Maui Fires – Trump Releases Statement

Maui Fires – Trump Releases Statement

Maui Fires – Trump Releases Statement

The Maui fires are the deadliest wildfires in America in the last 100 years. As I write this post, the number of lives lost is at 96. We pray for their souls. We pray that everyone else missing is found safe, but that is unlikely. Last night, President Donald Trump issued a video statement to those affected by the fires, ahem, unlike the current resident.

I have always found it vulgar when politicians show up to a disaster when the scene is still active. Unless the politician is putting out fires, shoveling dirt or bailing water, stay home. The first statement that a politician issues regarding a disaster is really not for those involved. It is a reassurance to everyone else that when your disaster happens the President, Governor or Representative is marshalling resources to help you. That’s why Joe Biden’s “No Comment” was so disconcerting. We didn’t actually expect Crooked Joe to leave Rehoboth Beach, nah. But, “no comment” let us know that he will not have his “me” time disrupted by the petty concerns of the peasantry. Mr. Compassion strikes again.

Now, Joe may have looked comatose to the great unwashed, but by the time Joe shuffled across the White House lawn on Monday, he was ready to let us know that he was laser-focused on the Maui fires, as Nina told you. That’s so very comforting. At least the Democrat/Media Industrial Complex is still running cover for Joe

After Trump released his video, Barack Obama released a statement where he urged the “Ohana” (family) to “malama” (protect):

“The thing about it is though, thoughts and prayers in a moment like this are not enough,” Obama continued. “We have to step up. And we have to help those families, and we have to help Lahaina rebuild. And the good news is that the Hawaii Red Cross and Malama Maui are mobilizing to provide direct support to people who are desperately in need. I’m asking you to do everything you can to generously support the Malama Maui effort.”
In Hawaiian, the word malama means to take care of or to protect.

It’s nice to see that Obama hasn’t changed his detached style in the last six years. He did give us over a minute of his precious time.

Now, let’s talk about the video statement Donald Trump released regarding the Maui fires. I know that there are many of you who consider Donald Trump to be The Vulgarian at the Gates of The Citadel. It is, in my not so humble opinion, a testament to the fear the Elitists have of Trump that it looks like Georgia finally indicted him last night. He IS my preferred candidate, but I will vote for the Republican nominee unless it’s Chris Christie or Asa Hutchinson.

Here is Trump’s statement on the Maui fires:

That is the reassurance you want during an ordeal. If you can’t watch the video, here is a recap of the statement from Townhall:

“I would like to express my sympathy and warmest regards to the people of Hawaii, and specifically all of those who have been so gravely and irreparably hurt by the tragedy of the wildfires in Maui, something the likes of which have seldom been seen anywhere, at any time,” Trump began his statement.
Trump also went on to lament how preventable the catastrophe was. “The death caused by this catastrophic event will be far worse than ever expected now that houses and cars and other areas are being inspected. The sad thing is, it should never have happened. Our government was not prepared,” he pointed out. “And very importantly, the aftermath is going very poorly with the governor of the island wanting to do nothing but blame it on global warming, and other things that just happen to pop into his head.”

When it comes to the knee jerk reactions of blaming climate change, we’ve seen this too many times before. In reality, arson has played a factor in many wildfires blamed on climate change. In June, a Democratic donor, Edward Fredrick Wackerman, was actually arrested for allegedly starting the Oak Fire.
Trump then devoted much of the rest of his statement to Biden. “When asked about it today, as he was getting into a car, perhaps coming home from the beach, where he has been spending a great deal of time, Crooked Joe Biden, the most incompetent president in the history of our country, with a laugh and a smile said he had no comment on the death and the tragedy,” Trump reminded.

It will be interesting to find out the cause of these wildfires. There is so much that can be done to prevent aggressive wildfires, that climate activists won’t allow.

Ten indictments were handed down on Donald Trump last night in Georgia.

Here we go again, again. Click on the Victory Girls Blog later today and we will have more on the Georgia Indictments.

In the meantime, pray for Maui.

Featured Collage: Pacific Disaster Center/ Commons/Gage Skidmore/ Commons

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  • GWB says:

    Wow. Trump sounds almost wooden as he reads the teleprompter.
    And it would have been a fine statement if he had stopped after saying “It’s bad” and then offered a link or some such to the Red Cross or any sort of support organization. Instead, he had to go bash Biden.

    I don’t mind him bashing Biden. Slow Joe deserves it. But that wasn’t the time for it. A simple, “I won’t get into the issues with the government’s response at this time,” would have sufficed to let everyone know he was thinking about it, but had enough sense to not use it right now.

    And, honestly, the “you’ll have the memories” bit is crap. That’s NOT what you say to someone at this proximity to the event. At their funeral or memorial, yes. But not right now, while people are still searching for the missing. Again, it would have been great to say, “It is awful to lose your loved ones, especially in this sort of tragedy. Folks are contributing to [this organization] to try and get you some level of comfort with the material loss and help for the emotional loss. We’ll keep working to help you cope and get you on your feet again best as we know how.”

    Yes, it’s still better than Biden’s “No comment.”
    But it really isn’t a very good one, on its own.

  • Taylor says:

    “Instead, he had to go bash Biden.” – That is Trump just being Trump. With his vindictiveness and lack of self control he has the maturity of a 3rd grader. Granted, Biden is a dope and semi lucid but for once could DJT actually act presidential?

  • Liz says:

    I do wish Trump hadn’t turned the message into a campaign ad.
    I agree with others that was inappropriate.
    He did well with the hurricanes in Florida during his term though (he did well in Puerto Rico too, despite the mayor’s lies over there). I personally knew a lot of people involved in that airlift.

  • GWB says:

    BTB, where is the West Coast version of the Cajun Navy? Where are all the boaters loading up for a voyage to Maui to help rescue people, bring them supplies, and help them rebuild?

    • It’s a LONG haul from the West Coast to Hawaii. Just under 2,500 miles.

      Hawaii-ported boaters were sailing there, and rescuing as many people as they could who were trapped on the beaches. That is also NOT easy – boats that can sail there are too deep of a draft to beach. I have heard that several people did drown trying to swim out to them. Completely different from the boats and conditions along the Gulf Coast.

      On the criticism – we aren’t supposed to say anything bad? Even about the very people that are NOT living up to their responsibility to respond to this kind of thing? Really????

      That said, the more appropriate target would have been “I’ll be sure to give you a heads up, Xi!” Milley. US Navy assets right there in Pearl. Coast Guard assets at every island with a harbor. Crickets.

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