man throws tomatoes at sarah palin, hits cop instead

man throws tomatoes at sarah palin, hits cop instead

file this in the ‘dumb liberals’ file…

A man was arrested for throwing tomatoes at Sarah Palin during her book signing on Monday at the Mall of America.

Jeremy Olson, 33, allegedly threw two tomatoes from the second balcony, however did not come close to hitting Palin.

Bloomington Police report that Bloomington Commander Mark Stehlik was struck in the face with one of the tomatoes and may face charges for assaulting a police officer. Olson was booked at the Bloomington jail. He was arrested for suspicion of assault and disorderly conduct.

he missed sarah and hit a cop. dumb thug yes, and actually so incredibly satisfying.

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  • PenniePan says:

    It’s a shame really… that it wasn’t a creme pie right in her overly made up face.

  • PenniePan says:

    Actually it would have been better if she were pelted with nuts since she is one.

  • Jane says:

    I don’t agree Pennie. This was a dumb thing to do on the tomato thrower’s part. SP is completely irrelevant and a non-issue, why give her publicity she so craves? And check your email please.

  • BikerDan says:

    Yeah girls. Karma’s a bitch.

  • Jared says:

    No Pennie. The real shame here is to let good tomatoes go to waste. Wonder if the lovely Sarah or her able husband Todd were packing heat? That could have been an interesting little fantasy should one of the offending tomatoes have found their target.

  • Dade says:

    Kate, how do you know the tomato-thrower is a liberal?

  • Ken says:

    Ahhh, there’s that tolerant and open minded liberalism at work!! Take a bow, libs. This is how the left disagrees with people. They do not have the intelligence to debate so they result to violence.

    Aren’t you the ones who love peace so much, what’s up with that?

    You guys are so great!

    Hey Jane and Pennie, isn’t this the part when you tell us how Palin doesn’t matter and you aren’t threatened by her. This would seem to contradict that. You truly are the most pathetic group of people in the nation.

    I’m sure that tomato thrower will do well in jail, I hear all it takes is the right opening. 🙂

  • kate says:

    heh! assumptions of course dade. 😉

  • Paul says:

    To have some fool throw a tomato at Palin is one thing. But the fact that people on liberal blogs are actually applauding it bothers me. What’s next?

  • Marsha says:

    Dade your on to something actually. No self-respecting liberally inclined moonbat would throw a regular old tomato for gosh sakes… maybe a kiwi or an over ripened papaya or guava.

    Pennie how would you like being assaulted with tomatoes (or nuts) in public? Just curious.

  • lisab says:

    the obama’s official christmas card to kate

    “dear kate,

    i wonder if i might uh …, crave your momentary indulgence uh …, in order to discharge a uh …, by-no-means disagreeable obligation, uh …, which is over the years become more-or-less, an established uh …, practice uh …, within government circles, federal not state, uh …, especially among chief executives residing in the uh …, achlorophyllaceous uh …, rather pallid colored residences on pennsylvania avenue uh …, between E street and H street, as we approach uh …, the terminal period of the year, uh …, calendar of-course not financial. in fact not to put a too fine a point on it, week 51, uh …, and submit to you, with all appropriate deference uh …, for your consideration at a convenient juncture, a uh …, sincere and sanguine expectation and indeed confidence. uh …, indeed one might go, uh …, so far to say, hope, that uh …, the aforementioned period may be, at the uh …, end of the day, when all relevant factors have been uh …, taken into consideration, susceptible of being deemed to be such as, to merit the uh …, final verdict of having been, by-no-means uh …, unsatisfactory in it¹s overall outcome and in uh …, the final analysis to give grounds for being judged, uh …, on mature reflection to have been conducive to generating a degree uh …, of gratification, which will be seen in uh …, retrospect to have been significantly higher uh …, than the general average, uh …, if the conditions of said time period is seen as a reflection on my predecessor alone and not myself, naturally ignoring that said predecessor was no longer in office as chief executive, federal of course not state.

    yours sincerely,

    michelle and barack obama”

  • Bob says:

    People who can’t stand Sarah Palin shouldn’t use violence and yes, throwing tomatoes from up in a balcony of a mall for God’s sakes is violence. There are plenty of other more honorable ways to debate her and her batsh*tty ideas – and win I might add. She is just a retired politician and author (for now) and this just is bad for all of us.

