Happy 241st Birthday to The United States Army!

Happy 241st Birthday to The United States Army!

Happy 241st Birthday to The United States Army!

History records June 14, 1775, as the day that the Second Continental Congress voted to formally create an organized Army to fight the British. George Washington was appointed as the first commander-in-chief of that Continental Army.

"A New Spring" by Walter Beach Humphrey (1892-1966), depicting Washington reviewing drilling troops
“A New Spring” by Walter Beach Humphrey (1892-1966), depicting Washington reviewing drilling troops
Two hundred forty-one years later, the United States Army looks vastly different and carries different arms.
But at its heart, it retains at its core the legacy of those first volunteers and their commander.

With a heart full of overwhelming gratitude, we here at Victory Girls wish the United States Army a very happy birthday!

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  • GWB says:

    Dang, and today’s Flag Day, too! And an election in my little corner of the world. I’ll have to carry my flag to the voting booth. I really need a tri-corner hat for that walk, too.

  • GWB says:

    Two hundred forty-one years later, the United States Army looks vastly different and carries different arms.

    Not so different. The percussion caps are on the inside now, and there’s a system for loading the next cartridge that probably has as many steps as the reloading back then (it’s just automated). The cartridges aren’t paper, but they’re re-usable now. The barrel’s shorter and the bullet a bit smaller. Other than that, it’s really the same firearm that won the Revolutionary War.

    That’s for all the goobers who like to say the 2d Amendment should only apply to the same arms the colonists had. 😉

  • The WolfMan says:

    Thank You, Victory Girls. In return, let me assure you I would not serve if I didn’t truly believe people like you were worth it.

  • OC says:

    Happy Birthday Army.
    Sadly ’tis not the Army I served in 40 plus years ago.

  • The WolfMan says:

    OC –

    Sadly, I can’t argue with that.

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