Liberals’ Support For Pro-Life Cause Is Welcome

Liberals’ Support For Pro-Life Cause Is Welcome

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At first, I was irritated that liberal site Upworthy was cheering on a new, pro-life video. It seemed rather hypocritical considering the Left’s stance on abortion. But now, I’m glad — and I’ll tell you why.

Earlier this week, a video surfaced of children with Down Syndrome sending a message to a mother who just found she is pregnant with a baby with the birth defect. The video features multiple children speaking in different languages, letting the Mom know her child will have a good life– essentially, that everything is going to be okay .

It was touching, beautiful and a tribute to life — and one I immediately shared with friends.

Considering 9 out of 10 babies diagnosed with Down Syndrome are aborted, it’s surprising to see this video making the rounds in liberal circles.

The Left — by and large — supports abortion and certainly wouldn’t blatantly speak up for the 90% of babies aborted because they are diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Through the support of this video, though, they have.

At first, I was looking at it the wrong way. It is a step in the right direction that a typically pro-choice segment of people are sharing this video and embracing life as it is — giving a face & voice to the human beings, so many of whom we never get to meet.

Little by little, things are changing. The country is becoming more pro-life, on both sides of the aisle. Even liberal, feminist writer Amanda Marcotte admitted that, “while younger CPAC attendees [conservatives] are more liberal on gay rights or marijuana than their elders, negative attitudes toward abortion rights persist, unabated.”

Today is World Down Syndrome Day. Every human being deserves to be able to live the life they were given…and maybe, just maybe, a few more of them will thanks to this beautiful video.

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  • Jen says:

    When libs actually begin to support legislative restrictions on abortions, then I will consider their support genuine. Until then, it is simply some kind of devious attempt at covering up their true agenda by soft fluffy words while they praise their heros such as Nancy Pelosi as she receives the Margaret Sanger award.
    Don’t be fooled.

  • We have a son who is autistic, and we cannot imagine life without him. There is nothing special about us: I am convinced that most people could raise a special needs child if they put their hearts into it. At the very least, they have no right to take a baby’s life just because it is inconvenient for them.

    Snuffing children because they do not meet some pampererd, rich elitist’s notion of “worthwhile” is an idea straight out of Nazi Germany.

  • David says:

    I thought there were several great videos floating out around there about down syndrome.

  • You’ll need to brush aside annoying popups, but this is a must see story (just in case you missed it last fall):

    Down Syndrome Couple Crowned King And Queen At Florida HS Homecoming

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