  • Ken says:

    “to debate her and her batsh*tty ideas”

    See, this is the point, Bob, what are those batsh*tty ideas?? Please be specific. We honestly do not understand what drives the left wing nutcases so crazy….not that its a very long trip.

  • micky says:

    “that it wasn’t a creme pie right in her overly made up face.”

    heh, I’ll bet its not half as bad as Michelles face without makeup.


  • Ken says:

    Nobody can cite one “batsh*tty” idea??? Anyone? Anyone?

    How typical.

  • David says:

    Yes, I’d like to hear some of the batsh*tty ideas. Name a few so we can be enlightened and possibly avoid them…

  • David says:


  • chuck says:

    Why are so many people afraid sarah palin? Why do they have the need to assult her? This kind of action should be condemed by all.

  • Ken says:

    “Why do they have the need to assult her?”

    It’s very simple, Chuck, she is a smart, opinionated, beautiful, talented, strong family oriented woman………who isn’t a liberal. She went after corruption in the government, even in her own party, which means she is doing what ALL politicians should be, and they hate her for it. She is everything the liberals “claim” and wish they could be.

  • Dade says:

    Sarah Palin is a clown. She will so disappear from public life. But first she is going to pass the hat with her idiot book.

    Pony up, tea-baggers.

  • Ken says:

    Once again, Dade proves my point. Does he provide a reason why Palin is an idiot? No. Does he have evidence why she is a clown? No.

    Just hate and “conjecture”. Pretty sad.

    Meanwhile President and Vice President “Dumb and Dumber” continue to embarass the nation, and ruin it, in front of the world.

    Yeah, but Palin is a clown.

  • Dade says:

    I refer you to the links I have on my blog.

    But, it doesn’t matter what I say. Just watch and see. She’ll disappear from public life very soon.

    She’ll take your money with her.

  • David says:

    Ken, Dade seems like an intelligent person who can often see two sides of an issue, but you are right. Dade proves your point. Does he provide a reason why Palin is an idiot? No. Does he have evidence why she is a clown? No.

    I went to the link that he provided to read the article. I figured I’d do my ‘due diligence’. In the first paragraph the blogger implies that the book written by Sarah Palin – which he states that he won’t even bother to READ – was intended to be up there with the classic novels of all time. Is that what he really believes? Does he really believe that this book was written as some sort of great ‘competition’ to those works? Does he really think THAT was her intent?

    In the second paragraph the blogger refers to fellow Americans with a sexual slur. THATS when I stopped reading.

    Those who CONTINUOUSLY refer to the Tea Party movement with an OBVIOUSLY INCORRECT SEXUAL REFERENCE will NOT find me gracing their sites, their blogs, or taking their opinion with much regard.

    Also, Not reading the book in question and name-calling of tea partiers does NOT qualify as reasons that Sarah Palin is a clown, Dade.

    P.S. If I want to PAY Sarah Palin for her WORK at writing the book; and accept a PRODUCT from her WILLINGLY in exchange – that’s MY business. PLEASE NOTE how different this is from the LEFT who wants to TAKE my money in the form of TAXES at the threat of IMPRISONMENT so that the GOVERNMENT can GIVE it to SOMEBODY ELSE without my consent.

  • Ken says:

    “But, it doesn’t matter what I say.”

    True enough.

  • Dade says:

    David, you’ll have to decide for yourself what I intended when I said

    “Although I won’t be reading [Going Rogue: An American Life] myself, I’m sure the book is destined to find its way onto every future bookshelf alongside leather-bound volumes of For Whom the Bell Tolls and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.”

    Was I being laudatory? Hopeful? Prescient? Or, just maybe, sarcastic? To tell you the truth (maybe) I can’t even remember myself…

    I will admit to perhaps being a bit unfair and childish with my use of the term “tea-bagger.” I sometimes indulge in the pleasure of expressing contempt. (Nobody else on this blog behaves that way, eh?)

    As far as evidence of Sister Sarah’s …er …lack of qualifications –the “evidence” for which you and Ken clamor –what more is needed than these?

    (Be sure to watch the videos!)

    I urge you to be objective!

  • David says:

    P.S. It doesn’t matter too much to me whether Sarah Palin disappears or fades into history or not. It is what it is, and she is what she is. If that proves to be beneficial for the Union, then great. If not, then, c’est la vie.

