gloves off, finally.

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gloves off, finally.

gloves off, finally.

UPDATE 10/9/10: another great video about ayers the terrorist. this one is called “American Enemy.” no doubt! and crank it — it has good music.

jmac’s back-up documentation for the following ad is here.

fight on!

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  • chi says:

    yay! lets get it going now!

  • BikerDan says:

    Let’s drag McCain over the finish line first… whether he likes it or not.

    Anybody but OBAMA.

  • Jinxy says:

    LMFAO Dan!

    I think Sarah has been good for John McCain. She is teaching him that statesmen don’t when elections, bare knuckle fighters who are truth sayers do.

  • jeniryan says:

    Hi! It’s about time there were made a true comparison! I’ve been pondering over this for the past few days, actually. So many want to dismiss the weather underground and all of their dispicable acts, as though they were nothing. Those same people despise Tim McVeigh, al qaeda, the unabomber, etc…. Would their feelings on Obama’s associations be different if it were known he associated with any of the above mentioned, and if so — why? A terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist in my book. Maybe the said mentioned people just stayed stoned in the 60’s and 70’s, I don’t know… It’s totally mind boggling.

  • kate says:

    hi jeni!!! so good to see you!

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