Israel Losing Biden In The Public Relations War

Israel Losing Biden In The Public Relations War

Israel Losing Biden In The Public Relations War


The late Helen Keller could have seen this coming. Day One after the massacre in Israel, everyone yells that the sovereign nation has a right, nay a duty to defend itself. Three weeks later and the average global opinion is that the parties NEED a ceasefire and that everyone in Gaza should sleep soundly in their warm homes with a full belly and no worries. The New York Times published an article last night “Biden’s Support for Israel Now Comes With Words of Caution”. Israel is losing Joe Biden in the public relations war. That shouldn’t be surprising considering the anti-Semites running his Cabinet and Biden’s own record of being wrong.

I am not surprised at how quickly public sentiment turned around. As our Darleen wrote yesterday, Liberal Jews thought they would be loved for their Social Justice credentials. Spoiler Alert: They are not.

I am not surprised, either, at how lamely Joe Biden has been on Israel. Joe has said the words about supporting Israel, but no White House invite for Benjamin Netanyahu. Honestly, Joe Biden doesn’t remember Netanyahu or the Jewish state, but his minions are being weak. They all care what the global elites think. They don’t care about what the right thing to do is. The subhead for the Times article is:

The administration has become more critical of Israel’s response to the Hamas attacks, a shift that U.S. officials attribute to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

See what I mean. The article begins:

Three days after Hamas terrorists slaughtered more than 1,400 people, President Biden offered Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu support in the wake of the vow by Israel’s leader to “avenge this black day” and to turn Hamas hide-outs “into a ruin” from the air and on the ground.

“I told him if the United States experienced what Israel is experiencing, our response would be swift, decisive and overwhelming,” Mr. Biden recalled saying during a call between the two leaders on Oct. 10.

But the president’s message, in which he emphatically joined the mourning that was sweeping through Israel, has shifted dramatically over the past three weeks. While he continues to declare unambiguous support for Israel, Mr. Biden and his top military and diplomatic officials have become more critical of Israel’s response to the terrorist attacks and the unfolding humanitarian crisis.

Israel has spent three and a half weeks warning the people of Gaza, telling the Gazans to leave, and learning all they can about the subterranean world that Hamas created. None of the countries surrounding Gaza will take any of the Gazans trying to flee. Hamas is trying to keep the Gazans there. By the way if you build a military headquarters and munitions depot under a hospital, it is not a hospital anymore.

More martyrs that way and GREAT public relations optics.

None of that is Israel’s fault. More from the article:

The president and his senior aides still cling to the hope that the new war between Israel and Hamas might eventually give way to a resumption of talks about normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and could even offer some leverage for a return to negotiations over a two-state solution in which Israel and Palestine exist side by side. Mr. Netanyahu has long resisted such a move.

These people are delusional. How can there being a “two-state” solution. That is suicidal. Hamas doesn’t want a two-state solution. From the L.A. Times:

Unlike the Palestinian Authority, Hamas does not support the so-called two-state solution — the creation of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state alongside Israel — as a permanent solution. It advocates for a Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, without an Israel. (Some extremists in the current right-wing Israeli government similarly believe in an Israel from the river to the sea, without Palestine. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took a map to the United Nations General Assembly last month that appeared to formalize that vision.)

Hamas doesn’t want it. Netanyahu doesn’t want it. Ain’t happening.

Israel is losing the P.R. war because of Joe Biden and his State Department. Britain’s Rishi Sunak isn’t any better.

Back to the NY Times and the Biden article. Jake Sullivan is the worst of the worst when it comes to Israel’s “friends”:

On Sunday, just a day after Israeli military leaders said Hamas terrorists were using a hospital in Gaza as a command center, Jake Sullivan, the president’s national security adviser, was more blunt. Mr. Sullivan said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that Hamas’s use of civilians as human shields “creates an added burden for the Israeli Defense Forces.”

He added, “This is something that we talk about with the Israelis on a daily basis.” He then noted that hospitals were not legitimate military targets just as Israel was warning that another major hospital in Gaza had to be emptied out before the next round of bombing.

Let’s add John Kirby to this vile stew:

More about aiding the Gazans. They are not the innocent lambs Kirby portrays them to be.

They want to blindfold Israel and tie both hand behind her back. No wonder Israel is losing the P.R. war.

Featured Image: Alisdare Hickson/ Commons

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  • Scott says:

    Mr. Sullivan said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that Hamas’s use of civilians as human shields “creates an added burden for the Israeli Defense Forces.”.. No it doesn’t, or at least shouldn’t add a damn thing. The pali’s support Ham-Ass, and in general are more than willing to be human shields to protect them. They have made their choice, and Israel bears no burden to protect or avoid them at all. They have declared themselves to be military targets, and should be treated as such.
    I totally support Bibi and his “river to the sea” map. The pali’s have shown that allowing them to remain there is a suicide pact, and they need to go. Let the other muzzies take them in.

  • GWB says:

    That opening picture. Oof.
    Has there existed a more ignorant generation of over- and mal-educated simpletons ever existed? Yes, that includes the cavemen.