  • Ken says:

    “I urge you to be objective!”

    Indeed, I was about to tell you the same thing. Are you being objective? I doubt it. What exactly were the videos supposed to show Dade?

    Do you know how many videos of Obama and Biden I can find with them saying things that sound “idiotic”??? Then you talk of “lack of qualifications”? Are you serious? With the current dolt in the White House you can talk about lack of qualifications with a straight face? That’s priceless.

    “I sometimes indulge in the pleasure of expressing contempt. (Nobody else on this blog behaves that way, eh?)”

    Ah, the ever popular two wrongs make a right. Got it.

  • Dade says:

    Sorry, Ken, but I didn’t say anthing about Obama’s qualifications. I thought we were talking about Sarah Palin…

  • Ken says:

    “Sorry, Ken, but I didn’t say anthing about Obama’s qualifications.”

    Oh, I know Dade. How can you say anything about something that dosn’t exist.

    “I thought we were talking about Sarah Palin…”

    Indeed we are, I was just pointing out your hypocrisy, that’s all. You trash Palin as a clown and an idiot then provide a few videos as evidence of such.

    I then provided a video of Obama babbling like a moron and would like to know if you now think Obama is a clown/idiot? I mean, I provided the same type of evidence that you did, so is Obama a clown or an idiot? I’d like to know.

    You see, you cant separate the two subjects, Dade. You can’t say “She’s an idiot.” using videos of her as proof, then ignore the same type of thing from someone you support. And please don’t come back with that “I never said I supported Obama!” garbage, ok? You have said so in previous posts.

    So again, is Obama stupid since I provided that video?

  • Dade says:

    In rhetorical terms, your tactic is called “presenting a straw man.”

    Nonetheless, I’ll play along. No, I don’t think President Obama is an idiot. He’s smart. It’s apparent in the way he speaks.

    As far as Sarah Palin’s acumen, don’t take my word for it. Here’s what conservative icon Charles Krauthammer had to say on Fox News, back in July:

    “Now, as to Palin, I agree entirely with what Mara said. She is — she has star power without any doubt. She has an extremely devoted following. But she is not a serious candidate for the presidency.

    She had to go home and study and spend a lot of time on issues in which she was not adept last year, and she hasn’t. She has to stop speaking in clichés and platitudes. It won’t work.

    It could work for eight weeks if you’re the number two candidate, as she was last year. But even so, she got singed a lot in that campaign. You cannot sustain a campaign of platitudes and clichés over a year and a half if you’re running for the presidency. “

    Is Krauthammer a secret liberal? More to the point, do you really think Sarah Palin is going to lead the tea-bag crowd back to power? After all, you’re the one who said that she is “a smart, opinionated, beautiful, talented, strong family oriented woman………who isn’t a liberal.”

    If you really believe that… well, I think you’re fooling yourself. As I said in my blog, I think that the real reason tea-baggers support Sarah Palin is because you believe that she will attack all those whom you despise: all the liberals and the illegal immigrants and the socialists. And because of that, she can do no wrong in your eyes.

    Got news for ya, Ken. You can write her a check for that book of hers. She’ll take the money. And she’ll hang around in the public eye for as long as you continue to write her checks. Eventually, you’ll wise up and quit giving her money. Then she’ll disappear back to Alaska and that soap opera world that she lived in before John McCain raised her out of obscurity.

    But right now, she’s raking off the pot of conserva-dollars that tea-baggers regularly shell out to Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin and Glenn Beck.

  • Ken says:

    “In rhetorical terms, your tactic is called “presenting a straw man.””

    No, Dade, that’s called using your own words against you. It’s also called hypocrisy, something the liberals are very well familiar with. Once again, your evidence of Palin’s stupidity were some video clips. I presented a similar clip, yet somehow Palin is stupid and Obama is smart. Hmmmmmmmmmmm…….

    Let’s move on.

    “Is Krauthammer a secret liberal? More to the point, do you really think Sarah Palin is going to lead the tea-bag crowd back to power? After all, you’re the one who said that she is “a smart, opinionated, beautiful, talented, strong family oriented woman………who isn’t a liberal.”

    No, Krauthammer is not a liberal, but the point is, Dade, he didn’t call her a clown or an idiot. Why is it that liberals have to hate people who disagree with them? Your post was a perfect example. Krauthammer has some very good points, but he didn’t call her a clown or an idiot.

