Katie Porter – “Equality is not electing Joni Ernst”

Katie Porter – “Equality is not electing Joni Ernst”

Katie Porter – “Equality is not electing Joni Ernst”

Hubris is the best word that I can think of to describe Democrats that won’t get me in Social Media Maximum Security Prison. Resident Joe Biden said if you weren’t voting for him, you weren’t Black. Now, Congresswoman Katie Porter is informing the country that “To me, equality is not electing Joni Ernst‚” the Democrat told the Washington Post, referring to the female GOP senator from Iowa. “Like, that’s not helping.” Holee Effing Hubris.

Democrats hate Republicans, but I think it must be a First Principle that Democrats hate those who vote for them more than anything. In addition to nothing thinking much about the average voter, Democrat women like Katie Porter like to describe themselves at blunt, no nonsense and truth tellers. I always read those words as rude and coarse. The single mom of three is running to replace the “ailing” Senator Dianne Feinstein. Isn’t “ailing” a kind euphemism for totally gone? I love these descriptions of Porter from a Washington Post puff piece about her:

Porter thinks her presence in Congress — and her way of being a congresswoman — is helping. “I know how to win in tough areas,” she said, a nod to how she flipped a district that previously favored a Republican by 17 points. “And it’s not by talking about Democrats and Republicans. It’s by talking about, ‘This is the thing that’s making my life hard.’”
For a while, this job made Porter’s life hard. And, in turn, Porter made difficult the lives of people in her orbit, according to murmurs that began in December, when Sasha Georgiades, a former military fellow in her Irvine office, alleged mistreatment of staff. That inspired self-described ex-staffers to send their own complaints about Porter to the “Dear White Staffers” Instagram account, a clearinghouse for anonymous, unverified harangues about congressional bosses.

Katie Porter attended Yale for her undergrad studies and Harvard for law school and maybe that’s where the hubris comes from – the Olde Ivy League. Miss Porter doesn’t have to be kind or diplomatic because she is an Ivy League woman. More:

Her sniping extends beyond the written page. On the podcast “Lovett or Leave It” in May, Porter referred to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) as “queen of the dips—s.” The live audience erupted in joyous applause. (The cheeky title of her book is “I Swear.”)
Porter eschews decorum and pageantry when they don’t make sense to her. She “is incredibly smart and works her staff hard on issues that matter to the middle class,” said a former senior House staffer from California, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly. “She comes from a place of thoughtfulness. Plenty of members work their staff to the bone over a park-naming, and that’s not Katie.”

Thoughtfulness. The hubris is stunning. Porter has the crust to say that Senator Joni Ernst doesn’t count for Gender Equity. Get out of here. Let’s talk about Lieutenant Colonel Joni Ernst (U.S. Army, ret.) Maybe Porter doesn’t know the meaning of the words Gender Equity. Ernst was an Army Logistics Officer. I happen to have a heart for Logistics:

While serving as commander of the Iowa National Guard’s 1168th Transportation Company, Ernst was called to active duty on Feb. 10, 2003, and ultimately was deployed to Kuwait during the Iraq War. Ernst and her unit arrived in Kuwait on April 19, 2003, and remained until April 5, 2004, according to the company’s official mobilization and deployment history, which Ernst wrote.
From May through August 2003, Ernst and her unit drove supply convoys into Iraq, ultimately conducting 402 missions comprising 2,091 loads, 10.5 million tons of equipment and 230,728 miles driven. They transported everything from food and clothing to weapons and ammunition to embalming powder and “over $2 billion in paper currency,” according to the company history.

Now, there are many who would say that Commanding a Truck Company through a war zone is a man’s job. Katie Porter wants to talk about gender equity with a woman who has been to war. Hubris, I say, hubris. Hubris because Joni Ernst doesn’t toe th,e women’s equality line. Joni thinks for herself. Katie Porter has no right to judge another woman’s fitness for a job.

Joni Ernst may not be my cuppa but she’s kind and diplomatic and gets her job done. Maybe Joni could help Katie out.

Featured Composite: Joni Ernst/Public Domain/Katie Porter/Public Domain

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