Gold Star Families Respond To Joe’s Disgraceful Lies About Troop Deaths

Gold Star Families Respond To Joe’s Disgraceful Lies About Troop Deaths

Gold Star Families Respond To Joe’s Disgraceful Lies About Troop Deaths

Biden is claiming that Trump lied about everything during the Thursday night debate. Except that Joe Biden uttered one of THE BIGGEST lies of all.

Yes, he really did claim that not one single soldier has been killed during his term as President. Heck, he even went so far as to claim that no soldiers have been killed in the last century decade! I was watching when he made that statement and it was all I could do to not throw something at the TV screen. 

We ALL know that Joe lied like the lying sack of crap he is. President Trump was able to call him out on that in rebuttal. 

Guess who was watching the disastrous debate on Thursday night? Gold Star families. And let me tell you, they are not only shocked but deeply hurt and angry at Joe’s utterance of that vicious lie. Mark Schmitz whose son, Marine Corporal Jared Schmitz, was killed at Abbey Gate spoke of his phone lighting up with calls and texts mere seconds after Joe made that egregious claim. Mark is angry and “beyond ticked off” that the President was so disrespectful. 

Steve Nikoui, who shouted at Joe during the State of the Union speech in March was even more blunt. 

“What he did last night was he basically refused to honor the service and sacrifice of the 13 servicemen and women that were killed at the Abbey gate directly – were killed because of his incompetence – and he refuses, since that’s happened, to even recognize them,” Nikoui said.

Nicole Gee’s mother Christy Shamblin was equally blunt. 

“It’s always an excuse, but the reality is that these 13 died, and many more were injured, and 180 Afghans died at that moment,” she said. “This was supposed to be a peacekeeping mission and evacuation. Our kids weren’t there at war, and he couldn’t even bring them home – couldn’t get that right.

“God forbid we end up in another war, because that’s exactly where we’re heading, and he’ll deny all that, too. He’ll deny it and place blame on somebody else again, too. That’s just what they do – they take no responsibility,” she continued of the White House administration.

President Trump even told Joe to his face on Thursday night that no one has been held responsible for 13 soldiers killed and hundreds of others wounded when terrorists blew up Abbey Gate that fateful day in Afghanistan. But Joe has a well-known history of NEVER taking responsibility for anything, let alone the deaths of soldiers on his watch. 

Thirteen U.S. service members were killed in the Abbey Gate bombing on August 26, 2021, in Kabul, Afghanistan. U.S. forces were preparing to leave Afghanistan, ending two decades of war at the time, and were conducting what ultimately became the largest noncombatant evacuation operations ever. The bombing resulted in the deaths of roughly 170 people, and many more were injured, including dozens of U.S. troops.

Additionally, three U.S. service members, Sgt. William Jerome Rivers, Sgt. Kennedy Ladon Sanders, and Sgt. Breonna Moffett, were killed in Jordan in January by an Iranian-backed militia aerial attack on a U.S. military outpost. Two Navy SEALs were lost at sea during an operation to board an unflagged ship that was carrying Iranian-made weapons to Yemen for the Houthis in January.

Tyler Vargas-Andrews, who was gravely injured during the Abbey Gate blast and whom Toni wrote about here, had just one word to say in response. 

I’m sure he THOUGHT of a lot more things to say, but disgusting certainly fits. House Speaker Mike Johnson, during a press conference yesterday, took Joe to task for his horrendous lie.

Joe uttered a shocking and disgusting lie that he and everyone involved needs to be reminded of repeatedly between now and November. Especially when the Pentagon tried to weasel its way out of correcting Joe. 

Sabina tried to tell reporters that Joe has intimately experienced these issues and has compassion for the families. If he did, then A. he wouldn’t have checked his watch multiple times during the dignified transfer at Dover, and B. HE WOULD’VE REMEMBERED THEM during the debate! 

Moreover, if Joe was truly concerned about our troops, he’d stop lying about how, when, and where his son Beau died. 

Infuriatingly, Joe has support for his lies. 

Good ole Jake is correctly getting ratio’d for that response. Except he’s so arrogant that he dug a deeper hole for himself. 

In other words, Jake is willingly ignoring the deaths of 13 soldiers and will happily parrot Joe’s lies in order to further his own career.  Makes you wonder what the soldiers under Jake’s command really think of him. 

Joe, from now to November, will claim that Donald Trump has lied about everything. Yet Joe himself issued one of the most shameful hateful lies of all on Thursday night. 

Yes, soldiers HAVE DIED on Joe’s watch. And yes, I’m beyond ticked off as well. 

Feature Photo Credit: Utah National Guard at Dover/flickr/cropped/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0. 

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  • Cameron says:

    Beau didn’t die there so he has no interest in remembering.

  • Scott says:

    If Jake had “commanded ” troops in Vietnam, he would have been fragged, for good cause. He is a POS, adn Jariko hits the nail on the head. F@#K that guy, along with the senile pedo

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