J.D. Vance Unqualified, Trump Clone Per Elites

J.D. Vance Unqualified, Trump Clone Per Elites

J.D. Vance Unqualified, Trump Clone Per Elites

Zounds! Since Ohio Senator J.D. Vance was revealed to be President Donald Trump’s choice for his 2024 Vice Presidential Pick, we Extreme MAGA-types have been blessed with the brain-droppings of the Elite Left. Mr. Vance, they tell us, is not qualified to be a Veep because of comments that Vance made about the Pennsylvania assassination attempt against Trump. What would we ever do without these special people to explain the world to us?

Former Barack Obama senior advisor David Axelrod, Van Jones of CNN and former Obamabot, and crying former Republican Adam Kinzinger, all NEED us to know that J.D. Vance is “unqualified” to be Veep because of remarks he made on Social Media. From The Hill:

Vance, a top contender for Trump’s choice of running mate, said in a social media post on Saturday that the shooting was “not some isolated incident” and suggested President Biden’s campaign was, at least in part, to blame.

“The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs,” Vance wrote. “That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.”

Now, there are those of us (points to self) who have believed that this was always the goal of the Democrat Media Industrial Complex. Our response to Mr. Vance was shrug, yeah, we know! But, as our Darleen wrote, once Trump picked J.D. Vance the Leftie attacks began.

He is not qualified because of something he said on Social Media is too easy, it’s low hanging fruit.

Again, from The Hill, David Axelrod wrote on Social Media:

David Axelrod, former senior adviser to then-President Obama, said Sunday that Sen. JD Vance’s (R-Ohio) response to the attempted assassination of former President Trump should be disqualifying for the position of vice president.

“If @JDVance1 is on the short list for VP, this Tweet, sent an hour after the assassination attempt in PA, ought to disqualify him in the eyes of the Trump campaign,” Axelrod wrote on the social platform X, reposting Vance’s statement.


But Axelrod sharply criticized Vance’s response — calling it the “wrong vibe in that moment” — and suggested the Trump administration might not be interested in a running mate who embraces polarizing sentiments.

“As we now are learning, the gunman’s profile doesn’t seem to match Vance’s premise. But at least wait and see!” Axelrod said. “Trump probably doesn’t want a shoot-from-the-hip VP.”

I would be interested to know what Axelrod knows about the gunman’s profile. Once might say that Axelrod should watch that “shoot from the hip” talk.

Next up, we have Van Jones. From Townhall:

Yet, CNN’s Van Jones had the take that is the linchpin for the meltdown being exhibited by some over Trump’s pick: Vance is a “virus.” Jones has made decent takes in the past, namely being unafraid to call out his side regarding how the blue wall isn’t as stable as Democrats think and how the Obama coalition is crumbling. This is a bad one, though. And it’s even more unseemly given Donald Trump’s assassination attempt on July 13.

Let’s tone down the rhetoric by calling people with whom we disagree a “virus”:

In the shadow of Covid, virus is not fair. More:

Trump…is an instinctive, impulsive, intuitive nationalist. JD Vance is an ideological nationalist. That’s a much more dangerous virus because he can polish this stuff and make it seem palatable to people.

He can sell this stuff to Silicon Valley. He can sell this stuff other places. And what it does is it locks the Republican Party on a pathway that I think is dangerous for the world. Again, the Ukrainians are now in deep trouble. NATO is now in deep trouble. Trump is he could have gone with it with a Nikki Haley and signal to the world.

Hey, listen, I gotta give stuff to my base, but I’m not going to abandon the world. This pic is a horror on the world stage.

Van Jones is like a blind squirrel. He occasionally gets a nut, but not this time. Donald Trump wouldn’t trust Nikki Haley to do shite. MAGA-types are done with Corporate Republicans.

Next up is crying baby-man Adam Kinzinge:

Kinzinger — a former GOP member of Congress who became a frequent Trump critic — responded to Vance’s post, saying, “This should absolutely disqualify @JDVance1 from VP.”

Does anyone else think Kinzinger is jelly because he blew up his own career. But wait, there’s more. No, J.D. Vance doesn’t care what happens in Ukraine and we would at least like some accountability. He has a moral soul and a center. Vance’s conversion to pro-Trump didn’t happen overnight, it was based on Trump’s policies and actions.

Finally, we have Joe Biden warning that J.D. Vance is a clone on policies with Donald Trump. Good:

Every single one of their criticisms make be like J.D. Vance even more. Keep up the good work guys.

Featured Image: Gage Skidmore/flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons

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  • Cameron says:

    Back in a bit. I’m going to go through my copy of the Constitution and see where it says social media posts are a disqualifier.

    As for Jones? Commies aren’t people and their opinions can be disregarded.

  • Cameron says:

    Side note: Trump now has more experience in combat than Kinzinger.

  • Turtler says:

    Ironically I’m not Vance’s biggest fan by a long shot, but I’m also not his biggest opponent. He and I disagree on quite a lot, especially given how I am sort of a “Loyalist Neo-Con” and Interventionist while he is an Isolationist, and his ties to Purdue and the Opiods make me worried, and I wonder if it is really wise to extend such an olive branch out to someone who condemned Trump this harshly. But nonsense sniping from leftists is going to dissuade me about him, if anything the opposite.

  • Kamas716 says:

    Jones is as smart as a ventriloquist dummy without a hand up its behind. I don’t know a whole lot of Vance’s policy positions, but I don’t really need to. The VP doesn’t make policy, he follows the President’s policy. Perhaps someone should send Jones a copy of the US Constitution complete with amendments.

  • rbj1 says:

    Then there’s Mittens:
    “I don’t know that I can disrespect someone more than J.D. Vance,” Romney told Coppins in a book excerpt that appeared in The Atlantic.

    I like that non endorsement endorsement.

  • draigh says:

    So Obama, who was a senator for a little over two years, and Cackles Harris a senator for a bit over three years, were both infinitely qualified for President and Vice President respectively? Are the Dims suffering from dementia?

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