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In her weekly press conference, Nancy Pelosi indicated that she would like to have Joe Biden’s infrastructure plan passed by the House before July 4, and passed by the Senate before the August recess. Pelosi also indicated that the bill may be split into two parts.
Before Pelosi addressed the infrastructure bill, she told the remote audience how proud she was of Biden and the gun grabbing executive orders he announced on Thursday. She is proud of how he is handling the epidemic of gun violence in our country, since 41,000 people died from gun violence in 2020. Neither Biden nor Pelosi addressed car violence in which more than 42,000 people died, despite us all being locked down because of the pandemic. In the video conference, Pelosi took care to emphasize the words “ghost guns” to make them sound scary. Just what is a ghost gun?
Retired Marine Bomb Tech Johnny Joey Jones with on with Harris Faulkner today and explained “ghost guns”. You can watch his full remarks, with a lead-in from Colion Noir, here. From what I understood Jones to say, a ghost gun is a block of aluminium that must be hollowed out to precision and all the other gun parts fit into it. Now to make this precise drill, you need to buy or have access to all the equipment.
I have a little experience, very little, my late Marine father was a muzzle-loading rifle enthusiast and made his own muzzle-loading rifles. The time and precision need to make rifles that don’t blow up requires a lot of passion. Most criminals don’t have the passion for the instrument. They just want a weapon. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics:
An estimated 287,400 prisoners had possessed a firearm during their offense. Among these, more than half (56%) had either stolen it (6%), found it at the scene of the crime (7%), or obtained it off the street or from the underground market (43%). Most of the remainder (25%) had obtained it from a family member or friend, or as a gift. Seven percent had purchased it under their own name from a licensed firearm dealer.
The ghost guns phrase, like AR, is just used to scare the snowflakes.
Here is Nan’s press conference. I don’t expect you to sit through the whole thing. At least watch the ghost guns pronunciation at :41 in:
Was I right? Even her eyes get large when she says “ghost guns!”
Now, as to Nan and the infrastructure bill. We think of infrastructure as roads and bridges, which are mostly maintained by state and local government. Of course, the politicians would love to Hoover up all the money and release it to the states, selectively, under Federal strings.
Pelosi would like the bill to be bipartisan in addition to being passed by August. As Victory Girls’ own Kim wrote last week, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez does not think this “spendapalooza” is big enough. Nan is going to have to shore up her own caucus before she can (Don’t laugh.) reach across the aisle.
These selected officials are more than happy to spend your hard-earned dollars on things that are not strictly “infrastructure”
President Biden last week introduced the contours of his ambitious infrastructure proposal, which features traditional projects like roads, bridges and public transit. But he’s also vowing additional — but nontraditional — items under the same infrastructure title, which are expected to include provisions like child care, elder care and family tax credits.
“These things are related. If you’re going to build the infrastructure, you have to have workforce development,” Pelosi said Thursday, defending the strategy.
Democrats have been vague about how those pieces would fit together as the debate evolves, with some suggesting party leaders should simply lump everything together into an enormous package and move it to Biden’s desk using a procedural gambit, known as reconciliation, that would prevent Senate Republicans from blocking it with a filibuster.
And, Nan is such a sweetheart, she is willing to split the “spendapalooza” into two bills. Ain’t she grand?
“I think we will have two bills,” she told reporters on a press call. “We’re hoping that we can do — especially [the] infrastructure bill — with [bipartisan support]. … If we have to go to reconciliation, that’s a lever, but I hope it’s not something that we’ll need to do.”
Our Republic is screwed. Sorry to be blunt. We, as a Nation, are broke and our public servants think they are our masters and we will keep working to fund their spending. We are broke and we may break soon.
Featured Image: Gage Skidmore/ Commons
We would be far better off if we could close DC down and force politicians to hand write their “legislation” in plain english and send them via us mail for comments. We, the people should be able to decide, not the politicians.
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