Ilhan Omar Is Extremely Proud To Be Hateful

Ilhan Omar Is Extremely Proud To Be Hateful

Ilhan Omar Is Extremely Proud To Be Hateful

Of course “Squad” Member, Ilhan Omar’s offspring protests Israel and fuels anti-semitism on campuses like Columbiuh. Why should we be surprised?

We should also not be taken aback in the least when Ilhan Omar says that her daughter “did something” and, man, she is “extremely proud“.

Omar’s daughter, Isra Hirsi, a student at Barnard College, decided to take her own “Squad” to Columbiuh the other day and get arrested in an anti-Israel, (let’s call it what it is), pro-Hamas rally. 21 year-old Hirsi, was hauled away in cuffs for being disruptive and suspended (slap on the wrist, basically) from Barnard.

Enter, her mother, Ilhan Omar, who says she is “proud” of Hirsi’s “activism”. After all, she’s been an “activist” since she’s been in Omar’s darkened black hole of a womb. Hell, at least Omar allowed her the privilege of being born, much less attend an Ivy League school.

I am enormously proud of my daughter. She has always led with courage and compassion, from organizing a statewide school walk out on the 20th anniversary of Columbine at the age of 15, to leading the biggest youth climate rally at our nation’s Capitol at 16, and now pushing her school to stand against genocide. Stepping up to change what you can’t tolerate is why we as a country have the right to speech, assembly, and petition enshrined in our constitution..”-Ilhan Omar

Hoooooooo boy. “Stepping up to change what you can’t tolerate?” “Stepping up” and walking out of school. “Stepping up” on the stairs of the Nation’s Capital. “Stepping up” against “genocide”? Like all of those idiots who have nothing better to do than block airport entrances on a Monday afternoon? These brainwashed, spoiled brats are “stepping up” while others are actually working hard. I’ve got news for you, Ilhan. While you can be proud AF of your daughter for “stepping up”, some students in America are busting their asses and trying to make sense out of this all; hoping and praying their hard work is not in vain. They have better things to do them set up tents on the Columbiuh campus. They step up and take college classes before graduating high school. They step up in their communities. They step up and work jobs. They step up and learn trades so these douche-canoes don’t have to.

Here’s the rub: We, The People, are paying Ilhan Omar. Therefore, We, The People, are paying for (shallow moment) her daughter’s ugly outfits (I know, this whole movement is an aesthetic I wish would go away forever) AND, more importantly, her almost $100-grand-a-year “education” from the Barnard College of Indoctrination. Side note: Barnard proudly boasts being an “all-girl” school with women “proudly leading the way”. Unless, of course, if you are a man who wants to be a woman and “transition” while at the school.

And, still, some continue to protest and make demands. They want those who have been suspended back on campus:

Lucky for young Isra, her mom’s got friends in low places to come to her defense:

From UM to Vanderbilt to USC to Columbia, students across our country are being retaliated against for using their constitutional rights to protest genocide. It’s appalling.”-Rashida Tlaib

From the river to the sea, students across our country are being retaliated against…”

There, fixed it for you, Rashida. You are appalling.

How does a student with no disciplinary record suddenly get to a suspension less than 24 hours after a nonviolent protest? What merits asymmetric crackdowns on Palestinian human rights protests?”-Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

How does a dumba$$ like this end up in Congress? AOC is all about protesting in the streets, don’t you know? Unless, of course, it’s her street you’re blockading or her you re harassing. Then, “it’s completely f#cked up“.

Expecting Ilhan Omar to be a “proper parent” is a little much, I would say. This is a member of the “Squad” we are talking about here. Class and civility have flown completely out the window. These “kids” are a snippet of the upcoming generation. Full of self-important, attention-seeking, pseudo-intellectuals who actually think they know how the world works but are so completely out-of-touch with reality in their elitist bubbles. They will call for riots, riot in, and trash your city and go the hell home. They will proudly display the hammer and sickle (since removed) on their X profiles while calling themselves “angry black girls”. They think they’re smart, but are entirely too damn stupid to see the utter irony in this gesture of theirs. I suggest further reading for young Hirsi here.

But Ilhan is “extremely proud” of her daughter. Kudos to Ilhan. Her little Comrade Coconut did not fall far from the tree. Be proud, Ilhan. You’ve raised a good, little satan-spawned terror-loving Communist.

Photo Credit: Original Artwork by VG, Darleen Click

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  • Mad Celt says:

    Everyone has the right 5o protest. What they do not have a right to is being obnoxious, disruptive or violent. Only fools read the latter into the former but most protesters are fools. If one wishes to protest Israels treatment of Gaza then go to Jerusalem or Tel Aviv.

    • John S says:

      Correction: Everyone DOES have a right to be obnoxious. Disruptive and/or violent, nope on those, IN GENERAL. And for the record, I am firmly in the camp that these protests fall under the GENERAL prohibition.

  • Cameron says:

    How does a student with no disciplinary record suddenly get to a suspension less than 24 hours after a nonviolent protest?

    1. Students were not allowed to disrupt normal people on campus.
    2. They were asked politely to break up their fetid encampment.
    3. They refused.
    4. Cops said “Move or be arrested.”

    AOC is not the best and brightest the Democrats have to offer.

  • Skillyboo says:

    Still wondering when the investigation about Omar marrying her brother begins.

  • Owego says:

    It is galling in the extreme to hear Ilhan Omar utter the words “we as a country” with respect to anything American. She is self serving, manipulative opportunistic female tramp.

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