated political debate surrounding the program is an issue for the U.S. to deal with. We are not entering into the political debate about DACA,” he said. “It’s one option that is available to our nationals, and if they choose to apply for it, we are certainly happy to help them.”
And where is the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services on this issue? According to Breitbart, one official said that they have “no way of knowing where any fees might have originated”. In other words, shut up voters we run the show.
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