How Do You Solve A Problem Like Marjorie?

How Do You Solve A Problem Like Marjorie?

How Do You Solve A Problem Like Marjorie?

Okay, she’s not really a problem. At least not in the sense that she is doing disastrous and dangerous deeds to America. You know, like the Joe Biden administration is doing. Take a step back for a moment, and instead of asking how you solve a problem like Marjorie Taylor Greene, ask if she thinks she is doing what her constituents want her to do.

While Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG) is outlandish, and her conduct in Congress may be less than ladylike, what is wrong with being feisty and honest? Although, I do have to call into question the chapstick schtick; I mean, come on, man.

She’s not the first Republican to call a President a “Liar!” In 2009, Joe Wilson called out, “You lie,” during Obama’s health care speech in a joint session of Congress. He later apologized for it. Not that any of that makes what MTG did okay.

Nancy’s face is priceless in the above video. She looks absolutely appalled. If she only knew what she would do 11 years later when she tore up Trump’s speech just as he finished the State of the Union address. Talk about appalling.

So maybe this gives other members in Washington the swagger to act a fool. I think most Americans might be turned off by this behavior, no matter who is doing it. Republicans don’t like it when Democrats act out their theatrics; AOC at the Met Gala Ball in her Tax the Rich dress or bouncing up and down sermonizing like a hungover repentant preacher. And Democrats don’t like it when Republicans step out of line, either.

Marjorie Taylor Greene felt the backlash with laughter from the Democrats this week when she presided over the chamber and dared to call for decorum.

Democrats erupted in laughter on the House floor Wednesday when Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) — who was presiding over the chamber — called for decorum.

The heckling came as House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) was delivering floor remarks about the debt ceiling, which has been the subject of high-stakes negotiations between GOP lawmakers and the White House.

As Scalise was urging the Senate and White House to take action on raising the borrowing limit — referencing the bill House Republicans passed last month — Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) called him a liar.

I guess you sow what you reap, Marjorie. The laughter probably didn’t bother her in the least. But this hit piece Salon put out should.

Does it bother people that much that we have some fiery people in Washington? Personally, I find it refreshing. Sometimes cringy,  yes. And perhaps if we did away with the drama of what Washington has become, a barmy reality television show, maybe, then they could get some work done. Doubtful though.

Most of the time, I am on Marjorie’s side, regardless of her delivery. So I don’t think it bothers MTG that people look down their noses at her.

Could MTG be much more powerful with some grace, discernment, and sophistication in her discourse? Maybe, if she polishes up her Southern manners. What’s the saying, you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar?

The obsession with MTG’s behavior is sometimes annoying. Are the elected representatives getting the job done? That should be the real obsession.

Feature Image: Gage Skidmore/Flickr/CC BY-SA 2.0

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  • Going by the election results, MTG is doing EXACTLY what most of her constituents want her to do.

  • Cameron says:

    Honestly, I don’t give a damn about her antics. If she was a Democrat, the responses would be “YAS QUEEN! SLAY!” and “She’s such a firebrand.”

    • Carol Marks says:

      Yep. And I’m sure our founders were passionate too.

      • Cameron says:

        Duels and fistfights were not unheard of. Starting to think Chuck Schumer would shut his hatehole more often if some Congressman invited him outside with a sword.

  • — What’s the saying, you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar? —

    Old “Honest Abe” Lincoln is said to have uttered that, or a version thereof. And in many circumstances, it’s quite applicable. Trouble is, MTG’s opponents don’t want “honey” and would not be attracted by it. They want her blood.

    Besides, President Lincoln didn’t use “honey” or any equivalent to get what he wanted. He used shot and shell. He used intimidation tactics, including a threat to arrest the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He used massive pressure against newspapers that opposed him and his ways. So the utterer of a fine and gentle sentiment need not cleave to that sentiment in all situations. Context matters. Keep that in mind.

  • Lloyd says:

    I like MTG…I see her as an unapologetic Pro-America/Pro-American who is not afraid to speak her mind. That said, she surely is a problem for the lefty, woke Democrats!

  • Skillyboo says:

    Like her extreme counterparts on the other side of the aisle she truly despises them. Now take the milquetoast politicians from both sides. I can picture them backslapping each other after giving another‘what they want to hear’ speech or interview. She exposes republican hypocrisy like the Squad did prior to Pelosi bitch slapping them into silence.

  • Mary says:

    I enjoyed your article. I like MTG. When people ask me how I can say that, I ask them about Maxine Waters. When the Left demands civility from ALL I will support them. But right now it is about power. They can do whatever they wish but Republicans cannot. I am so tired of the double standard. MTG makes the news and her message is getting out. Yeah!

  • JeffS says:


    Nicely written and well said. Thank you.

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