Hunter Biden Reportedly Settles And Abandons Daughter

Hunter Biden Reportedly Settles And Abandons Daughter

Hunter Biden Reportedly Settles And Abandons Daughter

There is just no other way to read this story and not assume that the full measure of the Biden machine was brought to bear so that Hunter Biden could continue to be an irresponsible deadbeat pig of a human being.

After the news yesterday that Hunter Biden was going to plead guilty to tax misdemeanor charges and a gun felony charge, but still avoid any jail time, there was really only one court case currently outstanding against the 53 year old former crack addict and sometime abstract artist – the child support case that he had initiated in order to reduce payments to the mother of his four year old daughter, Navy Joan. Remember – Hunter has never seen his daughter. He never wanted her to be born. He cut off the mother, Lunden Roberts, in hopes of never having to deal with her again.

The text messages show Hunter Biden dropped out of contact a few months into her pregnancy, cut off her salary and health insurance shortly after she gave birth, and declined to even see a photograph of his newborn daughter. He had initially put her on his company’s payroll, likely to provide her with health care during the pregnancy. The messages show she did not go to court to seek child support until several months after Biden cut her off from his company’s health insurance.”

Hunter Biden reopened the paternity case last September, saying he could no longer afford to pay Roberts the $20,000-per-month in child support he had agreed to during his father’s presidential campaign in 2020. He is also asking the court to block the child from taking the “Biden” last name.”

Hunter Biden, who initially denied he was the girl’s father until a court-ordered DNA test proved him wrong, said he has “no recollection” of sleeping with Roberts after they met in 2017, noting that he was a drug addict and had many casual sex partners at the time.”

But according to text messages, Roberts and Hunter Biden were in frequent contact and discussed her pregnancy for the first few months. He added her to the payroll at his company, Owasco P.C., a perk that came with health insurance. But the text messages indicate that Biden was unhappy about Roberts’s pregnancy, and he dropped out of contact when she was about three months along.”

Hunter’s brain might be crack-addled Swiss cheese, but his dick was in perfect working order, and the DNA test proved it. In reading Roberts’ text message, it’s clear that she made a deliberate choice to grow up, go home, and make a better life for her baby. She is now 32 years old, so, almost five years ago when her daughter was born, she was 27. At 27 years old, she was making more mature decisions than someone Hunter Biden, twenty years her senior, and already the father of adult children.

Roberts finally got a child support settlement in 2020, but Hunter Biden filed papers to reduce his payments because the foreign money was being investigated his “financial situation” had changed. Hunter’s lawyers then played games in family court, which exasperated Judge Holly Meyer, and Hunter himself was ordered to appear. When he did, he brought high-profile attorney Abbe Lowell, prompting the question of who was paying THAT bill for someone looking to reduce his child support payments? Which Biden shell company is signing checks for someone like Abbe Lowell to represent Hunter, hmmm?

Well, a report from the New York Post is claiming that Hunter Biden and Lunden Roberts are settling the child support case, and that Roberts has dropped the request to change Navy Joan’s last name to Biden.

But let’s keep in mind that this is apparently coming from Hunter’s camp, and Lunden Roberts’ attorney is not happy that the alleged settlement is being leaked.

Lunden Roberts, 32, the mother of Hunter’s long-unacknowledged 4-year-old daughter, agreed to her $20,000 monthly child support payments being slashed after she showed up in person to his deposition in Little Rock last week.”

Roberts’ lawyer, Clint Lancaster, told The Post late Thursday that final terms were still to be determined and declined to confirm that his client had agreed to a reduced monthly payment of $5,000.”

“The case is sealed, and these are financial terms that should never be disclosed,” he said, warning that leaks about details of the settlement would derail talks and end up with Hunter back in an Arkansas court on July 11.”

“It was significant that Lunden was there” at Hunter’s deposition last week, Lancaster added. “I believe that settlement is important to Hunter Biden [but] we have concerns that Hunter would use [the settlement] as a means to promote some agenda of his … There’s always more that goes on in settlement negotiations than people realize.”

“Lunden is a great mom and little Navy is going be fine,” said Lancaster. “The kid has lots of love on the maternal side of the family in Batesville. They are a very, very close family. They adore her and are always going to support her … But I think everybody is disappointed that there’s not more contact [with the Biden family].”

“It’s not lost on anybody that Jill Biden wrote a children’s book and [dedicated it] to her grandchildren,” the lawyer went on. “She could have kept it at that, but she named every child except Navy.”

“They hung stockings for the dog at Christmas but not for Navy. That is one of the saddest things.”

Clint Lancaster is correct. Joe and Jill Biden have treated their granddaughter’s very existence as a threat to their family’s image, while continually cleaning up after Hunter’s craptastic decisions, like banging his brother’s widow and breaking gun laws that Joe supposedly champions.

The Biden family is highly dysfunctional with a warped dynamic that was exacerbated by the sad death of Beau Biden. They are also politically powerful and their financial status is under investigation. That all means that Hunter Biden, a pathetic excuse for a man, will continue to walk away from his moral responsibilities without any legal repercussions, all because his daddy is president of the United States.

But here’s the reality. Someday, and maybe soon, Joe Biden will leave office or die (whichever comes first). There is no Biden family member that will step into the political shoes left behind. Once Joe is gone, there might be lingering sympathy for the Biden family among Democrats, but the Deep State will no longer have the incentive to continue to protect them. The money will dry up. Meanwhile, Navy Joan Roberts will live a relatively normal life, far away from these grifters. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if someday, once she makes a career for herself, Hunter Biden shows up on her doorstep to demand support from her, because entitled dickheads that have been enabled into middle age never change their stripes.

And when that day comes, I hope Navy Joan Roberts closes the door in her sperm donor’s face, just as firmly as he is closing the door on her right now.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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  • GWB says:

    But I think everybody is disappointed that there’s not more contact [with the Biden family].
    Wow, that’s not something would have me disappointed. I’d want that creepy family as far from mine as possible.

    Joe and Jill Biden have treated their granddaughter’s very existence as a threat to their family’s image
    Which is really bizarre, given how f*ed up their entire family is. It’s almost like Joe’s corruption defiled everything he touched.

  • Cameron says:

    God look after that little girl and help her grow up normal.

  • Skillyboo says:

    Hunter is protecting his daughter from gramps perversion for little girls that’s why he chooses not to have her in his life. As for lessening the payments it’s as you wrote he’ll be broke within a year of pedo dad dying or leaving office so he’s trying to hide as much as he can.

  • ROS says:

    About that “former crack addict” thing……

  • Cameron says:

    Side note: From where I stand, Beau Biden was just as corrupt as the rest of his family. He was either really good at hiding it or he died before he could sink as low as his brother.

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