Hunter’s Alford Plea Gambit: I’m Guilty, But Mostly Innocent.

Hunter’s Alford Plea Gambit: I’m Guilty, But Mostly Innocent.

Hunter’s Alford Plea Gambit: I’m Guilty, But Mostly Innocent.

The jury selection for Hunter Biden’s tax evasion trial was supposed to start this morning. And then his attorney dropped a bombshell. Hunter, using the Alford Plea gambit, says he is guilty, but mostly innocent. 

A lawyer for Hunter Biden told a federal judge in Los Angeles that there was no reason to proceed with jury selection in his criminal tax case because the son of President Joe Biden intends to change his plea.

Hunter Biden had previously pleaded not guilty in the case.

The lawyer, Abbe Lowell, said Hunter Biden wants to enter a so-called Alford plea, in which a defendant maintains they are innocent of the accused crimes, but concedes prosecutors have enough evidence to convict them.

Needless to say, the prosecutors and the judge were caught off guard. Court immediately went into recess so the prosecution could confer with Hunter’s attorneys on this matter. 

Such an interesting twist isn’t it? Especially in light of what could’ve come out from this case. Remember, this is about Hunter not paying taxes from 2016 – 2019 to the tune of $1.4 million. As RedState pointed out in August during the pre-trial motions, in order to make their case prosecutors would be calling people to the stand that would prove highly embarrassing to the entire Biden Family Brand.

Especially given that Hunter claimed many of his expenditures, such as paying for drugs and strippers, were business expenses. Plus, even then his pal Kevin Morris was paying for cars, rent, and more. 

Currently Hunter Biden is charged with nine counts of tax evasion, three of which are felony charges. Should he be found guilty, he would face nearly twenty years in prison.

The other kicker to this is that an Alford plea is one that both the prosecutors and the judge can accept….or NOT.

Hunter Biden is attempting to resolve his federal tax evasion case in California with a plea where he maintains his innocence but will accept punishment, his lawyers announced in court Thursday, moments before jury selection was scheduled to begin.

The arrangement won’t be final until District Judge Mark Scarsi, a Trump appointee who has presided over the tax case, gives his stamp of approval in open court. The court is now on break and will resume at 2 p.m. ET.


Prosecutors from Weiss’ team said they would object to an Alford plea. Prosecutor Leo Wise told the judge that Lowell’s comments in court were the first time he learned about a potential plea change.

Of course, Hunter’s attorney Abbe Lowell is claiming that the court is REQUIRED to accept the plea deal. Except that is not the case. Under the definition of an Alford Plea, the judge can review the case and determine if this is the correct route or not. If the judge says yes, then it’s an immediate move to sentencing, which may or may not mean a lighter sentence based upon the plea deal. However, when was the last time such a plea was accepted on the federal level?

Remember, Joe is on record claiming his son is totally innocent. 

Except this type of plea deal indicates that Hunter knows he’s guilty and the results of the trial would’ve made that very clear. 

I’m convinced that this is a gambit to game the system and get a lighter sentence while waiting for a pardon. Others are as well.

Oh sure, we know Joe said he wouldn’t pardon his son.

If ANYONE bought that line, I’ve an oasis on Saturn to sell you. Besides, Hunter is still awaiting sentencing after being found guilty on the gun charges. 

The question is, will the prosecution accept this new plea deal? Will the judge sign off on it? Jim is correct. This is indeed a very important test. 

If that does happen, you’d better believe that the Biden Brand will breathe a huge sigh of relief that their dirty laundry stays hidden for awhile longer. 

Right now, via RedState’s Jennifer Van Laar, the plea agreement is essentially off the table. Judge Scarsi wants prosecution and defense to provide motions as to whether he should or shouldn’t accept the deal. Lowell demanded the judge accept the deal right now, and admits that, even via the Alford Plea, Hunter will still claim he’s not guilty. The prosecution was pushing back, hard and planned to introduce the entire indictment into evidence. 

What’s instructive is what Hunter’s attorney admits in court, that the evidence against Hunter is “overwhelming.” This last ditch gambit is also instructive in that Lowell had to confer with Hunter, a Yale law grad, to educate him on what an Alford Plea is!  I definitely chuckled at that one. 

Hunter Biden has essentially told us that yes, he is guilty of tax evasion. And that if this goes to trial, the entire Biden Brand will face serious issues. It all comes down to what the judge will decide. 

No sooner had this post published, the following news broke. From Jennifer Van Laar, Hunter pled guilty to all charges. 

Hunter Biden pled guilty in a Los Angeles courtroom Thursday afternoon to all of the charges brought against him in a federal indictment related to failure to pay income taxes and tax evasion from 2016-2019. In accepting the plea, US District Court Judge Mark Scarsi told Biden that he faces a maximum punishment of 15 years in prison and a fine of between $500,000 and $1 million.

Sentencing will be held at a later date, after court officials, prosecutors, and the defense team present their recommendations to the court. At the request of Scarsi, Assistant US Attorney Leo Wise is currently reading the entire indictment as a factual basis for the plea.

Now the question is: Will Joe pardon Hunter?

Feature Photo: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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