    I never said she was going to lead the conservatives back to power, did I? Obama is too busy doing that. I just don’t understand where the neo-socialists come off calling her all kinds of things, again, because they disagree with her. It never ceases to amaze me how the libs are becoming more and more like that which they claim to hate everyday.

    I do think she is all those things that I said she was, without a doubt. I also think she needs more time in politics before she is ready, however, as of right now she is just as qualified as the current resident of the White House, if not more.

    “If you really believe that… well, I think you’re fooling yourself.”

    This from the guy who said Obama is smart? Hysterical!!!!

    “I think that the real reason tea-baggers support Sarah Palin is because you believe that she will attack all those whom you despise”

    Not at all. It’s because we love watching the liberals heads explode whenever they talk about her, much like your current post. It’s great entertainment. I also like the things she did whenever she was governor and think Washington could use some of the same.

    “Got news for ya, Ken. You can write her a check for that book of hers. She’ll take the money. And she’ll hang around in the public eye for as long as you continue to write her checks. Eventually, you’ll wise up and quit giving her money.”

    Didn’t Obama write a book? As usual when a conservative does it: bad, when a liberal does it: good. Nothing new there. Anyway, I can’t afford her book. I’ve got to save up all my money for Obama. Somebody has to pay off his trillions of dollars of debt as well as pay for his socialist agenda. Maybe I’ll get Palin’s book as a Christmas present!

    “Then she’ll disappear back to Alaska and that soap opera world that she lived in before John McCain raised her out of obscurity.”

    Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

    “Palin has her top showing against Obama, trailing 50-44. That’s quite an improvement from March when we first tested the Obama-Palin contest and found her trailing 55-35.”

    Hmmmm…trailing The Won by only six points??? How can that be? I mean, Obama is the golden child, genius who is going to fix all the ills of the world and Palin is just a backwards, country hick, right?????

  • Dade says:

    Lame, Ken. Sad and lame.

    In rhetorical terms, your tactic is called “presenting a straw man.””

    No, Dade, that’s called using your own words against you. It’s also called hypocrisy, something the liberals are very well familiar with. Once again, your evidence of Palin’s stupidity were some video clips. I presented a similar clip, yet somehow Palin is stupid and Obama is smart. Hmmmmmmmmmmm…….

    You should read up on it. Yours is a classic strawman: change the subject from the topic at hand to another topic with which one is more comfortable arguing.

    No, Krauthammer is not a liberal, but the point is, Dade, he didn’t call her a clown or an idiot. Why is it that liberals have to hate people who disagree with them? Your post was a perfect example. Krauthammer has some very good points, but he didn’t call her a clown or an idiot.

    You ain’t got much room to talk on this one, homes. You’re a big name-caller yourself.

    “If you really believe that… well, I think you’re fooling yourself.”

    This from the guy who said Obama is smart? Hysterical!!!!

    I stand by my statement.

    Not at all. It’s because we love watching the liberals heads explode whenever they talk about her, much like your current post. It’s great entertainment. I also like the things she did whenever she was governor and think Washington could use some of the same.

    You’re off the mark there, too. Sarah Palin doesn’t anger me in the least. I find her highly entertaining. I hope she does run for President.

    Didn’t Obama write a book? As usual when a conservative does it: bad, when a liberal does it: good. Nothing new there. Anyway, I can’t afford her book. I’ve got to save up all my money for Obama. Somebody has to pay off his trillions of dollars of debt as well as pay for his socialist agenda. Maybe I’ll get Palin’s book as a Christmas present!

    You avoided my point, of course, which is that Palin is writing a book for the sole purpose of making a quick buck before exiting the stage. Obama had entirely different motives for his book. After all, he’s in the White House.

    “Then she’ll disappear back to Alaska and that soap opera world that she lived in before John McCain raised her out of obscurity.”

    Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

    Watch and see.

  • Ken says:

    “You should read up on it. Yours is a classic strawman: change the subject from the topic at hand to another topic with which one is more comfortable arguing.”

    Oh I know all about the liberals tactics, Dade, no need to remind me. Don’t get upset with me because I proved what a hypocrite you are. I find it amusing that you insisted that people “be objective” when they read your post, yet you offer no objectivity at all. I changed no subject, simply revealed you for what you are, that’s all.

