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liberty. it’s a concept that identifies the condition in which an individual has the right to act according to his or her own will.
i am a history wonk lover. especially the time period of the american revolution. i confess that i frequently read old writings and speeches of our early american patriots for fun and to fuel my patriot’s heart.
we are all familiar with Patrick Henry’s famous rally cry of ‘give me liberty or give me death’ but have you ever read his whole speech? last night while i was reading a book about Red Hill, Patrick Henry’s home, i re-read the landmark speech and its seemed to take on a whole new meaning for me especially being under the obama administration. here it is in it’s entirety. i know it’s long but read it, please.
“No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the house. But different men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen if, entertaining as I do opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely and without reserve. This is no time for ceremony. The question before the house is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at the truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.
“Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the numbers of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst, and to provide for it.“I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. And judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry for the last ten years to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves and the House. Is it that insidious smile with which our petition has been lately received?
“Trust it not, sir; it will prove a snare to your feet. Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss. Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our waters and darken our land. Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled that force must be called in to win back our love? Let us not deceive ourselves, sir. These are the implements of war and subjugation; the last arguments to which kings resort. I ask gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array, if its purpose be not to force us to submission? Can gentlemen assign any other possible motive for it? Has Great Britain any enemy, in this quarter of the world, to call for all this accumulation of navies and armies? No, sir, she has none. They are meant for us: they can be meant for no other. They are sent over to bind and rivet upon us those chains which the British ministry have been so long forging. And what have we to oppose to them? Shall we try argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we anything new to offer upon the subject? Nothing. We have held the subject up in every light of which it is capable; but it has been all in vain. Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication? What terms shall we find which have not been already exhausted? Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves. Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament. Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne! In vain, after these things, may we indulge the fond hope of peace and reconciliation.
“There is no longer any room for hope. If we wish to be free – if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending – if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained – we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to arms and to the God of hosts is all that is left us! They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength but irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable – and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.
“It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace – but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”
Patrick Henry gave this speech in 1775 to the virginia convention and is credited with having swung the balance in convincing the virginia house of burgesses to pass a resolution delivering virginia troops to the revolutionary war.
at the risk of sounding like a girl :cough: this speech makes me cry every single time i read it. i like the forewards by the people who were there, who say that he didn’t read this from notecards (or a teleprompter) but spoke it with his voice gradually growing to the final crescendo, in which at the end ‘he was shouting with a great passion’.
how different our lives would all be today if the patriots had lost, Patrick Henry and Washington and Madison and Franklin and Adams viewed as traitors and hung. our country as we have known it, would have never been.
it’s my feeling that it isn’t always necessary for people to write new speeches that sound ‘like’ this when so many of our old ones – the originals – are incredibly effective in stirring the hearts and minds of present day patriots. just a thought – i know, a long one.
Patrick Henry
“Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. ”
Seems like Obama might of read this statement and saw an opening of weakness in a certain part of our population that would fal for this truth and made it a platform for his campaign.
Yea, the whole speech oozes with irony in that it would be a perfect address to the statesmen and country right now in light of Obamas actions and whats happening across the Atlantic.
Perfect parallels kate.
So is the implication here that those of us who wholeheartedly support President Obama’s policies for this country equated with England and should be overthrown? Are you calling for the overthrow of a sitting President???? This is incredibly partisan though you label it “non partisan”. We who support the president and his policies support them. Do you understand? Also, there is nothing revolutionary in what you say but more like civil war. You are basically pitting us against each other. What a little pig you are.
pennie you can read whatever you want into this post. you usually do.
If Patrick Henry were to express these same words today, the modern-day Dems/libs would tell us that it’s hate speech and that he’s stiring up dissention against the current leaders among fringe radicals; unstable individuals who will take up arms and go on shooting rampages.
My, how things have changed.
Ted you are very cynacal. I bet you are hard to live with.
Mickey I am pretty sure you didn’t read that whole speech. You just want to talk about what you want to talk about and you want a chance to beat up on people. You don’t have a very long attention span being in recovery and all.
PenniePan I agree! I think this is a shameful use of our founding history to try to put a wedge between the American people and an oppertunity to bash our President. Why would you do that Kate? We are not your enemies. And don’t pretend you are sensitive. You probably lay awake at night figuring out how to bash us more and more each day. Enough already. Let’s learn from each other and practice consensus.
“So is the implication here that those of us who wholeheartedly support President Obama’s policies for this country equated with England and should be overthrown? ”
The first flaw is this argument is that you assume the implication is somehow a bad thing. Henry is making statements that ring true to pretty much whats happening today in that Obama has aligned himself with European socialist designs and policies that he wants to impose on our country and that we should reject them.
In growing up he showed a great interest in these designs in that he studies the ways of many Marxist and social leaders probably more than he looked into any other ideologies. Look at his background and those he placed himself with and there can be no doubt. But as Henry says the people have (like you) have blinded themselves to the truth which his history reflects.
” We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. ”
Everything he has on the agenda smacks of the type of governments in Europe that we came here 200 plus years ago to get away from.
That transformation has begun and it will happen over my dead body !!
We reject his policies and want them out and if that means he goes with them then so be it. The choice is on Obama to lead us in a direction different than what he has planned or he will be met with rejection. Its not upon us to just bend over in total submission as you wish we would and just take what we fought so hard to rid ourselves right up the ass.
Then theres your concept of revolution, the word simply means to return to a point of origin.
Could you say that Obama is performing his own brand of revolution by bringing this country back the constraints man suffered before 1776 ?
Or would you say that we are revolting back to what this country was built upon ? Or that there are two revolutions clashing at this moment ?
Too often we construe the word revolution to mean something new and novel thats never been done before.
How bout just saying were gonna kick your socialist a$$es right out on the sidewalk ? And your messiah along with you ?
I could care less about this romatic philosophy that you all have that we should honor his policies regardless of how damaging history has proven them to be.
If it takes destroying him to the point he leave soffice, so be it !
And if any of you are going to be so predictable and say that I’m calling for any physical harm to come to Obama save it, thats not what I’m saying.
I hapen to think that the man honestly does in his heart mean well but is seriously misguided.
Asia, maybe for once in your life you could actually talk about the subject and see just how well I read the speech instead of beating up on people as you so ironically accused me of doing,
Tell me how my statement on what I read reflects that I didnt read the speech ?
Does your mind have the ability to actually engage in a level of conversation that might go a little deeper than personal attacks ?
I doubt it. I’ll bet that you either dont come back after this or the remainder of your comments will be about anything but the context of the speech.
I’ll bet you cant read the damn thing without asking someone to tell you what it means.
“We are not your enemies.”
Sure could of fooled me
“You don’t have a very long attention span being in recovery and all.”
Look idiot, I’ve been sober for 15 years, whats your excuse huh ?
Do you think you and your cohorts could actually come with some ammo once in a while besides attacking mentallities sharper than yours without using the ever so predictable “get help”, “take your meds”, ‘did too much drugs” ?
Since you’re such an authority on recovery and the psychological effects that come with it maybe you could explain to me how 15 years of sobriety would hamper my attention span ?
I’m going to assume from your statements that you are not only wasted off your a$$ but are in need of some recovery yourself if you ever expect to ever be able to contest me in a serious debate.
I’d like an answer
“i like the forewords by the people who were there, who say that he didn’t read this from notecards (or a teleprompter) but spoke it with his voice gradually growing to the final crescendo, in which at the end ‘he was shouting with a great passion’.”
LMAO at the telepromter line!
But seriously. I agree wholeheartedly with this speech. It was great to read it again. I think maybe the last time was when I was in high school and it had little to no relevance in my then life. It’s amazing what circumstances and maturity does… you should try it PenniePan and Asia.
Oh and if you try to harm me, my family, and my country you are my enemy.
I don’t think Micky is the one that needs to reread the speech!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats on 15 years Micky, I for one think that is awesome.
PenniePan I agree! I think this is a shameful use of our founding history to try to put a wedge between the American people and an oppertunity to bash our President.
Actually its you who I think missed the point yet again. I personally think our founding fathers are all rolling over in their graves.
