Hunter Biden Charged With Nine Counts Of Felony Tax Evasion

Hunter Biden Charged With Nine Counts Of Felony Tax Evasion

Hunter Biden Charged With Nine Counts Of Felony Tax Evasion

Late yesterday, Hunter Biden was charged with nine, yes NINE counts of felony tax evasion.

Drilling into the charges, it’s clear this was a pattern, not an accident because of his drug use. 

One may be able to kick the main addiction to the curb, but that doesn’t necessarily mean a full change in behavior. It’s seemingly clear that many of Hunter’s behaviors post-addiction were likely present pre-addiction.

These are new charges on top of the ones Hunter Biden is already facing. 

In July, Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty to federal tax charges following the collapse of a plea deal. A federal judge dismissed the misdemeanor charges in August. Biden had originally been expected to plead guilty to two federal misdemeanor counts of failing to pay taxes.

Hunter Biden was indicted on federal gun charges in September related to the president’s son being in possession of a gun while using narcotics. Two of the counts allege that Biden completed a form saying he was not using illegal drugs when he bought a gun. Another count asserts that he possessed a firearm while using a narcotic. He pleaded not guilty.

The collapse of Hunter’s plea deal was quite something to watch. My only problem with it is, do we even KNOW if Hunter has a job? I mean, he was ordered in July to find “gainful employment.” What kind of employment does he have at present? Being his dad’s handler on certain occasions? Throwing paint blotches onto canvas and calling it art? Or, how about all those emails with fake names?

During that nine-year-period, Joe Biden used pseudonyms, such as “robinware456,” “JRBware” and “RobertLPeters,” to correspond with his son, other family members, White House officials and Hunter’s former business partner Eric Schwerin, according to the committee.

In total, Joe Biden fired off or was privy to 327 emails with Schwerin, the founding partner and managing director of Hunter’s defunct Rosemont Seneca Partners firm.

Of those emails, 54 were exclusively between Joe Biden and Schwerin, who the committee charges was the architect of the Biden family’s “various shell companies that launder money around the world.”

As we continue to find out, a great deal of the Biden family business was conducted through those emails and with Hunter as the fixer on many occasions. 

Joe Biden is facing an impeachment inquiry, and no, that doesn’t necessarily mean there WILL be an impeachment. Joe is not a happy camper right now. All of this, he claims, is just a “bunch of lies.” 

There are clear lines of both communication and money trails showing up between Hunter and Joe. So these new tax-related charges likely have both trying to figure out how to make all this disappear. 

The tax charges have, however, become a far more prominent issue.

The investigation into Hunter Biden had evolved roughly five years ago into a dive into his business dealings. Two Internal Revenue Service criminal investigators heavily involved in the case revealed to Congress in the spring that the IRS and Weiss’s team had in early 2022 been unified in wanting to bring several tax-related felonies and misdemeanors against Hunter Biden for the years 2014 through 2019. The pair of whistleblowers also said violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act were “in play” at the time.

The more information that is uncovered, the worse it looks for the Biden Brand. Hunter even tried to go after Trump and other former officials, and got shot down BIGLY. 

“Not only does defendant’s motion fail to identify any actual evidence of bias, vindictiveness, or discriminatory intent on the Special Counsel’s part, his arguments ignore an inconvenient truth: No charges were brought against defendant during the prior administration when the subpoena recipients actually held office in the Executive Branch,” Weiss wrote.

“Instead, every charge in this matter was or will be brought during the current administration—one in which defendant’s father, Joseph R. Biden, is the President of the United States and Merrick B. Garland is the Attorney General that was appointed by President Biden and who personally appointed the Special Counsel. Defendant has not shown, nor can he, how external statements by political opponents of President Biden improperly pressured him, his Attorney General, or the Special Counsel to pursue charges against the President’s son,” the filing continues.

Oh yikes, that’s gotta hurt. Especially since, two days later, new FELONY charges are being filed against Hunter. 

The indictment is very detailed and is 56 pages long. 

I’ll admit, I found that part of the indictment quite hilarious. Oh but wait, let’s have a heart, he’s only a child. 

Everyone is yammering about the fact that Donald Trump is facing at least two trials next year, but guess what? Hunter is facing TWO trials as well. And just guess who the prosecution of either Biden case would LOVE to call as a witness? Joe Biden. 

These felony tax evasion charges, compared to Hunter’s prior misdemeanors are very serious. It not only spells big trouble for Hunter and yes, for The Big Guy himself, but might mean Hunter can’t plea deal himself out of these nine felony charges. 

We REALLY don’t have enough popcorn for this show!

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click 


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  • Mad Celt says:

    This justice system failed a long time ago. Now it is just a political tool used by the parties of Evil and Stupid to play their games with and to threaten us should we not comply. Hunter Biden complies with their agenda, which is a Get Out Of Jail Free Card.

  • Cameron says:

    Basically, Joe has become a liability and it’s time to get him to step down “to spend time with his family.”

  • Chad King says:

    I only skimmed the indictment, but it is quite damning. I can’t imagine how the special counsel was even contemplating giving him immunity from prosecution on these charges (and the special counsel must have known the facts before the Delaware “plea bargain” blew up last July). There really is a two-tier justice system. real crimes by Hunter get a pass and fake crimes by Trump are mercilessly pursued by political hacks at the behest of Hunter’s daddy.

    Let’s get to the main show. We may get a two-for. Biden will pardon Hunter and withdraw from the 2024 race. And Biden may as well pardon himself for his various crimes while he’s at it. I hope whomever coined the “Biden crime family” trademarked it–it’s worth a fortune.

  • John says:

    That picture of Hunter! The smartest man Joe knows!

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