    “You ain’t got much room to talk on this one, homes. You’re a big name-caller yourself.”

    Again, not the point. You tried to use Krauthammer’s position to back up your claim that Palin is an idiot, when the two are apples and oranges. Keep trying.

    “I stand by my statement.”

    I have no doubt about that. Interestingly enough it’s a position that fewer and fewer people are taking…..after less than one year.

    “You’re off the mark there, too. Sarah Palin doesn’t anger me in the least.”

    Sure hard to tell that from your posts. Denial: it aint just a river in Egypt.

    “You avoided my point, of course, which is that Palin is writing a book for the sole purpose of making a quick buck”

    I’m sorry Dade, but its hard to address your point when you keep changing it from post to post. So Obama wrote a book to enlighten the world? To share his story? Why did he write it Dade? Certainly not for monetary reasons, so why did he write it? This is just another example of how narrow minded and ignorant the liberals are becoming. When liberals do something it’s for the good of all mankind, when the conservatives do something, it’s for selfish reasons. Pathetic.

    “Watch and see.”

    Hey, you didn’t comment on the poll? Nothing to say about that?

  • Scarlett says:

    To even remotely discuss Sarah Failin as a viable anything other then a white trash baby factory is ridiculous on it’s face. You guys are boring.

  • Dade says:

    Oh I know all about the liberals tactics, Dade, no need to remind me.

    Nothing inherently “liberal” in rhetorical tactics.

    Don’t get upset with me because I proved what a hypocrite you are. I find it amusing that you insisted that people “be objective” when they read your post, yet you offer no objectivity at all. I changed no subject, simply revealed you for what you are, that’s all.

    I’m not upset in the least. You are free to call me a hypocrite. It doesn’t bother me.

    Again, not the point. You tried to use Krauthammer’s position to back up your claim that Palin is an idiot, when the two are apples and oranges. Keep trying.

    I used the term “clown.” Charles Krauthammer used the terms “facile” and “platitudes.” Quick search of Miriam-Webster will reveal much…

    “You’re off the mark there, too. Sarah Palin doesn’t anger me in the least.”

    Sure hard to tell that from your posts. Denial: it aint just a river in Egypt.

    No, she doesn’t anger me at all. I say that with complete sincerity. Further, I say, also with complete sincerity that I really do hope she runs for president. You don’t have to believe me, but both of the statements are true.

    “You avoided my point, of course, which is that Palin is writing a book for the sole purpose of making a quick buck”

    I’m sorry Dade, but its hard to address your point when you keep changing it from post to post. So Obama wrote a book to enlighten the world? To share his story? Why did he write it Dade? Certainly not for monetary reasons, so why did he write it? This is just another example of how narrow minded and ignorant the liberals are becoming. When liberals do something it’s for the good of all mankind, when the conservatives do something, it’s for selfish reasons. Pathetic.

    I didn’t say that Obama’s motives were altruistic or noble. I merely stated that they were different than Sister Sarah’s motives. I suggest you read more carefully.

    Hey, you didn’t comment on the poll? Nothing to say about that?

    No comment on the poll beyond saying that it is meaningless and irrelevant to the conversation.

  • Ken says:

    “I didn’t say that Obama’s motives were altruistic or noble. I merely stated that they were different than Sister Sarah’s motives. I suggest you read more carefully.”

    Ok, Dade, then please tell us all, what were Obama’s motives?

    “No comment on the poll beyond saying that it is meaningless and irrelevant to the conversation.”


  • Ken says:

    “To even remotely discuss Sarah Failin as a viable anything other then a white trash baby factory is ridiculous on it’s face.”

    Thanks, Scarlett, you helped me prove my point as well.

  • Dade says:

    Ok, Dade, then please tell us all, what were Obama’s motives?

    I suppose that Obama was motivated by political ambition.

    By contrast, I imagine that Sister Sarah is motivated by monetary reward.

  • Ken says:

    “I suppose that Obama was motivated by political ambition.

    By contrast, I imagine that Sister Sarah is motivated by monetary reward.”

    Wow, that’s impressive? What else can you tell us fortune teller? What are tomorrow’s lottery numbers????

    I didn’t realize you had a crystal ball!!!!

    How sad.

  • Dade says:

    Watch and see. That’s all. Just watch and see.