@Mickey “I’d like an answer”
JEEEZ you really need anger management. It’s a blog psycho. I don’t owe you anything. You started with your comments. I was simply responding to the fact that you pick out the most obvious line in the whole speech that seems “anti-Obama” and jump it. It wasn’t even a thoughtful answer. And you got my answer. Don’t try to be a bully. I am not buying into your co-dependent behavior.
I love these calls for practicing consensus. Libs should have considered exactly what their actions would produce when they were conducting themselves inappropriately the last 8 years. I have yet to see any of them even attempt to start the process they claim they desire by apologizing for the things they said and did against this country. Until they can take that first step, they certainly don’t need to hold out hope that some type of reconciliation is possible, because it’s just not.
Libs have this view of themselves as it being their nature to seek consensus and collective opinions. In that effort, they believe if they just find a new way to explain it one more time, reword it just so, point out one more thing, they can sway your thinking and help you see things their way. But it won’t work, and for any number of reasons. I will never find a reason to find consensus with those who wish to make this country into a impotent socialist state, therefore I have no reason to even attempt to find common ground with modern-day Dems/libs.
“how different it would all be today if the patriots had lost, Patrick Henry and Washington and Madison and Franklin and Adams viewed as traitors and hung. our country as we have known it, would have never been.”
Nice post Kate. Love this period in our history too. Of course many of our founding fathers sacrificed greatly in our fight for Independence, losing land, wealth, life. I would venture to say that if the early patriots had not been successful in separated us from England, we would have gone the route of old Europe which means socialism, marxism, totalitarianism, communism.
Hmmm. I’m hearing a clarion call again myself.
Asia, you’re an idiot, you really are.
First you say you’re pretty sure I didnt read the whole speech and then turn around, contradict yourself and say that I picked out the most obvious “anti Obama line” while adding angermangement to the other list of predictable cures I listed and then finishing with not wanting to buy into my co dependent behavior.
Thats all you’re good for, can you see that ?
All you’re capable of doing is running around the blog sticking your grubby little fingers in peoples eyes and performing these asinine little personal attacks that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand at all.
Ya know why ?
Because you’re incapable of looking at anything but the simplest factors a mind can deal with
Sorry, I’m a conservative who is co dependent on no one as opposed to the left who believes that everything must be done on the co op level whether its group sex or total communism.
Its your party thats co dependent on complete societies in order to get anything done because your menatlities and will are so frail that you’ve never been able to do anything without taxing that of someone that doesnt belong to you or run around whining like a bunch of little bitches “I’m a victim” of this or that or the actually the damn weather !
No my dear, previous to Henrys speech our original settlers starved to death due to the co dependent (communal) behavior that as I said Obama would love to return us to and to which John Henry was protesting.
I’d like an answer”
“And you got my answer.”
Really ? You say you dont owe me anything yet I’m supposed to take you word for it that you have the slightest clue what you’re talking about ?
Where did you give any kind of answer describing what makes you an authority on the effects of recovery on ones attention span ?
Can you show me ?
My short attention span must of caused me to miss it.
Grow up and stop making imaginary arguments to fit your cognitive comfort zone since your incapable of contesting the more intelligent ones.
Mickey are you an example of a grown up? LMFAO. You use words ALL THE TIME that are not appropriate or in the right context as if you are trying to sound smart or something but really you don’t know what the heck you’re talking about.
“imaginary arguments to fit your cognitive comfort zone since your incapable of contesting the more intelligent ones” WTF????
You are so quick to jump me on all I don’t know and I am tired of it. Who makes you the one to decide who has made good comments here and who hasn’t? So what if you don’t agree with me or even like me. Look at your own self. You are a joke. Find someone else to abuse, I am out of here.
Asia, are you ever going to engage in the topic ?
Obviously not.
Cuz you’re an idiot.
“but really you don’t know what the heck you’re talking about. ”
You say that but your too stupid to prove if it were true or not
“You are so quick to jump me on all I don’t know and I am tired of it.”
STFU, you’re the one who jumped on me idiot, remember ?
“Who makes you the one to decide who has made good comments here and who hasn’t? ”
There you go again, making imaginary arguments when it was you who first criticized my comments.
“I am out of here.”
Proof that prayer works
I see I have missed a lot. The arrogance and anger on this blog has clearly become worse. I am shocked and saddened that this blog seems to suggest a revolution (????). Is that not akin to overthrowing the government? I hope not because that would be treason.
Patrick Henry was talking about separating from the government. Are you suggesting that? Are any of you? If so, you do not respect democracy which clearly elected Obama.
Your paranoia over the President and his policies is causing you all to become nothing more then renegades which in history has led to such right-wing “claims to shame” incidents as Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the recent incident in Pittsburgh which by the way is my hometown.
I also think you Micky are a bully on the blog and seem to think if you can wear people down or intimidate them enough they will shut up and go away. You are no great defender of freedom if that’s how you see yourself.
Though G-d knows I have never agreed with anything Asia has said here, I think there have been moments when she has tried to reason and be thoughtful. Cut her some slack. Who knows maybe someday she’ll see the light and become a conservative! HA!!!
Hey A?
Get real. No one is calling for a revolution like you are implying. What we need is a good old fashioned “run the Aholes out on a rail” movement…ncluding your prince BHO and his fata$$ wife!
And knock off your sneering attitude. You just made me throw up my dinner.
Oh Lord, noone is calling for a revolution. Geeze talk about making a mountian out of a molehill.
Hmmmmmm what was it called when you were all paranoid over President Bush’s policies? It’s amazing for 8 years we heard the same thing yet now if we speak up we are renegades. Priceless!
” also think you Micky are a bully on the blog and seem to think if you can wear people down or intimidate them enough they will shut up and go away. You are no great defender of freedom if that’s how you see yourself.”
I love it how you guys feel your freedom is threatend by asking for a more substantial conversation with one of you.
“Patrick Henry was talking about separating from the government. Are you suggesting that? Are any of you? If so, you do not respect democracy which clearly elected Obama. ”
The only form of democracy performed in our country is in the elctorate. There is nothing saying that we dont respect it beause we resent the policies that came with it.
So let me ask you. Does that mea that for every time there was republican in office (which by the way has been 15 out of the last 23 elections) and you guys were crying about something you didnt respect democracy either ?
Your over bloated faux patriotism is self contradicting at best.
“This is incredibly partisan though you label it “non partisan”.”
Actually madam this is incredibly American. Go study American history before you open your pie hole.
Let me ask you something.
Do you think that the democracy that elected Obama would of had they known he was going to do what hes doing now ?
Do you think he would of got the votes from the substantial base that believed he was going to do away with most of Bushs middle east policies but instead retained renditions, almost all of the patriot act including wire tapping, unmanned bombing missions over Pakistan,and the withdrawal plans that actually are credited to Bushs meeting with Malaki, or this amount of spending ?
Would it be fair to say then that if theres anything Obama has done since his inauguration that you’re unhappy with you would be disrespecting democracy ?
Were the persistent calls from your party to have Bush impeached (or worse )being disrespectful of democracy ? I hardly think so.
Disrespect for democracy would of looked more like the little hissy fit your party and Al Gore threw over the 2000 elections.
There are two major parties in this country for a reason and its not so that everyone can just fall in line and be led by the nose thru policies they dont agree with. The parties are there so we can contest the rationale behind the different policies each side has to offer and that process in the partisan part of our government that should never be diminished.
The problem is that the ideas each side has as to what constitutes freedom have become so far apart from each other in ideologies that the argument over freedom has become moot since the two ideas are not the same anymore.
There used to be a common bond in this country behind the meaning of freedom and the only differences we had was over which way was the best way to get it and keep it.
Today one mans freedom has become another mans prison and I refuse to be a part of youre institution that will take us back the policies that robbed us of what our forefathers fought so hard to gain.
With Obamas policies no longer will we have the basic foundations our country and constitution were built on which are the rights to our private property and our right to pursue happiness, and the loss of that is loss of liberty.
I loved Patrick Henry’s speech! Thanks kate, for making me proud to be an American today. I am so thankful our founding fathers were bright, courageous men with sound minds. Patrick Henry was also responsible for the addition of the Bill of Rights into our U.S. Constitution.
