The news broke today that ISIS is claiming that the American hostage whose name was accidentally leaked by White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, Kayla Mueller (whose family has now publicly identified her), was killed in Jordanian airstrikes on ISIS locations.
The terror group ISIS released a statement today claiming that Kayla Mueller, a female American hostage the group had been holding, was killed in a Jordanian airstrike recently.
The statement, which circulated on Twitter, said an airstrike outside Raqqa, Syria killed the 26-year-old Mueller. The statement used Mueller’s full name, which had not been public.
The claim could not be immediately confirmed and ISIS did not provide photographic evidence of Mueller’s death, as the group has in the past with other hostages and its own fighters.
Fox News released a comment from the Jordanian government, saying that they don’t really believe ISIS, given how the negotiations for their own pilot turned out.
Here’s a statement from the Jordanian government:
The first reaction we think that it’s illogical and we are highly skeptical of the ISIS claim. How could they identify Jordanian war planes at such a huge distance in the sky? What was the American lady doing in the weapon warehouse? It’s part of their criminal propaganda. They have lied that our pilot is alive, and tried to negotiate claiming that he was alive while they killed him weeks before.
Fox News chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge said this hour that U.S. intelligence officials are investigating the credibility of the claim.ISIS claimed that Mueller was killed in an airstrike on a weapons depot, releasing a photo of a bombed-out building.
Mueller had gone to Syria to work with the humanitarian aid group Support to Life, and was kidnapped by ISIS in August 2013. Mueller was the last known American hostage in ISIS custody.
Victory Girls will continue to update this story as more details emerge.
I go with the Jordanian response…we know far too little at this point, to be sucked in by those evil bastard terrorists ISIS….(if you asked nicely, I’d tell you what I really think of ISIS…)
Prayers for all who love this young woman….
Ditto, Brat.
I’ll believe ISIS when pigs physically sprout wings!!
What the bloody hell was she doing in a weapons depot, counting bullets?!?
Okay. So let’s do what Jordan did, kill all of the badguys occupying cells at Gitmo.
Oh, my bad. Unfortunately we have an ISIS sympathizer occupying the President”s chair.
This ^^^
Obama’ wanted to even the score from many years ago, ideology of his father a Muslim from Nigeria. (regardless of his limited relationship ) And has had deep seeded prejudice’s regardless of how he was raised. I do think so many have suffered in the past, shamefully so, do to bigotry/prejudice but we thought he was above that. NOT SO ! ISLAM IS A THEOCRACY, rule by KORAN. ( Look at the world, who lags behind and why ?? ) Mohammad was a warrior. Do we see Moses & Abraham beheading destroying tribes of peoples ?? Did Jesus behead non believers, rape and pillage ??? There is NO COMPARISON. Why do they call Islam a religion of PEACE ??? We can thank all those before us, colonizing, Rich tycoons exploitations, monarchies, despots, and dictators. But what do we all do now ??!!?? Obama played “catch up” he is our nightmare’ all these peoples we all somehow create .
My wonderful grand mother ( I was about 5 ) once said if we were blind ( could not see ) and we met / made friends with one another did anything else matter ? We’d not know if someone had 3 legs, was red or green etc..
what happened ?