James Hoffa threatens Blue Dog Democrats on health care; says “they’re making a big mistake”

James Hoffa threatens Blue Dog Democrats on health care; says “they’re making a big mistake”

Jimmy Hoffa’s son, James Hoffa, has taken his father’s position as president of the Teamsters union. Jimmy Hoffa, you all likely remember, was a notorious union thug convicted of jury tampering, conspiracy, and mail and wire fraud. He also had strong connections to the world of organized crime, working closely with the Mafia, and ultimately, it was those ties that likely brought about his murder. And while there’s no telling if James Hoffa shares his father’s passion for crime, he certainly seems to. Consider, for example, the fact that he’s threatening Blue Dog Democrats for not cooperating on health care reform. The threat is unnamed, but this is a union thug making threats — can’t take it too lightly.

Centrist Blue Dog Democrats are “making a big mistake” by not backing President Obama’s healthcare reforms, Teamsters President James P. Hoffa threatened Wednesday.

“They’re a whole new phenomenon,” Hoffa said of the centrist Democrats who have been reluctant to back a healthcare bill containing certain taxes and a public (or “government-run”) option for consumers.

“A lot of these people we supported, and I think they’re making a big mistake by not supporting the president,” Hoffa added during an appearance on the liberal Bill Press radio show.

Hoffa’s words come after the likely incoming president of the AFL-CIO, Richard Trumka, told the Huffington Post that his union may sit out campaigns in which lawmakers broke from the organization.

Hoffa said that the Blue Dogs certainly weren’t aiding Obama’s efforts to pass health reform.

“The president needs every Democratic vote, whether it’s in the House or the Senate,” he said. “The fact that they’re basically chopping up the bill certainly doesn’t help him.”

This is just over government run health care — imagine how the union thugs will react if any Blue Dogs come out against card check.

Hat Tip: Moonbattery

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  • ibsteve2u says:

    You folks who place ultimate trust in the right? Well, I’m a six year Army veteran – and there is no way in…that hot place that I would gamble upon the right (whose only real motive is the profit motive) NOT selling this country and our people out – if the price is right.

    lollll..For instance, what was the first thing China did with the dual-use technology our corporations – enabled by the inequitable free trade policies of our Republicans – gave them because they could make higher profits by using cheaper Chinese labor, and the American worker/consumer/soldier (they are one and the same, you know) be damned?

    Did China work to ensure that every Chinese had freedom of religion, the right to vote, the right to keep and bear arms?

    NO! They put OUR technology into a weapon, and used it to knock a satellite out of the sky!! (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/6289519.stm)

    The right tells all of the right lies – Mom, apple pie, individual freedom – but their ONLY motive is wealth accumulation.

    And think about this: Is “do your own thing” a conservative or a liberal saying?

    What is “liberty”, but the right to “do your own thing”????

    Do you really think the right – the ones who have warped America’s America’s tax and bankruptcy laws and income distribution to favor themselves (http://www.epi.org/economic_snapshots/entry/webfeatures_snapshots_20070328/) will let us keep our guns?

    Once they have ALL of America’s wealth, and see us looking hungrily on?

    When the right speaks, the right lies – and America is paying for it.

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