“I’m Speaking” As Our Next Foreign Policy -Kamala Harris

“I’m Speaking” As Our Next Foreign Policy -Kamala Harris

“I’m Speaking” As Our Next Foreign Policy -Kamala Harris

Joe Biden as our alleged Chief Executive has been stupid, incompetent, bad and petty. His foreign policy, which can be summed up as “Don’t”, has given terrorists free rein, squashed freedoms and gotten civilians and military personnel killed. If Kamala Harris becomes our Chief Executive, her foreign policy will be “I’m speaking” followed by her laugh which Vladimir Putin finds so fetching.

The High Priests of the Democrat Media Industrial Complex have decreed that Kamala is now the anointed one and all are to bend the knee before her. Two months ago, before Joe got kicked to the curb, Kamala was a failure as a #2. Or, as Byron York asked “Remember when Democrats (and everybody else) thought Kamala Harris was a bad vice president?”

But it wasn’t too long ago that many Democratic insiders, and many in the party in general, considered Harris a failure at the job of vice president. Their unhappiness with Harris, which started with disappointment and evolved into something stronger, spilled into media reports and the general political conversation. There was broad agreement that Harris had just not been a very good pick for the nation’s second-highest position.

In February 2023, the New York Times published an article titled, “Kamala Harris Is Trying to Define Her Vice Presidency. Even Her Allies Are Tired of Waiting.” The headline was generous, given what followed. “The painful reality for Ms. Harris is that in private conversations over the last few months, dozens of Democrats in the White House, on Capitol Hill, and around the nation … said [Harris] had not risen to the challenge of proving herself as a future leader of the party, much less the country,” the New York Times reported. “Even some Democrats whom her own advisers referred reporters to for supportive quotes confided privately that they had lost hope in her.”

Democrats’ hope is so fragile anyway, lost hope is only a breath away. But, they are easily led. They don’t know shite about Harris, they didn’t like her a few months ago, but their Priests told them to follow her and they are. They don’t know or care about her policies but they see a female of color and their desire to say “Yass, Queen” blinds them to every other consideration. Yass, Queen is their female empowerment. Just as the rude and condescending “I’m speaking” is boss lady talk and that makes all the weak women think they are winning.

Remember this staged bit of psychodrama?

Mike Pence had no clue how to handle that. Xi Jinping, Putin, Ayatollahs? They will roll over her sooo fast. “I’m speaking” as a policy is as worthless as “Don’t”. It’s weak. Kamala is playing Go Fish as the evil leaders in the world are playing Multi-Table Texas Hold’em.

Kamala pulled out “I’m speaking” for Palestinian protestors. Notice the tough stare she gives them after:

I remember an elementary school principal doing that once. It didn’t work then either.

Picture in your mind, Harris doing the “I’m speaking” to the Houthis. The Houthis are reigning because of Joe’s “don’t” weakness. Victor Davis Hanson wrote about this in “The Biden-Harris World Is Afire”.

In this widening vacuum, lots of foreign opportunists, outright enemies, and nihilists are seizing the day—on the assurance that Biden is not a lame duck, but a lame, lame duck, and Harris is a near functionary in search of an identity and an idea.

The Houthis, a ragtag cabal of terrorists who hijacked Yemen after shaking off a few prior Biden “precision” retaliatory strikes, now “own” the Red Sea. They just hit a Greek-flagged oil tanker that is now adrift and polluting the Red Sea. It serves as their warning for commercial ships to keep clear of their mare nostrum.

The Houthis expect neither a Western nor an American response to ensure safe transit in and out of the southern Mediterranean by the world’s commercial fleet. Apparently, they believe that they are so backward, and their drones are so cheap and simple that the top-heavy U.S. cannot afford to hit their ad hoc launches with sophisticated, multimillion-dollar, and often misapplied weapons. And they are probably right.

Indeed, under Biden-Harris, the world has now lost free and safe transit in the Red Sea, the Black Sea, the South China Sea, the Strait of Hormuz, and the Eastern Mediterranean. Will the Caribbean or mid-Atlantic be next? The military is short thousands of troops, the merchant marines idling ships.

Will “I’m speaking” shut down the Houthis? What if Senator Grassley had turned to Harris and said “I’m speaking”?

Remember how nasty Kamala was in the Kavanaugh Hearings? That was so long ago, but Kamala hasn’t changed. Mean, petty and imperial, just like Joe Biden.

Hey Kamala, we’re speaking.

Featured Image: Darleen Click exclusively for Victory Girls

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