Mehdi Hasan Exits MSNBC On Last Day Of His Show

Mehdi Hasan Exits MSNBC On Last Day Of His Show

Mehdi Hasan Exits MSNBC On Last Day Of His Show

If someone quits at MSNBC, did it really happen if no one saw it? Well, that’s probably why Mehdi Hasan made sure to post the clip on social media for all to see.

In case you don’t know who this is, Mehdi Hasan is a media commentator who presumably took everything that he learned at his former place of employment – Al-Jazeera – and has been parlaying that into a Sunday show on and a paycheck from MSNBC. So yes, Hasan is a leftist, but his true attitudes have been on permanent display ever since the October 7th invasion and massacre of innocent Israelis by Hamas. In fact, MSNBC’s coverage was so bad when Hamas went on their raping-and-pillaging spree that the ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt called out the ENTIRE network for their horrifically bad takes and reportage.

And then the rumor was spread that Hasan, and two other Muslim anchors, were being pulled off the air. NBC, as the parent company, denied that it was intentional, but the network went on to shake up their entire schedule. This included announcing on November 30th a January cancellation date for Mehdi Hasan’s Sunday evening show, but still keeping him employed at the network.

Two people familiar with the move, which MSNBC privately announced to staff Thursday morning, told Semafor that Hasan will become an on-camera analyst and fill-in host. The network plans to expand host Ayman Mohyeldin’s weekend program to two hours to replace Hasan’s show.

Over the past several years, Hasan became a cult favorite online for his tough interview style and impassioned monologues. But these never translated to ratings successes on the weekends or during fill-in appearances on primetime shows.

So, Mehdi Hasan was being canceled in favor of… another Muslim journalist with equally atrocious takes. But naturally, his fan club took up for him and cried RACISM. And by fan club, I mean Ilhan Omar.

I have yet to figure out how it was racist to give another Muslim anchor MORE time to spew his anti-Semitism on the air, but then again, I don’t work for MSNBC. Seems to me that this was more about Hasan’s inability to draw eyeballs to his show, no matter what crazy, anti-Semitic thing he was saying – like insisting that Israel bombed a hospital that ended up to be still standing the next morning, but hit by a rocket launched from Gaza.

Well, it seems that Mehdi Hasan was not about to keep drawing a paycheck from MSNBC without being an anchor, so last night, he announced that he was leaving the network now that his show was over. And since no one was watching, he posted it on Twitter/X.

In his last show, he complained that conservatives POUNCED and got former Harvard president Claudine Gay ousted because of her plagiarism, and was that really a BIG deal, had a guest on who pushed the entire Hamas narrative that Israel is committing “genocide” in Gaza, and complained about Israel allegedly killing journalists in Gaza. Except…

Well, what do you expect, really?

It speaks more to the moral rot at MSNBC that they were willing to keep Mehdi Hasan on (not to mention a few of their other hosts) as an analyst and substitute host, than that they were cancelling his show to begin with. And that Hasan is throwing in the towel, taking his ball, and leaving the network? Sorry, not a loss. Unfortunately, his brand of anti-Semitism is a dime a dozen in the media, and he’s nothing special. Anyone can lip synch with Hamas or other terror groups to trash Israel – it doesn’t take a Muslim “journalist” in front of a camera to do it.

Mehdi Hasan quitting MSNBC is nothing if not predictable. He gets the sympathy of fellow anti-Semites. He gets the attention for leaving. Perhaps he gets a few more hits on Twitter/X for a while. But is Mehdi Hasan different or interesting or captivating? Does he have an actual following that makes him able to launch a new show like Tucker Carlson? Nope. Mehdi Hasan is boring. Yes, he’s a anti-Semite who says dumb and bigoted things. But he’s boring. He just sounds like every other talking anti-Semitic leftist that’s found a microphone and thinks they’re a journalist with big things to say. The only thing different about him now is that he’s walking away from the cameras of MSNBC. Will he find another camera to stand in front of to bitch and moan about Israel? Who knows. Even if he does, it won’t make him any more compelling to listen to.

So, good bye, and don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Given the ratings, and your racism, you won’t be missed.

Featured image: Mehdi Hasan in 2012, via Policy Exchange Flickr account, cropped, Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0 DEED)

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  • Taylor says:

    MSNBC is so bad that I would choose watching leftist stations such as CNN and the BBC over them any day.

  • GWB says:

    Mehdi is one of the most brilliant … Muslim journalists in the U.S.
    Given her adherence to Islamic ways – taqiya, blaming “the Joos”, never admitting mistakes – that’s not a surprising thing to hear from her.

    willing to keep Mehdi Hasan on … as an analyst and substitute host
    Well, given events over the last couple of years, that’s just a way of making the person semi-invisible before cutting them loose entirely. So, someone on his staff figured out that was coming down the pike and got him to bail altogether. (What, you don’t think HE is smart enough to figure that out, do you?)

  • Scott says:

    Can’t we all just agree to deport Omar, not for her rabid anti-Semitism and hatred of America, but for her blatant immigration fraud in marrying her brother to get him into the country?? Anyone who supports that skank with a room temp IQ is either an equally brain damaged moron, or truly hate America.. In either case, they should be ignored, and if not natural born citizens, deported.

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