>>”… has led to such right-wing “claims to shame” incidents as ….. the recent incident in Pittsburgh….”
Nice job trying to paint a whole movement through the actions of a nut. Strawmen do not make an argument.
The guy who shot the 3 police officers in Pittsburgh was some quack who listened to Alex Jones of radio and fame. Alex Jones is as liberal as they get.
“I see I have missed a lot.”
You probably say that a lot. You seem to miss a great deal, even when you are here.
“Is that not akin to overthrowing the government? I hope not because that would be treason.”
Once again the call of the North American Hypocrite bellows out! A few short months ago dissent was “patriotic”, suddenly its become “treason”. The only sad thing on this blog is the complete lack of knowledge, history, and common sense that all the Obamabots display.
“Your paranoia over the President and his policies is causing you all to become nothing more then renegades which in history has led to such right-wing “claims to shame” incidents as Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the recent incident in Pittsburgh which by the way is my hometown.”
Speak of the devil! The very ignorance I was speaking about. Hey Pundit, as far as Ruby Ridge you may want to look that one up, becuase none of the “right wingers” were ever charged in that incident. Why? Because an investigation revelaed that the government overstepped its authority. Read a book.
As far as Pittsburgh, its so nice of you to use the murder of 3 police officers to bash people politically. What about the black Muslim who killed 4 police officers in Oakland? I guess he is a result of left wing paranoia and violence, right?
“I also think you Micky are a bully on the blog and seem to think if you can wear people down or intimidate them enough they will shut up and go away.”
Yet again we see anyone having an opinion that differs from the neo-socialists is a “bully”. A perfect example of free speech on the decline in “Obama’s America”.
I also love hearing about them talk about “right wing parnoia” right after they accuse Kate of inciting a revolution because she talked about a historical incident.
That’s called “projection” Obamabots, look it up.
Loved the post, Kate, and I believe that people today take their freedom for granted. We enjoy so much more than than most of the world, yet so few people are interested in how we got here. I can’t imagine what it must have been like back then coming up with a plan to combat England.
Thank God they did!!!
Sound to me like the bored little housewife has revolution on her mind!
This is actually the stupidest post you have written to date. It almost has the flavor of a Lifetime movie or something. Don’t worry Pennie there is no “overthrowing the government” on her mind because clearly she has revealed herself to be just a simple little housewife who sits and dreams of yesterday. Kate question for ya. Does Patrick Henry look like Fabio or George Clooney?
Ken the Cop you come in and played clean up (or so you think) battling the libs. Mickey you come in and just piss all over yourself sputtering outrage at anyone who even dares utter your name. Ted you are just a bitter verbose guy aren’t you?
Oh and Paula be careful of saying you are “proud today of being an American” you may get called Michelle Obama! Righties are nasty that way, even when it’s one of their own.
Oh and Kate: I saw the link you posted yesterday for the left forum that’s talking about you. That makes what the 5th or 6th one? BFD. Seems like the “stupid” in here has rubbed off.
>>Asia said: Ted you are very cynacal.
>>Jared said: Ted you are just a bitter verbose guy aren’t you?
Anytime someone paints a picture of liberalism, as I have done, it’s going to sound cynical and bitter because that’s the terminology required in order to accurately describe who and what they are. Of course, if they were as intelligent as they claim to be, I wouldn’t have had to explain this.
“Mickey you come in and just piss all over yourself sputtering outrage at anyone who even dares utter your name. ”
Hey Jared, Nice try at trying to look as if you had anything original or intelligent to say. Maybe you’d care to reach into the anals of your mind and dazzle us with whats stupid about this post ? Or is it just to much for you to come with an educated response to whats one of the most brilliant pieces ever spoken by one our founders ?
Yes, all Asia did was utter my name. Actually she made as big an a$$ out of herself as you just have by making my point over again that when someone voices a concern or an opinion that doest align with yours (whatever the hell that might be) its automatically worth no more return than a personal attack.
This MO is typical of mindless dolts who can come up with a decent argument.
Good luck with that.
“clearly she has revealed herself to be just a simple little housewife who sits and dreams of yesterday.”
Yup, I was right, theres no way in that blob you call your brain that you can see that what Henry speaks of are what should be eternal guidelines that hold our country together.
Its not a “dream” of yesterday anymore than our constitution woiuld be a dream of yesterday but I guess its too taxing on your mind to study our countrys history so you can see why we must never forget the elements we must always maintain in order to preserve freedom.
Who needs history right ? You just call it a dream and discount it because thats the only defense you’ve got when the truth is you’re probably too ignorant to know the meaning of what Henry was trying to say.
You’re not very good at making an intelligent topic driven comment and even your personal attacks are pretty lame.
Gee, you’ve devastated me, I think I’ll go pee myself.
I’ll bet I’m better at that than you are also
“The only sad thing on this blog is the complete lack of knowledge, history, and common sense that all the Obamabots display.”
Ken, when you said this it reminded me of an earlier statement by Pennie thats been bugging me since because its a clear display of the lack of knowledge and history you say these folks are missing.
“This is incredibly partisan though you label it “non partisan”. We who support the president and his policies support them. Do you understand? Also, there is nothing revolutionary in what you say but more like civil war. You are basically pitting us against each other. What a little pig you are.”
Yes Pennie, you conveniently left out the first part of the title that defines what is “non partisan”. “LIBERTY” is what is non partisan. As I explained in an earlier post above “freedom”, or in this case “liberty” used to have a non partisan meaning and application to everyone. It was the one thing in our country that there was never a disagreement about until now.
Liberty for each side has taken on two different meanings since Obama began his campaign. For the left liberty no longer meant the freedom to pursue ones goals on his own merits but instead your freedoms will be the result of others hard earned dollars.
Our system of government was designed to- as you complained ” to pit us against each other” so that there would always be partisanship in the government. Partisanship in the US government of the US is nothing new. Those of you who call for bipartisanship are as deceptive as can be. The calls for bipartisanship that we hear these schmucks always asking for in the standard generic caption “we hope to reach an agreement in a bipartisan fashion” is bullsh*t and a tool to divert your attention away from the conniving behind the scenes by the very same schmucks that call the loudest for bipartanship. If everything was done in a bipartisan fashion it would guarantee that every piece of legislation would be passed, the crappy pieces of legislation as well as the good. With a partisan system at least the legislation gets a chance to be debated instead of everything being blown thru with no questions whatsoever.
But instead we are told by these morons that its okay for them to operate in a partisan fashion because its highly patriotic to do so and in our case we are pigs and trying to incite some civil unrest for doing the same.
These people dont want debate, they dont want what is the healthiest component of our government and freedoms to remain. I know weve all heard it before a million times but this particular post warrants saying it again, and that is the these people say on one hand everyone should have a voice, but it seems that voice is only valid when in agreement with them and when we use that voice we are treated the way we see here.
Instead of countering our arguments in some fashion explaining why they think Obama policies would be beneficial to the country we are immediately subjected to personal attacks for not adhering like little puppies. The attacks are not because we have made a logical opposition to the policy, as a matter of fact we are accused of lacking logic as the reason we disagree by being told we should “get help” or theres something wrong with our heads and because of that we are to be equated with some of the most serious nut jobs in recent history as Ken pointed out with Ruby Ridge they use the same unsubstantiated events to portray our partisanship as somehow evil.
And whats makes matters worse is that its a rubber stamp accusation also.
bonnie said:
April 8th, 2009 at 4:44 pm
Just look at Timothy McVey, those creepy people on Ruby Ridge Mountain, Eric Rudolph the abortion bomber, the Waco people all right winger haters.
A_Reluctant_Pundit said:
April 9th, 2009 at 3:30 pm
nothing more then renegades which in history has led to such right-wing “claims to shame” incidents as Ruby Ridge, Waco,
We are equated to being sick and deranged for sticking up for our rights.
And I might add that David Koresh was a nutjob but if I’m correct it was Janet Reno and her orders that caused the live burning of about 20 children.
