Happy Houthis Year From the Pro-Palestinian Protesters In NYC

Happy Houthis Year From the Pro-Palestinian Protesters In NYC

Happy Houthis Year From the Pro-Palestinian Protesters In NYC

Your Victory Girls have been on top of the Middle East and those Dead Enders, the Houthis. They are the Yemeni rebels sponsored by Iran, natch, who like to harass traffic in the Red Sea. The world-wide terrorism sponsor provide missiles, drones and live intelligence to the Houthis. Last night in New York City, Pro-Palestinian groups chanted their support for Yemen to celebrate the New Year. New Year, same old hatred.

Late November, our Deanna wrote:

Why did the Biden administration decide to take the Houthis off their list of terror groups?

Oh, because the Trump administration had designated the Yemeni terrorist group as an official “FTO” – foreign terrorist organization – and Team Biden was anxious to restore the Iran Deal as soon as possible. So less than a month after being inaugurated, Biden lifted the FTO designation on the Houthis in February 2021.

While Donald Trump was in the Oval Office, Yemen and the Houthis didn’t harass any ships or take the crews hostage. Biden has 721 years of foreign policy experience and he knows better. Then, in early December, our Lisa wrote:

According to this from The Associated Press (AP), “Ballistics missiles fired by Yemen’s Houthi rebels struck three commercial ships Sunday in the Red Sea, while a U.S. warship, the USS Carney shot down three drones in self-defense during the assault, the U.S. military said. The Iranian-backed Houthis claimed two of the attacks”.

A delicate situation for sure. The U.S. needs to tiptoe even though the Houthis claimed this attack. Even though one of the Houthis’ missiles almost hit our ship. With our people on board. Sounds like an attack to me but hey, I’m just an armchair Admiral here.

These attacks represent a direct threat to international commerce and maritime security. They have jeopardized the lives of international crews representing multiple countries around the world.

We also have every reason to believe that these attacks, while launched by the Houthis in Yemen, are fully enabled by Iran.”-U.S. Central Command Statement

I know what you’re thinking, because some of us are thinking the same thing.

The some of us who haven’t been educated by the Ivy League schools and don’t believe that the Iran proxies are the good guys, that is. Between the Antisemitic educated idiots and those who’ve freshly swept across the Southern Border from God only knows where, there were enough to hold a rally at Columbus Circle about ten blocks North of Times Square where the boring ball drop is. What did these lovelies chant?

New York stands with Palestine, my Aunt Fanny. Most of New York City went out of town to avoid the tourists. While NYC has turned into a dung heap from bad management the last decade, they know they can’t afford to lose any more tourism. So the NYC powers-that-be cut a deal with the Pro-Palestine faction to go up to Columbus Circle. We know the game.

We, the United States, could make Yemen and the Houthis disappear. We have Destroyers, like the Carney here, that could vaporize the drones, the missiles and the Houthis themselves. And, we have. But, Joe says we are not looking for a wider war in the Middle East:

The White House said Sunday it is not seeking a wider conflict in the Middle East after US helicopters sank three Houthi boats in the Red Sea after coming under fire.

The helicopters sank the boats and killed those aboard, marking the first time since tensions broke out earlier this year that the US has killed members of the Iranian-backed Houthi rebel group, which has been targeting commercial and merchant vessels in the Red Sea.

The US has avoided directly striking the group inside Yemen as it seeks to avoid escalating the crisis further. But a National Security Council spokesman said Sunday that the US would continue acting in self-defense.

Bah, I disagree. Here’s a chant for ya’ll.” “Navy, Navy give us bliss. Turn those Houthis into mist.” Bet they wouldn’t be harassing ships and the Red Sea would be safe after they’re turned into red mist.

Featured Image: Aaron Lau/Wikimedia Commons.org/cropped/Public Domain

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  • SFC D says:

    “The U.S. needs to tiptoe”.

    Negative. The U.S. needs to stomp them flat.

    • Scott says:

      Agreed. If we destroy all the Houthis, we avoid a wider war, because there’s none of them left to fight. wash, rinse, repeat as needed with any other groups of shitbags that want to try their luck

      • Scott says:

        Ooh, and as for the protesters, if they’re natural born citizens, keep an eye on them, and charge them with any / all crimes they commit (and you know they will). If there’s here illegally, deport them immediately, and if they’re naturalized citizens / green card holders, revoke their status immediately, then give them the boot.

    • Toni Williams says:

      I like stomping flat.

  • SCOTTtheBADGER says:

    What a wonderful Navy Chant!
    5″/54ers fall from the sky
    Land on the Houthis, make them die!

  • Cameron says:

    I want our response to be so thorough that our allies gasp in horror and our enemies void their bladders at the thought of ever getting our attention again.

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