Joe Biden Asked Question About Trump Being A Political Prisoner

Joe Biden Asked Question About Trump Being A Political Prisoner

Joe Biden Asked Question About Trump Being A Political Prisoner

I am feeling just a little on the salty side today about the guilty verdict in the Stalin Show Trial of Donald Trump yesterday. It was an abortion of a trial. Therefore, seeing that nasty, mean, vindictive old man, Joe Biden, with his sinister grin today when asked about Trump claiming that he was a political prisoner was just about enough to make me drive to D.C. and “Say, Oops Upside Your Head” to Joe.

And, I say “Sod off” to anyone who even mentions Trump fundraising off of the guilty verdicts:

“Victory on November 5th!” Trump wrote on Truth Social soon after the jury read its historic verdict. “Save America!!!”

Trump spoke to reporters briefly after the verdict and his campaign sent out an email. We fact-checked their statements.

“Breaking from Trump: I am a political prisoner!” — Trump campaign email

We rated a similar statement by another speaker False.

There’s no universally accepted definition of “political prisoner,” but human rights and international law experts told PolitiFact in April 2023 that political prisoners are targeted specifically for their political beliefs or activities.

Sod off again. Idiots. The press conference was supposed to be about Middle East, but it began and ended with the Trump Court Show:

Joe Biden began with the “no one is above the law” bullshit. Joe says we can’t say the trial was rigged. Eff Joe Biden. We have the First Amendment yet today, we can say what we want without his permission.

The Joe flapped his nasty old gums about the situation in the Middle East after Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, which AOC says was Trump’s fault. Biden laid out his most recent plan doomed to fail. Joe doesn’t think too highly of his own abilities, does he?

President Joe Biden on Friday detailed a three-phase deal proposed by Israel to Hamas militants that he says would lead to the release of remaining hostages in Gaza and could end the grinding, nearly 8-month-old Mideast war.

Biden added that Hamas is “no longer capable” of carrying out another large-scale attack on Israel as he urged Israelis and Hamas to come to a deal to release remaining hostages for an extended cease-fire.

So, we should have stopped when we were closed to winning World War II?

But, the evil, mean, vindictive, nasty old man came out when Kelly O’Donnell asked old Joe about Trump calling himself a political prisoner. Note the grin:

Satan is proud of that grin. Whether Joe knows it or not this was all planned:

Featured Image: Ben Longstroth/ Domain

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  • Que says:

    Good grief — that feature image makes Biden and Trump look like reincarnations of Lobster Boy.

    Just because someone can generate an AI image doesn’t mean they should publish it, even in public domain.

  • Wfjag says:

    See if someone can ask Biden could answer:

    Joe, how do you respond to the conclusion that You’ve too stupid to be prosecuted?

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