Jill Biden: My Husband Is Calm And Steady

Jill Biden: My Husband Is Calm And Steady

Jill Biden: My Husband Is Calm And Steady

Today, Jill Biden is being mercilessly mocked on social media for claiming that her derelict and decrepit husband is calm and steady.

The low-brow Jill Biden is doing the media rounds to pimp out her senile husband. She was on The View, of course, because it’s a safe space for her, and dared to claim that Trump is “is doddery, doesn’t remember anything and can’t put a sentence together, and has brain farts in the middle of a paragraph, and they go after Joe.” – quote from Huffpost.

Dominic Giacoppa’s daughter also tried to convince The Coven’s viewers that her husband, Joe, is up for the job by using all the adjectives from a Thesaurus: smart, steady, strong, and energetic.

Come on, man!

President Joe Biden, is “competent, alert and doing the job and it’s not about his age.” – The Huffpost

Sure, Jill, sure.

Being the parvenu that Jill is, she’ll say and do anything to keep her status after the acrobats of her social climbing.

Jill’s ridiculous lies caught the attention of the people of X, and thankfully, they didn’t hold back.




And one more.

But seriously, Jill is simply running scared of losing that glam and spotlight. I am sure she’s “set up” for the inevitable, though it may not be up to her wants and desires. Who knows?

What Should Jill Do Next?

Since her March 2024 campaign run landed flat, and now Robert DiNero’s stunt for the campaign has gained more laughter, I guess they thought it was brilliant to bring Jill out again. What in the world? But in all fairness, she is Joe’s wife, so the campaign has to do something with her.

Good grief, Jill. I hope she accepts that she won’t be First Lady again and figures out something to do with her time in 2025.

Welcome, Instapundit readers!

Feature Image: Matt Johnson from Omaha, Nebraska, United States, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons/edited in Canva Pro

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