Sorry to break this to you Obamabots who think we should all just sit down and shut up and call us bullys for not doing so but we are just doing what makes America as great as she is and I would expect no less out of you as you so faithfully displayed for the 8 years of Bushs term but I suggest you start looking for another way to defend your positions because I have a funny feeling that not to long from now you’re all going to have to do a bit of explaining as things around us start to crumble.
Try not launching personal attacks while calling for bi partisanship all in the same breath might be a good place to start.
“Ken the Cop you come in and played clean up (or so you think) battling the libs.”
Are you kidding? The neo-socialists on this site were thoroughly trashed before I got here. My 9 year old niece could tear down the weak arguments that you and your fellow libs bring to this site. As for you Jare, you’re comic relief. You don’t post anything of value, you just tear people down. I feel sorry for you, I really do.
“That makes what the 5th or 6th one? BFD.”
So Jared, that makes what, the 1,203,000 useless comment you’ve posted that nobody cares about. BFD.
Grow up, Jared.
‘Sound to me like the bored little housewife has revolution on her mind!
This is actually the stupidest post you have written to date. It almost has the flavor of a Lifetime movie or something. Don’t worry Pennie there is no “overthrowing the government” on her mind because clearly she has revealed herself to be just a simple little housewife who sits and dreams of yesterday. Kate question for ya. Does Patrick Henry look like Fabio or George Clooney?’
jared. you’re right. i am calling for a revolution — of the mind, of the heart, of the spirit. you can try to minimize me by your comments but really your words mean nothing to me. you know nothing about me, what my life is, who i really am.
do not bash the people who come here to express opinions different then yours. i am not opposed to banning you again from the blog. yes jared. thats a threat.
“Yes Pennie, you conveniently left out the first part of the title that defines what is “non partisan”. “LIBERTY” is what is non partisan. As I explained in an earlier post above “freedom”, or in this case “liberty” used to have a non partisan meaning and application to everyone. It was the one thing in our country that there was never a disagreement about until now.”
You really did lose some brain cells during all your drugging didn’t you? Of course I know what the title is, I am talking about the content and it is very pro conservative/anti Obama. There is NOTHING non partisan about this post. Why don’t you quit frothing at the mouth long enough to actually read what people who disagree with you are saying?? And get this: I don’t very seriously if anyone conservative or liberal really read all of your comments. They are too LONG!
“Anytime someone paints a picture of liberalism, as I have done, it’s going to sound cynical and bitter because that’s the terminology required in order to accurately describe who and what they are.”
Well that’s an outright lie. It is the LIBERAL who wants the best for others, who cares for the poor, who seeks social justice, who does not live in arrogance but believes in lifting us all up. There is no more cynical and bitter then those of you on this blog who profess to be conservatives and Republicans. You deliberately try to run anyone with an opposing view off so you can hear each other pontificate.
@ Mickey
“Do you think that the democracy that elected Obama would of had they known he was going to do what hes doing now ?”
Of course!! We do not have to love or completely agree everything President Obama does to support him!! GET THAT? It is impossible for any candidate on either side to keep every promise made. I am completely thrilled with my president in every way. He is millions of times better then any Republican that could have been brought forth. Keep dreaming Mickey you fool yourself only.
And by the way, those nuts at Ruby Ridge, Waco and Pittsburgh WERE right-wingers and you can’t deny that. So just be quiet if you can’t tell the truth. we all know you are a serial plagerizer.
@ Kate there was nothing non partisan about this post. It doesn’t matter what your fan club says. I would think you would want to foster a sense of community here instead of creating such a divisive environment. But whatever.
@ Ted so if you aren’t bitter maybe you are just chronically cranky.
@ Marsha “And knock off your sneering attitude. You just made me throw up my dinner.” It seems to me Marsha that you are the one with the attitude. Not anyway to speak of the First Lady either. It just must KILL YOU that Michelle Obama is the First Lady!!! LMAO.
The only people libs care about are themselves and in gaining power to try and force others to conform to their immoral secular humanist agenda. The posts from those who are here only verify that as being the truth.
As for whether you stay here or go, that’s up to kate first and foremost, it being her private blog and all. Seems if you follow the rules then you can stay. However, way too many of you libs aren’t addressing the topic and are rather casting ad hominem attacks at the messenger. Note the 2 who commented to me didn’t address what I had to say at all. You, at least, said that you disagreed, but you didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know you would say anyway, so it held no meaning.
I’m not trying to run anyone off, but this is primarily a conservative blog, a fact that should be respected by those who are in opposition and post here, but sadly won’t be because it’s not the nature of libs to be polite guests, even when they’re here voluntarily. These calls to not be critical of BHO, or of liberalism, or to be critical in terms that only libs deem to be acceptable, will fall on deaf ears, and rightfully so. Speaking for myself, I have yet to call anyone out personally, but have spoken in general terms about what liberals and liberalism has revealed to me about themselves in their words and deeds. In fact, I never talk to the libs here unless they address me first, my posts are towards kate and her original posting. Whether the libs here agree with me or not is irrelevant, I’m here sharing my observations with my fellow conservatives. Others who might read it are incidental to the process.
“It is impossible for any candidate on either side to keep every promise made.”
Translation: It’s ok when Obama lies!
“I am completely thrilled with my president in every way.”
You know, I keep hearing that, but nobody can ever tell me why? Why is that?
It’s also perfectly clear that the liberals definition of biparitsan is: “agree with everything we say.” so obviously those of us that don’t agree are “racists” or “hate mongers”. How sad that this is all they have.
Obama is an embarassment. He is constantly showing that he is way in over his head.
Here’s a curious thing. Remember how the left went insane (a short trip) whenever Bush was pictured sitting with the King of Saudi Arabia? We heard cries of “19 of the 22 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi!!” Yet, now that Obama is in charge, what does he do…..he bows to the King and the left never bats an eye.
I didn’t even think you could make up that kind of hypocrisy.
>>Ken said: Obama is an embarassment. He is constantly showing that he is way in over his head.
His trip to the G-20 in Europe showed just how weak he really is. He wanted to secure more troops from the Euro nations to help in Afghanistan and they told him to stick it; he snubbed a visit to Normandy in order to not anger the Germans; the bow to the Arab king; etc….
Currently, this issue with the Somali pirates should have been resolved already. In fact, these pirates would have never even dreamed of attacking and USA flagged ship if they didn’t believe they could get away with it, but that’s how weak we’re viewed is a short time.
If I’m China or Russia or DPRK or Iran or Cuba or any number of other countries and/or groups opposed to the USA, I gotta figure I’ve got a free pass on quite a few things over at least the next 4 years.
“You really did lose some brain cells during all your drugging didn’t you?”
My drug years were a result of living like you morons.
Blaming everyone for everything, constantly telling everyone I’m a victim of anything that goes on in life. Expecting everyone to do everything for me thinking it was owed to me. As soon as I adopted a conservative lifestyle I saw what it was like to feel like a real human being with pride in being able to hold my own.
In my 15 years of sobriety I got married, opened my own business with 250.00 of my own money and paid for a 1/2 million dollar house in Hawaii, got married and have raised two wonderful kids.
If you guys are going to be so frickin cheap and unimaginative to use something against me that at the same time your party wants to legalize it I suggest you think twice about saying that sh*t to me anymore because if its really all that f*ckin bad you wouldn’t want something legal that produces more like me, would you ?????
“Of course I know what the title is, I am talking about the content and it is very pro conservative/anti Obama.”
“This is incredibly partisan though you label it “non partisan”.
You are referring to the post as non partisan but you call the post the title ???
Kate labeled FREEDOM as non partisan and never anywhere else did she give the impression that her words were not non partisan.
So if you’re going to come after like an idiot for getting it right its just you who’s looking like the idiot.
“There is NOTHING non partisan about this post. ”
“Why don’t you quit frothing at the mouth long enough to actually read what people who disagree with you are saying??”
Why done you pull your head out of your a$$ and show me where Kate said that her post was non partisan ??
CAN YOU ?? No, cuz you’re an idiot and there’s nothing there claiming the post is non partisan.
“And get this: I don’t very seriously if anyone conservative or liberal really read all of your comments. They are too LONG!”