  • Dade says:

    One more sincere comment, Ken…

    My very best wishes to you and your lovely new bride this holiday season!

  • Ken says:

    “One more sincere comment, Ken…

    My very best wishes to you and your lovely new bride this holiday season!”

    Heh, heh, you too my friend!

  • ray schrader says:

    sarah is so hot that i could just look at her all day, what a gorgeous president we would have if she could make it. she is a hotty

  • Gary says:

    Same old, violent liberals. Didnt a protest in calif end with a liberal getting pissed of and biting a 70 year old man’s finger off a few months ago. Just amazes me

  • Booblie Bob says:

    The guy should have used a rocket propelled grenade! LOL What a sickening fascist that Palin is. She is stupid and a fool. I hope she runs for president so I can laugh my ass off for a year with her stupid comments!

  • steve says:

    boolie bob…what an idiot….you laugh at her and we have the biggest clown of all sitting in the White House ?

  • Ken says:

    “you laugh at her and we have the biggest clown of all sitting in the White House ?”

    Denial is a powerful force in the liberal mind.

  • kate says:

    hey ttlung: quit spamming my blog imposter. do not use fictituous famous people like hillary or biden as your nick and do not use regular commenters names. consider yourself banned. but please have a merry christmas!

  • Gary says:

    I truly feel sorry for the guy that thought he would throw a tomato at this lady! What an Idiot!!!! He might not agree with her but I feel she is an honorable person that deserves much more respect than that! I personally think she has been dragged through the mud enough by the media and tabloids! She is a normal person that I think has more common sense and is down to earth in her beliefs than almost any other person that can be considered for the office of the President. I still call the guy an Idiot!!! Give her a break and a chance to show what she is capable of! This guy is probably one of those Medieval types that thinks a woman has to stay home and cook and have babies….such a waste of wonderful knowledge and insight!!! Hurrah for Sarah Palin!

  • Jeff says:

    While I do not condone violence, I find it amusing. My question to you is, How can you debate a person who is so removed from the truth? She spouts half truths if not outright lies, and “certain” people eat it up. That’s why she, and people like you who buy her BS are dangerous. All she needs to do is twit or post her rants on facebook and you people take it as fact without any fact checking.
    She probalby loved it anyway. It just gives her more publicity. I wouldn’t doubt she set it up for just that. See that last comment is just made up heresay, but if someone like her tweeted it, it would be taken as fact. SCARY! I’m sure you are all riled up now and full of rightoues indignation, but don’t take it personally. Have a nice day.

  • Gary says:

    Jared…you have been watching too many shoot-em-up westerns! That is the mentality of these anti-gun liberals that don’t want anyone but the criminals to have guns and They have illegal automatic ones!!! Makes you feel real safe knowing that when seconds count the police are at least 30 minutes away!! Hope your family does not have to depend on you saving them with a butter knife!!!

  • James says:

    Here’s the thing I have against her and the possibility of her running for the Presidency. She doesn’t have too much more experience than Barak Obama did and we all know he wasn’t qualified for the job. So that leaves me in a position where I really do not believe she is any better qualified than he was. Then to top it off. She QUIT her job, and gave up on the people of Alaska. She didn’t follow through with her commitment as Governor. So I surely don’t trust her to stand for the commitment of the office of the presidency. Of course we all know thats where she is aiming. She is doing multiple TV appearances like Oprah, and Conan O’Bryan so that she can appeal to more people. America don’t be fooled. She is NO good for this country as a leader. She has proven herself to not be trust worthy.

  • James says:

    My sources tell me that someone in the Palin camp actually paid this guy to do it. It will get her national airtime and sympathy. Wow…She just became more likable to another herd of Goats

  • kate says:

    your sources?? oh right.

  • Booblie Bob says:

    They should have rigged a bucket of blood like in the movie “Carrie” and drenched retard Palin in Hog’s blood. Palin is a lazy quitter, she pukes me. With her annoying screechy voice and little mouse sized brain, Palin could be the missing link to cro-magnon man. Republicans are morons to think this Nitwit could ever be president.

  • SHAWN says:

    are you kidding me.. i grew up with Todd. She isn’t very bright.

  • Jim says:

    Hey just wondering, these people that don’t like Palin, if they would like Hillary better. I think Hillary is a better story teller or liar however you want to look at it. I wonder how many more times Hillary has been under attack in a war zone since the last time.

