Joe Biden’s Swan Song At The United Nations

Joe Biden’s Swan Song At The United Nations

Joe Biden’s Swan Song At The United Nations

Today, Joe Biden gave his final speech to the United Nations as, erm, resident of the Oval Office. He has never in any way acted as Chief Executive Officer and we all know that. We, the people of the United States, have been leaderless for the last four years. Joe’s swan song to the General Assembly was a swan dive into a damp hankie. It was classic Joe Biden. A man impressed with himself AND devoid of substance.

Nina has done a post on Biden’s mention of the 13 brave Americans murdered at Abbey Gate and you can read it here. This is a post about the general Joe vibe for his swan song. Joe has spent his entire grifting career puffing himself up and delivering zero -0- results and NEVER being held accountable. From The Washington Times:

“In final United Nations speech, Biden says global conflicts will pass, world will heal”

President Biden on Tuesday delivered his final address to the United Nations General Assembly, capping one of his last speeches on the world stage as president by striking an optimistic tone amid world crises.

The president recounted all the conflicts raging around the world when he was elected to Congress more than 50 years ago, ranging from the Cold War to wars in Israel and Vietnam. He promised global leaders that the world will make it through the current conflicts as it did in the 1960s.

“Things can get better. We should never forget that. I’ve seen that throughout my career,” said Mr. Biden, whose administration has been struggling for almost a year to negotiate a ceasefire in the Middle East.

When things get better, and they have in the past and will in the future, it will because a great leader had a vision and inspired the people. It will not be because a dementia addled, old fraud blew empty words. Here is Joe Biden’s swan song:

What a loser:

I wouldn’t blame you if you couldn’t listen to this whole thing. Slurring and sliding through words. He uses a lot of words and puffery to say nothing. Like Kamala Harris’s word salads, he uses a lot of words to say nothing and is accountable for nothing.

The evil that threatens to tear our world apart is permitted by weak men. Joe Biden can’t see that because he is a weak man with marginal intelligence. Nothing shows that more than his explanation for why he dropped out of the 2024 Presidential Election. From the Washington Post:

As he wrapped his speech, Biden reflected on his decision to step aside this summer and end his campaign for a second term. “It was a difficult decision,” Biden said. “Being president has been the honor of my life. There’s so much more I want to get done.”

But he said that after 50 years of public service, he decided it was time for a new generation of leadership. “It’s your people that matter most,” Biden said. “That’s the soul of democracy. It does not belong to any one country.”

And that is the final act that turned his swan song into a swan dive into a wet hankie. He said he wouldn’t leave the race unless Our Lord came down. It wasn’t our Lord, it was Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris and Barack Obama. Joe knows it and every leader in that room knows how Joe got kicked to the curb. Buh bye Joe, you won’t be missed.

Featured Image: Wikimedia domain

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  • GWB says:

    The president recounted all the conflicts raging around the world when he was elected to Congress more than 50 years ago, ranging from the Cold War to wars in Israel and Vietnam.
    And now, we have war with Russia, a cold war with China (in the Philippine Sea, at minimum), war hammering Israel, still have a DMZ in Korea, and… well, we’re not at war with Vietnam anymore. He can count that a sign of progress.

    the need for unity to overcome global crises
    Not really. We need unity in America to push away crises all over the globe. But, we don’t really need to have them be “global crises.” The only reason the UN exists is 1) for the big nations to work towards a global government, run by “elite” Progressives, and 2) to provide an airing of grievances by the less well-off and ret**d autocrats so they can get their palms greased by the big rich first-worlders. “Global crises” exist solely to keep the UN going.

    “That’s the soul of democracy. It does not belong to any one country.”
    No, actually. Democracy (I’m going to give the benefit of the doubt and not kvetch about how we’re not a democracy this time) does only belong to one country at a time. That’s what the “demos” part of it means – the people. And it has to be a people, not all the peoples. Because they have to have things that draw them together for a common weal. Haitians can’t ever have a democracy because they have nothing that unites them. Afghans can’t be a democracy because no one cares about their neighbors one town over (unless their cousin lives there, maybe). Democracy only belongs to people who share common values and goals – which is what separates America from the rest of the world – or it did until they started importing the world here.

    I do have to cling tightly to my faith in a just God when I see Biden actually managing to walk off a stage like that, instead of being struck down for his 50 years of evil. But, then again, that place (the UN) is a cathedral of evil, so he had that going for him.

    • NTSOG says:

      “Democracy only belongs to people who share common values and goals – which is ‘… what separates America from the rest of the world – or it did until they started importing the world here.”

      And that’s the problem with multiculturism. Social theorists presume that all cultures are equal in every way and people from foreign [i.e. non-Western] cultures actually have respect for the western societies that allow them to immigrate. Another assumption is that the practices of non-western cultures are not inimical to Western values, e.g. female genital mutilation. As is seen in welcoming Western nations certain immigrant groups don’t integrate and are openly hostile to their hosts.

  • GWB says:

    Oh, and the US out of the UN, and the UN out of the US.

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