Get this, if you cant get the title of Kates post alone or handle my posts I doubt you could of read and comprehended what Henry said.
Oh, and by the way, if they’re so long why do you take the time read them anyway ?
Yea I know, readings a b*tch aint it ? Too bad, you could really fill those empty cells of yours with something more than the sh*t that you think makes an argument for the messiah.
Jeez, you cant even defend his positions, all you can do is run around and cry to everyone about how long there posts are and make accusation to sh*t no one cares about.
I hope that wasnt too long for you. How would you knock me if I cried about the post being too long ?
Oh, yea, it would go something like this;
Maybe if you didnt suffer from ADDS long posts wouldnt be sych a problem for you ?
yuk yuk
It is STUNNING how out of control and ignorant the conservatives are in this room. Seek help before you go postal.
“It seems to me Marsha that you are the one with the attitude. Not anyway to speak of the First Lady either. It just must KILL YOU that Michelle Obama is the First Lady!!! LMAO”
Hey A
You are damn right it kills me that MO and her fat a$$ is living in the White House. I can hardly wait to send her and her fat a$$ packing actually. She can take that worthless husband of hers with her too. How’s that for attitude?
Hey June Bug
Take your stunningly ignorant a$$ somewhere else if you don’t like it here.
Man, if I had buck for everytime a liberal told one of us to “seek help” I could bail out a small bank.
Typical elitest snobbery, a vacant response void of any substance but to only question ones facilities.
Good luck with that baby.
“Seek help before you go postal.”
We’d like to, but there is a long line at the therapists offices. Apparently all of the independents and “moderates” who voted for Obama are seeking help for being part of the biggest mistake this country has ever had.
“Of course!! We do not have to love or completely agree everything President Obama does to support him!! GET THAT? ”
hey, ya know what, remember that every time we criticize Obamas policies, okay ? get it ?
But you still never answered the question.
“And by the way, those nuts at Ruby Ridge, Waco and Pittsburgh WERE right-wingers and you can’t deny that. So just be quiet if you can’t tell the truth. we all know you are a serial plagerizer.”
Did I say they weren’t ? Now who’s dreaming ?
Show me where I said they weren’t one or the other.
You cant, because you make sh*t up just like Pennie.
So,I’m a plagiarizer ? (learn how to spell your accusations) Hmmm… CAN YOU PROVE IT ? Like I did with Kevin ?
No you cant, cuz you’re making sh*t up again, that makes you a liar with no argument whatsoever. Man, you’re lame bro, really lame.
I tell you what, I’ll challenge you to a debate where we have no more than a few seconds to respond. That way we can eliminate the suspicion or ability for anyone to google anything and can guarantee that everything is that persons own words.
“I am completely thrilled with my president in every way.”
You might want to re phrase that there big boy.
On another note, would you even tell the truth about him lying to you guys ?
Must be a b*tch to have to suck up all that anger inside knowing that he told you guys anything you wanted to hear and then told y’all to get screwed once he was in office.
I understand you wanting to save face and why you’d say you’re completely happy with him, you dont have to explain to me, its alright.
trust me though, its already starting, his base is beginning to fade, moderates are turning on him, congress doesn’t like his budget.
In the beginning he told everyone that he doesn’t “believe in bigger government” and promised tax cuts for 95 percent of Americans.
That aint happening. Government has grown more under him in 3 months than it did under Bush in 8 years.
And its starting to look like your all not gonna get those little checks in the mail that come out of my paycheck. Cool.
He totally flipped on a host of foreign policies.
Do yourself a favor bro, do some research and make a half decent argument. Sources everywhere show Obama losing his base.
Kates on break, this comment sat in moderation for hours due to the link so I’ll refer you to
“Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Moderate Dems turn on Obama
Opposition has emerged to the far-left policies of Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi.
Moderate Democrats in the U.S. Senate have formed a working group to oppose the liberal ideologues who are running the White House and House of Representatives.
Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana announced the coalition this morning on the Joe Scarborough program on MSNBC. ”
Not only has he kept the patriot act and wire taps in place he’s actually gone further with it by allowing calls even within the US to be monitored.
I want to know Reluctant, looking at all these policies he’s screwed you guys on what does that leave you to be so content with ?
I’m curious, please educate me on what policies you like and why.
I mean really, you guys sure do a lot of defending but none of you ever really say what or why
Well Mickey I see you really did go postal. That was an amazing amount of crap with Marsha and Ken playing backup. You are such a f*kn joke sputtering like Yosemite Sam. You are embarrassing dude!
Here’s the deal Mickey: Obama is president and we really like him. Deal with it. Now STFU.
“Obama is president and we really like him.”
No way! I never would have guessed with your “he can never do anything wrong and we agree with him no matter what he does” attitude.
“Now STFU.”
My goodness! I thought only us rabid, right wing, war mongering, hate filled, closed minded, fascists were angry? I thought you guys were happy?
This thread is very funny. Still after 3 months the right of this country are outraged, furious, bumbling and sputtering. Some of you are just running around in circles begging to be heard, looking for attention. I must agree with Jared that Barack Obama is the president now for 4 years. There is little any of you can do about it or even about his policies because of the democratic numbers in the House and in the Senate. Why not spend time being more constructive like reorganizing yourselves into a Republican party someone might actually want to be a member of instead of sounding like a crybaby in the woods looking for the teat of it’s mother.
“Still after 3 months the right of this country are outraged, furious, bumbling and sputtering.”
Well, the left bumbled and sputtered for 8 years, I think we’re entitled, don’t you?
“Some of you are just running around in circles begging to be heard, looking for attention.”
Sounds like how Obama got elected.
“Why not spend time being more constructive like reorganizing yourselves into a Republican party someone might actually want to be a member of instead of sounding like a crybaby in the woods looking for the teat of it’s mother.”
Yet another hypocrite who seems to have forgotten how the left spent the last eight years howling about everything they perceived Bush did wrong, never once caring about “sounding like a crybaby in the woods”. Perhaps, Macjik, you should read a little recent history about how the dems behaved for almost a decade, then come back here and preach.
kate said: i deleted your comment. it was over-the-top and incendiary. you are welcome to try again but no more personal attacks. good grief!
Jared, you’re really an idiot.
You cant make an argument for any of Obamas policies, can you ?
yes, you say its an amazing amount of crap then it should be easy enough for you to make a decent argument against it ?
You’re just a mindless dolt who talks alot of sh*t
“cuts and pastes the same answers to use throughout the blogosphere. You admitted it so cut the righteous indignation. It’s annoying.”
Really ? Show me where on the blogosphere ?
I guess since its been proven that you dont know the difference between the title and the post this is your next line of attack ?
Well, like the crab louse you are you’re wrong again, go back and read that episode with Kevin where he was the one busted stealing others works
I admitted to copying my own sh*t and I posted the link to it.
Jeez your a fantical idiot without an argument to save your life for what its worth.
Lets see what you’ve got so far.
You tried to hurt my feelings, that never works, you make me laugh.
You cry about the length of my posts cuz you cant read anything that takes more than a minute, thats why you’re so un informed and stupid.
You failed to know the difference between the meaning begind the post and the title.
You accused me of plagiarism, plagiarizing my own work ? You have no proof.
I realize the content of my posts are probably unbelievable to you but they’re really quite normal in constructive debates.
Nothing you would know anything about.
You make sh*t up that you can never back up, you’re a looser.
You cant back up what little of anything you’ve said, nothing
You got nothing b*tch, you hear me, NOTHING !
You and Jared are just a couple of greazy little punks who think you’re playing sport and cant defend Obama because you’re both to intellectually vacant to actually know how our government works, how his policies will effect our lives and the country.
Its obvious, otherwise you’d indulge in something a little deeper than sh*t slinging.
If you think you’ve sold anyone on the idea that Obama is some how superior you’ve failed miserably. All you’ve really done is show everyone what a crasppy caliber of person it takes to vote for him.
You dont want intelligent debate, it scares the crap out of you, cuz you know I know my sh*t, and you dont.
I’ll offer the same challenge to you I offered to Reluctant, okay ?
Okay, I better quit, dont want your ADDS to kick in.
