Kamala Plagiarized Congressional Testimony And Lied On Law School Application

Kamala Plagiarized Congressional Testimony And Lied On Law School Application

Kamala Plagiarized Congressional Testimony And Lied On Law School Application

It wasn’t just her “Smart On Crime” book. Nope, it turns out that Kamala plagiarized Congressional testimony. As in, she lifted it DIRECTLY from someone else’s testimony.

Her testimony took place on April 24, 2007. As CA’s Attorney General, Kamala was supposedly advocating for a student loan repayment program for attorneys and prosecutors. This was submitted into the Congressional record as her written testimony. 

“There are numerous criminal cases that are particularly difficult because of the dynamics involved,” Harris wrote. “To name just a few—child abuse, elder neglect, domestic violence, identity theft and public corruption. The stakes are simply too high to allow any attorney other than experienced prosecutors to handle these matters.”

By repaying the loans of prosecutors and public defenders, Harris argued, the bill, which had been introduced with bipartisan support, would provide an incentive for lawyers to enter public service, or at least diminish the incentive to leave it.

As the Washington Free Beacon has discovered, there’s a gigantic problem with what Kamala wrote. She took it word for word from an Illinois District Attorney.

Virtually her entire testimony about the bill was taken from that of another district attorney, Paul Logli of Winnebago County, Illinois, who had testified in support of the legislation two months earlier before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Both statements cite the same surveys, use the same language, and make the same points in the same order, with a paragraph added here or there. They even contain the same typos, such as missing punctuation or mistaken plurals. One error—a “who” that should have been a “whom”—was corrected in Harris’s transposition.

The Beacon has the receipts to prove it. 

Want to bet that if someone actually ASKS her what else she’s plagiarized, if allowed to at a town hall, she’ll try to throw her former staffers under her favorite electric bus?

Keep in mind, with the publication of the plagiarism in her book, many tried to throw the ghost writer under the bus. Except that Kamala APPROVED the book. Her name is on it, she OWNS it. Furthermore, the New York Times cherry-picked info while talking to a plagiarism expert, who then offered up the following explainer.

“At the time, I was unaware of a full dossier with additional allegations, which led some to accuse the New York Times of withholding that information from me. However, the article clearly stated that it was my ‘initial reaction’ to those allegations, not a complete analysis,” Bailey wrote on Plagiarism Today Wednesday. “Today, I reviewed the complete dossier prepared by Dr. Stefan Weber, whom I have covered before. I also performed a peer review of one of his papers in 2018.”

“With this new information, while I believe the case is more serious than I commented to the New York Times, the overarching points remain. While there are problems with this work, the pattern points to sloppy writing habits, not a malicious intent to defraud,” he added.

Sloppy writing habits?? No malicious intent? Oh. Ok. How about lazy? It wasn’t just that testimony. Nope, she promoted a fictionalized story about child sex trafficking as real while attorney general. She’s also plagiarized info regarding transnational gangs, and is absolutely on record pirating ideas from the Trump/Vance campaign. 

That’s not a mere mistake. That is a PATTERN that goes well beyond laziness. Plagiarism used to be a very bad deal. It was bad enough to get Claudine Gay kicked to the curb. Getting caught plagiarizing used to get one kicked out of school or college. It got Joe Biden kicked off his first major Presidential campaign. 

But now, people are shrugging and asking, what’s the big deal? 

If Kamala is going to lie about her work, and plagiarism IS lying, what else is she lying about? OHHHHHHH

So, Kamala claimed she was fully black and disadvantaged to get into a medium tier law school. Even though she wasn’t at an economic or educational disadvantage. What’s interesting about this is that it seems her mother was unaware that her daughter was gaming the system! And, the LEOP students failed the bar exam at least 55% of the time during Kamala’s time in law school. Which could explain why she was unable to pass the bar the first time. 

This is a pattern with Kamala. She doesn’t do the work. And when she does it’s phoned in or literally lifted from someone else and passed off as her own. 

This, in my opinion, is a key reason why she’s been completely AWOL on the border and immigration issues. She refuses to do the work. She’d rather pass off someone else’s work as her own, and thus far hasn’t been able to do that regarding the top issues facing this country. 

We do not need a lazy President. We need a President who will do the hard work, ALL OF IT, for this country. Kamala is not that person. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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  • Chad King says:

    This certainly doesn’t mitigate the fact that Kamala is both stupid and dishonest, but she was the San Francisco DA (rather than a US Senator) in 2007 when she plagiarized her testimony to Congress. Frankly, it’s a disgrace that she was ever a DA, an AG, a Senator, or the Vice President. I just hope her history of failing up has come to an end.

    • Lloyd says:

      Agree, but you must recognize all the boxes she checked along the way. For a woman…particularly a woman of color (her color is questionable) the rules are different. She could, and did get away with stuff a lily white woman would have been crucified for. This scares me…and suggests that there are enough women (maybe not REAL women) who will vote for her “just because!”

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