Hunter’s Expensive Lawyer Complains About The Naked Pictures

Hunter’s Expensive Lawyer Complains About The Naked Pictures

Hunter’s Expensive Lawyer Complains About The Naked Pictures

Look, we all realize that a lawyer is loyal to whomever is paying their bills. Still, you would think that very expensive lawyer Abbe Lowell, who is currently representing trash human Hunter Biden, would realize that his client is a scumbag and made his own hooker-filled bed.

But no. Abbe Lowell is very upset. And he’s letting the Office of Congressional Ethics know about it. You see, Lowell is butthurt because Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene had the AUDACITY to show censored naked pictures of Hunter Biden during the whistleblower hearing! And Lowell wants her PUNISHED.

Um, okay. One might ask the question why Hunter Biden takes pictures and video of himself naked all the time. The guy is a one-man nudist colony, and he created his own personal porn reel and then abandoned his laptop. Obviously Hunter has no shame, and he has no moral qualms about hiring prostitutes to be naked with him. (Lost in this pearl-clutching about poor little Hunter is the open question if any of these women consented to be recorded for this pervert’s future pleasure.)

But there are a couple of curious things to notice about Abbe Lowell’s righteous indignation on behalf of man-child Hunter Biden. First of all, Lowell is doing the exact same thing that the Democrats on the committee did – totally ignoring the actual testimony of the whistleblowers.

We got a lot of whining and complaining about the hearing, but nothing about the actual substance of the testimony. Presumably, the Democrats on the committee would have objected and poked holes in said testimony if they could have. Instead, we get moronic comments like this one from Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA), complaining that the IRS agents are “sticklers” for the law – you know, it’s just like Les Misérables!

To his (mild) credit, Khanna admitted that his Les Mis reference sucked.

It still doesn’t change the fact that if your entire argument to an IRS agent who is pointing out that Hunter Biden got away with multiple tax felonies is that he sure does like the law… that’s not a good argument. And Abbe Lowell makes no comment about the content of the testimony. He just wants to tattle on Marjorie Taylor Greene for showing the pictures that Hunter clearly made for his own personal use. Funny, I guess that means the laptop is real, since Lowell is complaining about the “graphic nature” of the pictures being shown. Thanks for the confirmation, Mr. Lowell!

The other curious thing about Abbe Lowell’s letter is that Abbe Lowell himself is still representing Hunter Biden through multiple legal issues. Lowell is not cheap; he’s a well-known attorney and moves within the top circles of political power. We first saw him work with Hunter Biden on his child support case in Arkansas, where Hunter finally settled with the mother of his child after reducing his child support payments by three-fourths and occasionally “paying” his daughter off with his paintings, while denying her his name. We have covered the despicable nature of the entire arrangement on this blog, and frankly, Hunter Biden should be shunned from polite society for not only his predatory pig-like behavior, but for the intentional abandonment of his own child.

Hunter pleaded poverty in order to get his child support payments reduced. So, who is paying the bills for Abbe Lowell to continue to represent him, and write letters whining to the Office of Congressional Ethics. I mean, he has to be putting in some billable hours for that, even if someone else is doing the actual typing. Right? Obviously, we’re never going to know who is footing the bill for Hunter Biden to retain the services of Abbe Lowell, unless that person admits it. Still, there is a fine hypocrisy to Hunter Biden, who is getting away with a slap on the hand instead of time in prison for tax evasion, who received millions of dollars from Burisma, who used his father’s name to probably extort money in exchange for influence, using a very expensive attorney to whine about his naked selfies while he tries to pay off his daughter with his crappy art.

Which begs the question – just how much of that Burisma money went straight up Hunter’s nose?

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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