“Here’s the deal Mickey: Obama is president and we really like him. Deal with it. Now STFU.”
DUH. Boy, you sure told me. You must really really really like him huh Jared ?
Tell ya what punk, I’ll make you the same offer I made up above to Reluctant, lets see what ya got b*tch.
And that will determine who shuts the f*ck up, right ?
With the upcoming April 15th Tea-Bag Parties approaching, I’m seeing more and more liberals on various pol sites and blogs doing the “BHO is the prez. How dare you be opposed to him. How dare you publicly or privately call into question anything he says or does. Now be quiet” responses. They’ve really become quite unhindged, even moreso than normal.
Liberal fascism is alive and well.
“BHO is the prez. How dare you be opposed to him. How dare you publicly or privately call into question anything he says or does. Now be quiet”
Actually I totally agree with that. The man hasn’t even been in office barely 3 months and people like you and Mistress Kate, Micky the illiterate nincompoop, Ken the cop, Rope the dope, Marsha the witch and the others on this blog want his head! Give him a chance to show you how well he can do-1/2 of the country couldn’t be wrong.
Yea, what I like best are the “STFU”s and the “Deal with it”s.
Trust us moonbats, we’re dealing with it by not shutting the f*** up.
If anything doesn’t help the Messiah its clowns like the ones here, Jared, Asia and Pennie, who cant even argue in favor of his policies with any conviction at all.
You would think they’d be doing their best on the part of themselves or the democratic party to at least tryyyyyy and convince us in some way of how all this crap we’ve seen is going to work out.
But they know they cant, because that’s what it is… crap.
Even a good salesman can sell you crap but these guys here just don’t have what it takes because they’re as clueless to how all this is going to work as Obama is. I’ve yet to see this clown sit down with any economist that opposes his plan and go thru the numbers, he probably has done this in private but it turned out to be something he doesn’t want the public to see. Instead it looks like his plan is to put Gibbs up there in hopes that we’ll all be put to sleep long enough to miss everything before its too late.
On the other hand guys like Ted, Ken and Marsha, the Biker, we’re all able to look at the collection of these policies, domestic and foreign and see how it all adds up to the perfect socialist storm that’s brewing. These morons here are either aware of it and don’t like it, aware of it and like it, or not aware of a damn thing at all dont care for their country and just see this all as a game of tug o war but don’t realize that no matter who pulls who over the line, there will be no winner in the end.
And they’re desperate, sooooooo desperate that when the market jumps for one or two days you see them and the MSM get all lit up and start showing segments about a little girls lemonade stand that just opened and ask “are these signs that the recession is nearing and end “? “are these signs of life “? Or they just sell by assumption “There are signs showing progress” Has anyone noticed this in the last couple days ? How the media is starting once again to carry Obama, campaigning and feeding us all this propaganda that the stimulus is kicking in and bla bla bla ? Bullsh*t !!!! the market would of pulled itself out of this regardless of how much money you pumped into it. But of course Obama will do everything he can to make that market look as if it cant survive without him, he’s doing his best to screw it at every chance he gets.
Obama needs just another few trillion to be approved by congress and he’ll be home free which is the point where we’ll all start hearing about how his genius plan worked to save the day and anything that didn’t work was because the previous administration screwed it up so bad it was beyond repair.
You cant keep blaming Bush guys, and you sure as hell cant argue for your messiah, all you can say are pathetic things like “how dare you “? and shut up!? Good luck with that !You’re screwed, its evident in your posts.
In honor of the real Messiah, Happy Easter folks
>>PenniePan said: Actually I totally agree with that.
You make Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao smile.
“Give him a chance to show you how well he can do-1/2 of the country couldn’t be wrong.”
Look, due to his policies we didnt want to give him that chance before the election.
So now with his policies being even more extreme than they were during the campaign should we allow it ?
Really, when a good part of the base that elected him into office along with congress are rejecting his spending its time for him and you to wake up and realize that the half that voted for him is beggining to feel a little disenfranchised.
I will not give him the chance when hes made it abundantly clear that he wants to take from the European model and re create our country into that image. Study his past, what his curural interests were, what influenced him the most, what type of mentorship he was drawn to, who he associated with, the programs he instituted as a community organizer. It all points to a man who wants a socialist state riding on the backs of the industries and commerce that the fed seeks to control.
And even if I agreed with everything hes done up until this point it should of scared the living crap out of everyone when he decided who the fed could hire and fire in the corporate sector via extortion thru fed funding. Top that off with the selective targeted 90 % taxation he wanted to impose on AIG and anyone deemed unwirthy of their earnings and you’re talking a HUGE violation of the constitution like this country has never seen.
And that alone is just a part of his economic policies, never mind the rest of his policies that would leave all of us at the mercy of the federaL government.
So no !
We will not give him a chance because were all too smart and too educated to have to sit and wait to see what happens.
America has been down this road before, it was a catastrophic failure and we need to stop it now !!!
“…its clowns like the ones here, Jared, Asia and Pennie, who cant even argue in favor of his policies with any conviction at all.”
Look Yosemite Sam a.k.a Mickey Mouse. We don’t have to prove ourselves to you or any manufactured standard you set (that coincidentally enables YOU to always meet or exceed). Our Guy WON. Period. We are there. In the White House. In the Congress. We are leading and you are most definately following or you can go to jail or leave the country. Simple as that. It’s going to be a long 4 years and if you want to keep the fight going, you will most definitely run out of steam or you will escalate and do something stupidly illegal. You barely make sense now without resorting to bully tactics and out right plagiarism of other people’s thoughts and words.
“We will not give him a chance because were all too smart and too educated to have to sit and wait to see what happens.”
And by the way, do go back to school and get a GED. Your sentence structure sucks and so does you f*kn spelling and I’m not talking about the occasional misspelled word because we all do that in the course of “talking” here. I am speaking of your chronic problem of writing books instead of comments of which no ones seems to want to read because they all tell you that. I am also talking about your feeble attempt to use big words. Those are definitely cut and paste jobs since you use them in either the wrong tense or with the wrong meaning. Just a pitiful little jokester you are Mickey Mouse.
kate says: i have deleted your comment because of the language and namecalling.
Sent from my Blackberry
“BHO is the prez. How dare you be opposed to him. How dare you publicly or privately call into question anything he says or does. Now be quiet”
Penni I’ll ask once again why when we oppose or question him is it any different than what the left did the past 8 years? Is disagreeing with the president a right only afforded to the left?
“Our Guy WON. Period. We are there. In the White House. In the Congress. We are leading and you are most definately following or you can go to jail or leave the country. Simple as that. It’s going to be a long 4 years and if you want to keep the fight going, you will most definitely run out of steam or you will escalate and do something stupidly illegal. You barely make sense now without resorting to bully tactics and out right plagiarism of other people’s thoughts and words.”
Nevermind, Jared just answered my question.
Unreal. Jared let me be very clear on this, BO isn’t leading me anywhere or on anything. Furthermore it is my GOD given American right not to follow. Another thing, as for as I know we aren’t apt to be put in jail for disliking or disagreeing with the president, YET. One other thing then you can spew forth more nonsense, we haven’t been the ones on tv vowing to leave the country if certain people are elected. Check your history thats the cop killer, domestic terrorist, anti-war supporting liberal rock stars and hollywood types that BO has so famously become BFF’s with.
And Jared don’t worry. We aren’t running out of steam, we are just getting started.
NO namecalling!! consider this a fair warning. i’m completely tired of it and ALL comments that are ridiculously insulting will simply be deleted.
Sent from my Blackberry
Lets put it this way.
Do you remember Obamas little gang that went door to door a few weeks ago trying to get commitments or “pledges” from people asking for them to support him in his policies and endeavors ?
Lets just say for the sake of argument that I wanted to believe, that I wanted to support him but I just dont have the info put together in a nice clean package that makes enough sense to me in order for me to make an educated decision right now.
Could you sell me on the idea of supporting him ? Could you get me to see the light ? Would you be a worthy volunteer that could bring Obama the support he was looking for that day ? If I was so far gone to the right do you actually think that what you’re doing now is going to help or alienate me ?