    That “sign” he holds (can he not afford poster board? I don’t believe any college students are that broke) is idiotic. “Food cannot be a weapon of war.” Is he ignorant of 1) the purpose of war (most assuredly) and 2) the history of war (absolutely, he is)? War’s purpose is to bend the other side to your will, whether that be conquering their land, eliminating an opposing tribe altogether, converting them to your religion, or just stopping them from annoying you with raids. And a fantastic weapon for that is to cut off food to your enemy. Or offering food to a potential rebel on the other side might make them actually rise and help you.

    If he wants to say “War should not be a weapon of war” I would still say he is naive, but I wouldn’t call him stupid. To say “cannot” makes him stupid.

    And, of course, food as a weapon has a great benefit in war, actually. Since people might surrender before they actually starve to death, it prevents you actually having to kill them (including the children). And, if the people won’t surrender while their children are starving, it’s unlikely they’ll surrender as you start killing them… which will then necessitate your killing them ALL, anyway.

    The Progressive Way Of War is patently foolish. While I agree with the requirements of chivalry, Progressivism goes way beyond that, and requires victims to lay down at the mercy of their tormentors, instead of fighting back in such a way that they can live in peace.

    • NTSOG says:

      ” That “sign” he holds (can he not afford poster board? I don’t believe any college students are that broke) is idiotic.”

      I suspect that, for the ‘educated’ youth of today, war is a game played according to strict rules on a computer and no one is really harmed. In fact for such callow fools life is still a game and they can run home to mummy if it all gets too hard.

    • Locomotive Breath says:

      “Food cannot be a weapon of war.”

      Tell that to Sherman who made a point of starving my southern ancestors.

  • kamas716 says:

    No one should be surprised that this regime won’t support Israel, they actively interfered in Israel’s elections. Given the Israeli history of minimizing civilian casualties there’s not a single country in the world that can honestly criticize Israel’s response to the October 7 terror attacks.

  • GWB says:

    the humanitarian crisis in Gaza
    Which has been caused by the Palestinians, themselves, over the last 70 years. They could have built a lively (in the nice way) little country there by the sea, since the “refugee camps” were first built. But they don’t want to. They want to live as aggrieved victims, sucking at the sore of their grudge against the Jews. Because then they can try to hit back. And any ‘new’ humanitarian crisis is entirely the fault of Hamas and its supporters. It’s no longer really a “humanitarian crisis” when the people ‘suffering’ are those that actually committed terrorist acts against their neighbors.
    “Why you crying, Jim?”
    “Well, while I was smoking a joint, some ashes fell into the box of fireworks by my bed, and they shot into the jugs of propane over by the fireplace log pile, and that set off the gasoline cans by the wood stove, and my house burned down.”
    Sympathy level = low

    Hamas is trying to keep the Gazans there.
    A great many of the “civilians” want to stay, anyway.

    Israel is in the wrong.
    Nope. The Progressive stupidity about both sides being wrong in any fight is and always has been utter bullcarp.
    Israel wouldn’t even be morally (or legally, really, under the Geneva Conventions) in the wrong if they nuked Gaza and sowed salt there.

    Hamas’s use of civilians as human shields “creates an added burden for the Israeli Defense Forces.”
    Not legally, it doesn’t. By making their fellow Palestinians who are not officially part of the military (actually “terrorist force”*) part of the defensive works, they have made them all legal targets. There is ZERO added burden here – as a matter of fact, the burden is now lessened. Bomb away, Bibi!

    (* Since they are a terrorist force, they actually don’t get the protections of the Geneva Conventions, anyway. Hiding among the civilians after committing acts of war, however, in the name of their people and gov’t, they have actually removed ALL protections of the Geneva Convention [at least, parts we recognize officially/legally]. Period.)

    hospitals were not legitimate military targets
    This is not true. It is only under the Geneva Conventions that hospitals are normally considered off limits. And, even then, the Conventions acknowledge that putting military facilities/equipment within, under, or on top of a hospital make it now 100% legit to bomb the crap out of it.

    increase the flow of humanitarian assistance to meet the needs of civilians in Gaza
    This is how you actually prolong a war and increase the suffering.
    Because these folks (Progressives) are idiots, and think they can legal their way to warfare that doesn’t hurt anyone except the soldiers. You don’t win wars that way.

  • American Human says:

    During the battles in Okinawa, the Japanese continually forced civilians to lead their charges. The soldiers and marines simply had to shoot them otherwise the soldiers would get right up on them.

    Think about this for a moment. It was bad enough that they had to practically kill every single Japanese soldier on every island they fought on, now they had to kill the civilians too. What would that do to your mind after a while? What survival mechanisms would your brain have to create so you could endure? What would these men endure in the years afterwards?

    The same with the IDF.

    • GWB says:

      And one of the big reasons we had to use atomic bombs on Japan. It was the only way to ensure we weren’t going to have to obliterate the entire Japanese race in order to stop the war. (Among a bunch of other evidence.)

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