Israel-Hamas Conflict Highlights The Festering Rot At United Nations

Israel-Hamas Conflict Highlights The Festering Rot At United Nations

Israel-Hamas Conflict Highlights The Festering Rot At United Nations

The United Nations has long been a festering cesspool. The rot is deep and wide there, and has been since its inception. It was started with the very best of intentions, but the rot began to quickly brew. Now, with Israel defending itself against Hamas, the rot is blatantly showing.

Since October 7, the United Nations has very reluctantly spoken about the Israeli hostages and the Jews brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists. The silence and reluctance to speak against the atrocities has been glaring. 

Not only that, but the Human Rights Council, on October NINTH, held a moment of silence for dead Palestinian terrorists. Yes, they really did. Then, weeks later the U.N. made a choice that really shone a light on how rotten they all really are. 

Back in May, the U.N. had discussed making this decision. And, amazingly, the Biden Administration slammed the move. 

The appointment of a representative to a country with such a deplorable human rights record severely undermines the credibility and purpose of both the UN Human Rights Council and the Social Forum. The recent report by UN Special Rapporteur, Javaid Rehman, exposes a stark reality of widespread human rights abuses and violations in Iran, including state-endorsed violence against women and girls, summary executions of peaceful protestors, and stifling of freedom of expression, suggesting possible crimes against humanity.

Yet, now, with Israel mourning the 1400 savagely killed by Hamas, the United Nations went ahead and let Iran chair the Human Rights Council starting in early November. You can damned well bet they did this on purpose. All the while knowing that Iran is THE sponsor of Hamas, which includes their evil “Pay for Slay” which provides millions of dollars for life to those who attack Jews. It’s a safe bet that the October 7 attackers, and the families of the killed terrorists, are making bank right now. 

And the United Nations is totally fine with that. This was their response to the Human Rights Council move: 

Stephane Dujarric, the spokesperson for U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, told Fox News Digital that the decision is a result of votes taken by member states themselves and that Guterres “expects every member state to live up to the commitments they made when they signed up to the Universal Declaration.”

“This is especially true of those who sit and preside over human rights bodies,” Dujarric said, pointing to Guterres’s recent report on human rights in Iran, which noted that executions occurred “at an alarming rate,” the security forces carried out “large-scale arrests and detentions” that targeted protesters, and authorities applied “strict national security” restrictions on the right to freedom of opinion and expression – among other issues.

Do they even HEAR themselves? They discuss the continual human rights abuses that the Iran terror regime visits on their own people, yet pivot to saying with a straight face, that Iran will adhere to the Universal Declaration. What planet are they living on??!!! 

Oh wait, I know. It’s the planet where Israel is the bad guy and terrorists are the best of guys. 

Instead, under the waffling weakness of Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the U.N. has presented Israel as the guilty party in this crisis. Disregarding Hamas’s battlefield tactic of using schools and hospitals as arms depots and closing his eyes to Hamas’s use of Palestinian civilians as human shields, the U.N. chief claims that Israel is committing war crimes. Addressing Israeli military action in Gaza, he asserted this week that “We are witnessing a killing of civilians that is unparalleled and unprecedented in any conflict since I have been secretary-general.”

The rot goes all the way to the top in this case. It’s been rotten for a very long time. As Cliff May reminds us, The U.N. has hated Israel since its inception, and has long worked to delegitimize the country

I’d trace this campaign back to 1975, when the Soviet Union led the U.N. General Assembly to adopt a resolution calling Zionism “a form of racism.”

U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Daniel Patrick Moynihan rose to declare that “this is a lie” and to denounce that “the abomination of antisemitism has been given the appearance of international sanction,” and to state unequivocally that the United States “does not acknowledge, it will not abide by, it will never acquiesce in this infamous act.”

Ambassador Moynihan understood that, prior to 1948, Zionism was the movement in support of self-determination for the Jewish people in part of their ancestral homeland which had been, for millennia, under the rule of foreign empires.

Yet, the United Nations persists in swimming in its festering rot. 

The U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres justified the Hamas attacks on Israel by whining about how it’s the Palestinians who are the victims!

“It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum,” Guterres said. “The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished.”

Understandably, Israel is calling him out. 

As I’ve noted throughout, the United Nations is rotten to the core. And they happily brought it out into the open after Hamas terrorists attacked Israel. Forget defunding the police. Defund the U.N. and defund it NOW. 

Feature Photo Credit: United Nations flag via iStock, cropped and modified

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  • OneHandTyping says:

    We can do better than defund it: we can close our mission, make them a generous offer for the UN Building (then sell it to the Trump Organization), revoke their diplomatic visas, and drive them and their families to the Canadian border and let them out. Let them build a new clubhouse in Brussels or someplace else that can tolerate them.

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