But you cant, you cant convince me or anyone like me why were wrong for the way we feel. Because you’re a mindless puppet following groupie who just gets off on being as idiotic as he can be.
I’ll bet you cant even defend his policies by arguing the theories of individualism or the collective against each other, how one or the other would effect our rights or the economy, socialism or capitalism, or how the stimulus will effect the economy and from what direction, or what his middle east strategy is, or national security, or anything at all but to think that as stupid as you are, you can convince anyone that they’re dumber than you ? I really hope you understand that you have to have some appearance of a composed intellect on the subject going for you if you’re ever going to convince anyone that they are wrong, or you are right.
Whoa. Nice thread of comments specially when it’s about one of our nation’s founding fathers! After taking about 25 minutes just to read them all, I can say the one who calls everyone the most name is Micky. He is abusive and intolerant of diverse opinions. His level of language is gutter at best. There are others like Pennie and Jared who are sarcastic and try to bait but they do not rise to the level of abuse that Micky dishes here day in and day out.
Note to Kate: If this blog is meant to have discourse then the abusing has to stop. I come here less often for that very reason. If it’s meant to be cathartic for right of center people and left of centers are not welcomed then that fine too but you should say that. Micky’s comments need to be deleted as well as any of the others. He has at least 1 if not 2 that are really bad yet they sit here. Are you saying that anything Pennie had to say was worse then what foul mouth Micky said? I find that hard to believe. It might have been wrong or unkind or even bad taste but LOOK AT WHAT MICKY SAYS.
excuse me pat.
may i please decide on which comments will be allowed on my blog and which will not? thanks.
and frankly its not always about too many curse words or lots of namecalling. sometimes pat it’s about the INTENT of the comment.
penniepan and jared are deleted more then anyone on this blog and its because their comments are deliberate attempts to bait others, to start a fight, or to humiliate me. that’s the definition of abuse here.
micky’s comments are responses to those attacks and baits and sometimes micky using descriptions that are colorful. his intent is not to be abusive. consider my explanation a courtesy and remember that i am the decider on my blog as to who stays and who goes.
Sent from my Blackberry
Imploding. *smirk*
Most of what is on thiss comment thread is not about the post. Patrik Henry and liberty is worth talking aobut not all fo this stuff which doesn’t really matter does it? Just my opinion.
Kale Morris
Visalia, California
yea yea yea, poor babys are all upset about some bad words when the reality is I’m being called the same things just in a different context.
Plagiarist (with spelling errors, heh heh), which is equvalent to being called a liar and a thief, and yet no one has any proof.
Being called a bully because I asked a question or I’m trying to get a conversation going on a higher level.
Its my chance to beat up on people
My poor attention span
And Pat or anyone else for that matter.
If you noticed, in my first comments I came into this very well mannerd and really didnt go off on anyone til I was called one or more of the above names.
Pennie followed right after that calling you a pig and even after Asias abuse towards me the first time I ignored her in my following comment. It was not til the second attack from her that I snapped.
“There are others like Pennie and Jared who are sarcastic and try to bait ”
You either havent been around much or you’re lying, would you like to see some examples that go way beyond baiting and sarcastic?
Kate has every right to be upset with me but you’d be pushing it if you think you can defend Jared or Pennie or Asia.
Sorry bout the name calling but the fact of the matter is that I made no personal attack on this thread until AFTER others made personal attacks on me. The only difference is that I used some words that are more offending than being called a thief and liar and someone who is sick in the head ?
Yup, all that was said to me first, and so I responded to those and only those individuals who said that with my words that are o so offensive next to the implications accusation and things I was called.
NOTICE my exchange with Reluctant pundit. His first respose to me was void of any personal attack and my respone to him weas in the same manner.
You dish it out, I’ll toss it back.
Kate I’m sorry to make the extra work for you.
But I’d like to see anyone here deny that I havent offered at one time or another to drop all the crap and engage in a more productive conversation with more cordial discourse.
You guys go ahead and play your little games of wits.
I’ll continue looking for answers that dont come with insults for asking them.
>>Rope said: BO isn’t leading me anywhere or on anything. Furthermore it is my GOD given American right not to follow.
It seems several libs here don’t recognize that right when it applies to those to whom they support being the target. In my statement, in which PP agreed, I made reference to how the left views oppostion criticism of BHO, that they would say…
“How dare you … privately call into question anything he says or does.”
IOW, the PP’s of the world would have it where my wife and I could not even discuss our opposition to BHO in the privacy of our own home. *That* is the definition of “imploding.” “Freedom for me, but not for thee” has been shown to be an accurate motto embraced by modern-day Dems/libs.
‘Kate I’m sorry to make the extra work for you.’
lol micky. get outta here! the lefties in here (other then dade) would rather crawl on their bellys over broken glass then apologize for any of their behavior to me or any of us frankly. micky = ‘colorful’ did you like that? heh.
‘“Freedom for me, but not for thee” has been shown to be an accurate motto embraced by modern-day Dems/libs.’
ted this ^^ is so true. thanks.
jared what ted said now hush.
“There are others like Pennie and Jared who are sarcastic and try to bait but they do not rise to the level of abuse that Micky dishes here day in and day out.”
You obviously haven’t been paying attention Pat. Like kate said it’s her decision, not yours. Obama doesn’t have control over the internet yet.
“We are leading and you are most definately following or you can go to jail or leave the country.”
Go to jail for what?! Disagreeing with Obama and the democrats?! Is it now a crime to dissent, Jared, because not too long ago it was considered “patriotic”. Please explain this statement.
“Your sentence structure sucks and so does you f*kn spelling and I’m not talking about the occasional misspelled word because we all do that in the course of “talking” here.”
Well, when you can’t argue the points, criticize the spelling.
“Give him a chance to show you how well he can do-1/2 of the country couldn’t be wrong.”
Well, in two months he’s already triple the deficit that the democrats howled about for so long. I shudder to think what he’s going to do to this country in 4 years, and yes half the country can, and is, wrong.
“Go to jail for what?! Disagreeing with Obama and the democrats?! Is it now a crime to dissent, Jared, because not too long ago it was considered “patriotic”. Please explain this statement.”
Jared is under the impression that since Obama is master of all in the universe its inevitable that we follow for we are under his spell and there is no way to escape being subjected to his policies for the next four years unless we say for example dont pay our taxes and that the only legal way to avoid the wrath is to leave the country.
It hasnt occured to him that if simpleton miscreants can make it thru 8 years of tyrannical rule by the Nazi Bush then the Jack Bauers of the republican party can literally party thru 4 years of Bambi without having to leave the country like so many of them cried to their shrinks that they were going to do in the Bush years.
Yea, thats right, liberal attendance at the shrinks was up in those days. Thats also when all the studies came out that said conservatives are happier people.
72 comments on this post counting mine and it looks like there’s only 6 or 8 that are really about the post! What a joke this blog is.
Well I just finished this long a$$ thread. What is interesting to me is that you all on the Right are so indignant all the time. Isn’t that exhausting? It couldn’t be good for your health.
You forget that making fun of and mocking you is part of our winning. Like a birthright really.
It actually helps those of us on the Left keep current on all of your extremist ways.
It seems as though the more Obama talks about reconciliation, the more those on the extreme right talk about violent conflict and we all know who I am talking about.
Honestly, Jared instead of ridiculing them, we should be taking them seriously. The world is changing very quickly and some people are desperately frightened of that. They may cover their fear with bluster and hateful words, but do NOT underestimate the kinds of terrorism that fear can lead people to commit.
President Obama is on a whole other plane (higher really then MLK) and, while his words are wonderfully healing to many of us, they are like hot pokers in the eyes to conservatives who just don’t know any other way of thinking but hatred.
“72 comments on this post counting mine and it looks like there’s only 6 or 8 that are really about the post! What a joke this blog is.”
Yea, and of all the ones that are about the post, none of em were yours.
Now thats a joke.
“You forget that making fun of and mocking you is part of our winning. Like a birthright really.
It actually helps those of us on the Left keep current on all of your extremist ways.”
Yea, I hear that moonbattery is a genetic defect. Its actually caused the democratic party to be losers in the majority presidential elections, specially in the last 40 years.
