ISIS Rears Its Ugly Head, And We Have No President

ISIS Rears Its Ugly Head, And We Have No President

ISIS Rears Its Ugly Head, And We Have No President

If you were an enemy of the United States, like ISIS, when would be the best time to make a move in your best interests, or attack American assets at home or abroad?

That time would be between now and Election Day. Despite Kamala Harris’s assertions about wanting to “turn the page” on the last ten years, SHE is the current vice president of the United States. Donald Trump is currently NOT the incumbent president. And Joe Biden, who is currently mouldering on the beach in Delaware, is no longer cognitively active. But if you listen to Kamala Harris, Joe Biden is totally with it and great and there are no problems at all with him, and she never covered up his current physical or mental state at all!

Remember Kamala’s full quote here:

CNN’s Dana Bash: “[Y]ou were a very staunch defender of President Biden’s capacity to serve another four years. Right after the debate, you insisted that President Biden is extraordinarily strong. Given where we are now do you have any regrets about what you told the American people?”

Vice President Kamala Harris: “No, not at all. Not at all. I have served with President Biden for almost four years now and I’ll tell you it’s one of the greatest honors of my career, truly. He cares so deeply about the American people. He is so smart and loyal to the American people and I have spent hours upon hours with him, be it in the Oval Office or The Situation Room. He has the intelligence, the commitment, and the judgment and disposition that I think the American people rightly deserve in their president. By contrast, the former president has none of that and so one, I — I am so proud to have served as vice president to Joe Biden and two, I’m so proud to be running with Tim Walz for president United States, and to bring America what I believe the American people deserve, which is a new way forward and turn the page on the last decade of what I believe has been contrary to where the spirit of our country really lies.

Kamala Harris says that Joe Biden has “the intelligence, the commitment, and the judgment and disposition” to still be president, and that’s what “the American people rightly deserve.” Well, we are certainly getting what we deserve right now.

So, Kamala Harris, Schrödinger’s vice president, is both deeply involved in every single decision and yet not in charge and can’t be held responsible for what may or may not happen. Donald Trump is not in office. Joe Biden may be still getting security briefings, but does that old man on the beach reenacting “Weekend at Bernie’s” right now present an image of strength for the United States at the moment?

Nope. Which is likely why we are seeing the resurgence of ISIS. Afghanistan had consequences far beyond what happened at Abbey Gate, or what has happened to the rights of women under the Taliban. Both al-Qaeda and ISIS-K are operating out of Afghanistan again.

Three years later, the consequences of Biden’s catastrophic retreat still ripple into the future. The Taliban have restored their safe haven for al Qaeda and its terrorism. Al Qaeda’s leader is so confident in his perch that this summer he invited foreign fighters to train with his group. ISIS-K, while an enemy of the Taliban, continues to use Afghanistan as a safe haven, and the group has infiltrated terrorists into the U.S.

We have covered before how illegals with ISIS ties have gotten into the country and “vanished,” thanks to the TOP MEN at the Department of Homeland Security. ISIS has also been tied to the most recent terror stabbing attack in Germany, which happened at a “diversity” festival, where a Syrian national who was seeking asylum has turned himself in to police.

A 26-year-old Syrian man who turned himself in to police on Sunday after allegedly saying he was responsible for the Solingen knife attack that left three dead and eight wounded was motivated by the Islamic State terror group, German prosecutors said Sunday.

He “shares the ideology of the foreign terrorist organization Islamic State” and on the basis of his “radical Islamic convictions” decided “to kill the largest possible number of unbelievers” at the festival, the Office of the Federal Prosecutor said in a statement.

The suspect is a Syrian citizen who had applied for asylum in Germany, police confirmed to The Associated Press news agency.

On Saturday, the Islamic State terror group claimed responsibility for the attack, without providing evidence. The extremist group said on its news site that the attacker targeted Christians and that he carried out the assaults Friday night “to avenge Muslims in Palestine and everywhere.” The claim couldn’t be independently verified.

A city of about 160,000 residents near the bigger cities of Cologne and Duesseldorf, Solingen was holding a “Festival of Diversity” to celebrate its anniversary.

The festival began Friday and was supposed to run through Sunday, with several stages in central streets offering attractions such as live music, cabaret and acrobatics.

The attack took place in front of one stage. Shortly after 9:30 p.m. on Friday, people alerted police to the presence of an attacker who had wounded several people with a knife.

At least three people were killed, authorities said: two men aged 67 and 56 and a 56-year-old woman. Police said the attacker appeared to have deliberately aimed for his victims’ throats.

ISIS is making its presence known across the West once again.

ISIS has claimed responsibility for several deadly attacks this year across the world, from Turkey to Iran and Russia. ISIS-affiliated actors also carried out a stabbing attack in Germany this month and threatened a Taylor Swift concert in Austria.

The renewed ISIS threat, along with the proliferation of terrorist groups across the Middle East, Central Asia and African Sahel regions, underscores how the U.S. and its allies are struggling to combat these groups in an era that is also marked by threats from state actors, including Russia, Iran, North Korea and China.

Still, in Washington and among the broader American public, there is no appetite for long-term foreign invasion missions to combat terrorism on the heels of the 20-year war in Afghanistan or the eight-year war in Iraq.

While not at the height it was before, the terrorism threat is again growing, and security experts worry the U.S. is falling back into a reactive posture.

“It takes one bomb going off in Times Square,” said Colin Clarke, nonresident senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. “We’re just far too reactive in our policy, and we’re not proactive enough.

“We haven’t learned a lot, sadly, I think, from 9/11. We need to prepare for these things and prepare our responses. We’ve got to be clinical. We’ve got to be kind of judicious in how we respond to these issues,” he added.

It won’t take one bomb. All it takes is one stabbing, or one shooting, by a bad guy, illegally here or not, who proclaims his allegiance to ISIS. All it takes is one death at the hands of Islamic terrorists on American soil to prove to the bad guys of the world that America has no one in charge at the moment. Do you really think that if there is a terror attack, Joe Biden will suddenly snap back into action and be completely in command? Do you really think that Kamala Harris is going to rush back to the White House to take control of a terror attack situation? Who on earth is in charge right now?

And do you really believe that something very bad WON’T happen on American soil between now and November?

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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1 Comment
  • Scott says:

    I wouldn’t bet a plug nickle that something isn’t going to happen prior to Nov. It has already been planned, you can bet on that.. the only question is, will whatever false flag op the left has planned to rig the election happen at a time that conflicts with the attack(s) perpetrated by our enemies who have already infiltrated our nation through the wide open southern border (military age Chinese males, various South American gangs, ISIS and other muslim groups, the list goes on…)


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