  • SHAWN says:

    she quit her post in Alaska before her term ended to get paid. She is a quitter in my book. Will she walk away if the press gets too tough on her if she makes the White House??

  • solo774 says:

    First of all this country didn’t get like this in the past year. This country has only gotten better. This great, intelligent, cool, wise, educated, down-to-Earth, natural leader of Nations, one of the greatest men to ever walk the Earth, and the greatest President of the United States, since the great John Fitzgerald Kennedy, this iconic figure of a great man: Barrack Obama was elected into office in the midst of a ‘global’ economic meltdown, brought on by Bush and his family. Nearly every country in the world was suffering economic collapse. Mostly due to a horrendous war brought on by a lying Bush and his family. The whole world: every Nation, every culture, ever race, every religion of every people of every land, from territories in the Artic Ocean to the jungles of Peru, and from the Jungles of Africa to the edge of Russia, you know, near Sarah Palins front yard. People all around the Earth watched the American elections, because the whole world knew the truth. The truth that blind, confused, uneducated, brainwashed, people like you ‘pretend’ to not recognize. See son: we don’t believe in Santa Clause anymore, and we have also come to realize that bunny rabbits don’t lay eggs. In-short, we’re not brainwashed by people like you anymore. And no, the Emperor is ‘not’ wearing any new clothes. Your Bush family put this country and the world near the brink of total collapse. This will NOT happen again…Ever! This country would have descended into chaos. Government would have lost all control and death would have reigned in the streets. Even some of what were once considered ‘racist’ white American, and deeply rooted Republicans, God bless their souls, voted for this great man because they knew the truth. Great people like those ‘once’ racist white Americans and ‘used-to-be deeply rooted Republicans helped to push this great nation back from the brink of destruction. President Obama is a GOOD man and an EXCELLENT President. We will be voting him in for another term. So keep your crying rag near son, because Obama will remain here…forever more

  • solo774 says:

    President Barrack Obama is the best man for the office of President of the United States. Bush and the Republican Party are the ones who brought this nation to the brink of economic collapse and total chaos. No matter who was elected to serve, Democrat or Republican, they would have had to do the same things that the Great and Honorable President Barrack Obama had to do. No president wants to increase spending. No president wants to continue a war that was created on lies. No one wants all those brave American soldiers to die for this great lie created by George Bush. No company wanted to lay off its employees, or go out of business. They had no choice, because all our tax dollars are being ate up in a multi-billion dollars a day albatross that Bush put around the neck of America…all for oil. Seriously, are you people actually this dumb as you all are sounding? Are you people so uneducated as to believe that President Obama went into office in a sound and stable economy? That companies were not going out of business and going bankrupt? Are you people IDIOTS!? It sounds like you are not RACISTS, but are actually very, extremely, critically to the point of impossibly DUMB! Please tell me that you ‘anti-Obamanites’ are being racist and that you are not really as dumb as you all sound. This can NOT be happening. If you anti-obamanites actually believe that this economy was better before Obama, then we are REALLY in trouble.

  • gajfo says:

    I agree with Micky, Michelle Obama is quite scary looking with makeup on. Heaven forbid what she looks like with it off.

  • Ken says:

    “First of all this country didn’t get like this in the past year. This country has only gotten better.”

    LOL!!! Which part got better solo? The deficit which has been triple under Obama? The 10% unemployment AFTER the trillion dollar stimulus which was supposed to prevent that from happening?

    I realize you Obamazombies want to think he’s the second coming of Christ, but we are rapidly declining into territory we may not get out of with this idiot in charge.

    But keep blaming Bush, solo, its doing wonders for Obama’s numbers!!!

  • Big John says:

    Here’s a great tomato throwing incident,

  • James says:

    It has nothing to do with whether or not she’s smart or bright. It has to do with what is or isn’t best for our country and she is not good for us. She is a quitter, and a commitment breaker that absolutely cannot be trusted. She quit on Alaska and will quit on the US if given the chance. She should stick with hunting, fishing and looking pretty, cause thats all she really has to offer.

  • Booblie Bob says:

    Palin is a mean and vindictive Kunt. She should stay home and prevent her kids from becoming knocked up. She is not qualified to run for dog catcher, much less president.

  • Ken says:

    You stay classy, Bob!

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