You guys are like the Brittany Spears of politics, just a trend flashing your hoohas for attention, hmm.. how does a hooha flash its hooha ?
“It seems as though the more Obama talks about reconciliation, ”
Right, is that why he blames everything on Bush as often as he can , or should I say “the previous administration”? Is that why conservatives are locked out of bill viewings ? Also I might mention that Pew research has determined that “Obama has the widest partisan gap in early job approval ratings of any president in the past four decades”.
Come to think of it Pennie, who the hell are you to talk about reconciliation ?
“President Obama is on a whole other plane (higher really then MLK) and, while his words are wonderfully healing to many of us, they are like hot pokers in the eyes to conservatives who just don’t know any other way of thinking but hatred.”
Hey Jared, heres another one right on topic.
Thats an incredible insult to MLK who as a republican told the black man to be independent while reinforcing them to believe that they were not victims as Obama and the dem party have so selfishly done only to gain the vote.
If MLK saw what Obama was doing today he would cry.
You know nothing.
“any other way of thinking but hatred “?
Hmm.. kinda strange dont cha think since conservatives and the faith based majority in it are the most generous and charitable demographic on the planet ?
You guys are only generous with other peoples money.
Is it reconciliation that BHO wants? If the tone of the liberals who post on this blog are any indication, then his followers are doing him more harm than anything else.
And if lib posters are coming here in order to attempt to make fun and mock (they never succeed), then their ability to post here should be examined, as I’m confident it is. One can’t on one hand claim this blog is steering off course of the topic while on the other state that one is only here to stir up trouble. OTOH, the drama queen reactions are pretty funny.
Timely and profoundly moving, Kate. I didn’t read all the comments this time, because I figured the best that the loonies could do with their chime-in-ery is to taint it. Patrick Henry’s words could only stir a patriot, Ma’am. I get choked up every time I read that speech.
Thanks for this Easter gift. The greatest Easter blessings to you and yours!
“72 comments on this post counting mine and it looks like there’s only 6 or 8 that are really about the post!”
Yet you have to make any post related to any of the topics, so what does that make you? All you have ever done is trash other people, but I guess you have to do something to make yourself feel better.
“You forget that making fun of and mocking you is part of our winning.”
How mature! You keep living up to your reputation, Jared. Don’t disappoint!!
“It seems as though the more Obama talks about reconciliation, the more those on the extreme right talk about violent conflict and we all know who I am talking about.”
Funny, Pennie preaches about how Obama is trying to “reconcile”, yet Jared brags about mocking people. It seems you two geniuses can’t even decide what you’re all about. No matter, everyone here knows. It seems the “paint them all as violent extremists” that the media has been spewing has infiltrated to our resident trolls. Perhaps you guys could actually have an original thought? I know, its too much to ask.
“President Obama is on a whole other plane (higher really then MLK) and, while his words are wonderfully healing to many of us, they are like hot pokers in the eyes to conservatives who just don’t know any other way of thinking but hatred.”
Obama is wonderfully healing? Talk about being on a different plane, you guys are on different planes of reality. I mean, you are really out there. Not to worry, the more time goes by, the more people see Obama for the fraud he is.
Just keep sleeping with your picture of Obama under your pillow.
jeff ‘Patrick Henry’s words could only stir a patriot, Ma’am’
emphasis mine. well that was pretty profound. and would help explain to me all of the contempt for our country, and it’s values and principles, expressed by many liberals on my wee blog. too bad you didn’t show up about 70 comments ago! 😀
Ted, you hit on the nail with your last comment towards Pennie concerning reconciliation while at the exact same time I was thinking of another example of this chronic self contradiction going on.
“conservatives who just don’t know any other way of thinking but hatred.”
And yet every post from this woman has been hateful.
Not to mention the childish implication that there is not one conservative on this planet that has any compassion is in itself an implication drawn from hatred.
If anyone is going to try and refute that with some bull such as “its a just realistic observation and not drawn from hate” let me tell you that anyone who lives in a reality that has them believing this lives in a very hateful world.
As much as I dislike liberals even I wouldn’t go as far as to say that every single one of them is capable of nothing but hate.
Making an honest statement like that is where real reconciliation begins and certainly not in casting every single conservative under the same light as hateful.
Pennie, Jared, Ted hit it on the nail, why don’t you both actually start thinking instead of depending on these statements coming from knee jerk reactions that have you contradicting yourself constantly ?
Halleluja, on a day like today God is talking to you schmucks, the capt. is free and the idiots are dead. 🙂
Everyones invited to my house tonight for Easter dinner.
We’re having rabbit so bring your own floss cuz the fur gits stuck in yer teeth.
you missed my post, and I’m not indignant, I’m not exhauted and I have good health.
Happy Easter!
“Halleluja, on a day like today God is talking to you schmucks, the capt. is free and the idiots are dead. ”
Indeed!! What great news that was! Thank God!
Yes, the electoral process in our country is important, just as having a FAIR one is. I am not sure you can call it a fair election, when the media was in the tank for Obama, and therefore withheld valid information from the unsuspecting and uninformed public, thereby insuring skewed election results, aided with the help of the ever public-funded, corrupt, ACORN with all of its voter fraud and alignment with the Obama campaign. Fair elections are most likely a thing of the past in our nation, unless we DO something about it.
@ Kathy
We might also want to hold candidates accountable when they make commitments to take public financing only because they arent sure they could bring in enough privately on their own.
Obama lied, when he saw that he could rake it in better thru his internet contributions he decided his answer to the lie was ” I changed my mind”.
Well, yea! Where I came from when you say you’re going to do one thing and then do another its called a lie.
McCain commited to to public 80 something million and kept his word. There was nothing stopping McCain from doing the exact same thing except for a little thing called honesty.
Some will say it was a smart move and anyone would of been foolish not to make the same decision. From a business standpoint yea, but from a character issue its a disaster but obviously the character McCain displayed is not what that majority out there was looking for.
Which led me to believe that those aware of this deception and voting for Obama were voting more out of hate just to insure that no conservative landed in the White House no matter what. They obviously did not vote character.
” We dont care if hes a liar, and a thief. No matter how honest the opponent is if its a republican we just cant have that.”
Whats sad that most of these guys didnt realize was that McCain wasnt all that conservative like they thought he was.
Micky, I do agree that there were plenty of far leftists voting out of hate. And yes. I know there are plenty who didn’t care that he was a liar and a cheat and radical Marxist…they just wanted a Democrat in. I live in a Democratic county and am an election judge here and this county went red in the election. In fact, almost the whole lower half of Illinois went red. That’s because the people here are conservatives with moral values. I suppose I am speaking of those closer to the middle, the independents, and even those supposedly on the right who crossed over and voted for Obama…and there was plenty of those. I would love, love, love to poll all the moderate dems and repubs and independents to see how they feel about their vote now. One lady on tv stated openly that she regretted her vote for Obama. I still maintain, if the media had done its real job instead of campaigning for Obama by its silence about who he was, in other words, if he had been treated the way Hillary and Sarah Palin were (although that’s not possible), we might have seen a much different outcome. There are so many still relying on the “lamestream” media, to quote Kate. Sure, they could have done research online like I did, but a lot of people are passive that way, preferring to trust The Big Three. I think everyone is getting a wake up call now. And in the media, its obvious the battle lines have been drawn.
And, in my humble opinion, only the insane don’t care about character! McCain acted honorably by keeping his word. Now, what was the original post about again…? Oh yeah, Patrick Henry…I wrote a little bit about him on my blog this past week too. Kate’s picture is better than mine…I didn’t have one.
Oops, that blog is at
>>kathy said: I would love, love, love to poll all the moderate dems and repubs and independents to see how they feel about their vote now.
I’m betting several of them will give him a chance for maybe up to a year, but time is not on his side, that’s why he’s pushing so hard to get through all his big gov’t crap as soon as he can, he knows his window is small and is just going to get smaller. Trying to place the blame on the previous administration is only going to last for so long before even the most inattentive people realize you lied and were using it as a crutch. He’s incompetent; he can’t hide it forever.
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