Jill Biden Surprised By Reporter Asking Her Questions

Jill Biden Surprised By Reporter Asking Her Questions

Jill Biden Surprised By Reporter Asking Her Questions

If Jill Biden is going to be out there campaigning for her mentally compromised husband, then she’s going to have to learn how to take some heat. Jill Biden is giving screeching speeches to the public as she campaigns for her elderly husband. And she takes offense with reporters asking her questions.

Oh, hun, puddin’, if you can’t take the press asking you basic and honest questions, maybe you shouldn’t say anything at all. Instead, perhaps you should start looking into how to care for your husband and get him some help for his mental decline.

Jill Biden Answers Question With Another Question

But nope, she’s out there reprimanding reporters, telling them not to scream at her.

Irked first lady Jill Biden told reporters, “Don’t scream at me,” when asked Monday about the mounting number of House Democrats calling for 81-year-old hubby President Biden to give up his re-election bid.

“What is your message for House Democrats who are calling for your husband to drop out of the race?” a journalist asked as the first lady exited a coffee shop in Tampa, Fla. — with another reporter adding, “How are you feeling about the state of the race?”

The first lady broke her stride as she walked past the press, demanding to know, “Why are you screaming at me? – New York Post

After the First Lady asked the reporter why you are screaming at me, she added Just talk to me, then immediately climbed into her limousine and rode off.

Jill Biden is visiting three states to campaign for her husband. She is in Georgia, Florida, and North Carolina.

Someone loves the limelight, except those pesky screaming reporters trying to do their job. I guess Jill’s justification for being out on the campaign trail is that now people can’t keep saying she is abusing the old man.

It appears Jill will do just about anything to prevent Kamala Harris from stepping in to save the campaign for the Democrats. Jill is not a fan of Kamala.

At one point in 2019, Jill Biden reportedly fumed that Kamala Harris, who later became her husband’s running mate and vice president, should “go f–k” herself for attacking his historical opposition to interracial school busing. – New York Post

Most of the government media had meltdowns on live air after the disastrous debate performance. Many of their own people, Democrats, call for Joseph Robinette Biden to step aside.

Elder Abuse

In case you were wondering what constitutes elder abuse, a quick Google search produced the 6 most common types of elder abuse, according to Home Instead. They are physical abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, sexual abuse, neglect or abandonment, financial exploitation, and healthcare fraud.

Do you think dear old Jill can be responsible for two of those categories; financial and emotional/psychological abuse.

And What About Hunter?

Let’s not even mention Hunter Biden, the smartest man Joe knows.

Good grief, rumors swirl, or it’s being reported that Hunter, the drug addict and whoremonger is by Joe’s side constantly.

Hunter Biden is acting as his father’s “gatekeeper” as calls for the US president to step aside ahead of the November election continue to mount.

Joe Biden’s family rallied around the Democrat leader and urged him to stay in the presidential race after his disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump.

Hunter Biden is understood to have raised eyebrows after returning from Camp David to Washington DC with his father and sitting in on White House meetings as an adviser.

He has also been acting as a “de facto gatekeeper for long-time friends”, deciding who has access to the US president, according to Axios. – The Telegraph

Now, tell me that’s not a terrifying thought. This family is an abomination of catastrophic proportions. But they are in the White House right now and refusing to leave. Hey, isn’t that what they accused Donald Trump of doing?

Here’s a tidbit for your next dinner party: Jill Biden has her walkout song. In January 2022, the Marine Corps band was given its orders.

The Marine Corps band was instructed last fall to come up with an entrance theme for the first lady, a source told the Washington Examiner. The band now has in its repertoire an original composition titled “Fanfare for the First Lady.” The song, the source said, is essentially Jill Biden’s personal “Hail to the Chief,” in that it is to be performed and repeated at official White House functions, from her first appearance until she is ready to speak. – Washington Examiner

The ego, or is it false ego, this woman possesses is phenomenal. She has her Manolo Blahnik dug in, for sure. She really thinks she is staying in the White House, which doesn’t make her smart; it makes her delusional.

If she can pull this off and keep Joe in place for another four years, Jill’s full-time job will be keeping Kamala Harris from pulling that 25th Amendment trigger.


Feature Image: Jill Biden/Flickr/ACC District/License CC BY 2.0/edited in Canva Pro

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  • GWB says:

    That top pic would look better if those stripes were in black and white.

  • GWB says:

    Hunter Biden is acting as his father’s “gatekeeper”
    Isn’t that the same job he’s always had?

    I do wonder, though, if all those foreign grifters won’t be sending much work Hunter’s way now that the genie is out of the bottle.

    Jill Biden has her walkout song.
    Wow. Just wow.

    None of these people understand classical mythology, though. After Hubris comes Nemesis.

  • Cary says:

    All true points. I’ll have to download her walk out song on my Spotify Premium account!

  • Tim says:

    Her fanfare does sound like something from Monty Python or Benny Hill. And the dress fabric would make a great beach umbrella. Moving up from sofa cushions.

  • Scott says:

    Just saw this on PJ media.. The Marine Corps band didn’t really write the song, they stole most of it (though they did add more horns)…


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