Frederica Wilson Uses Death of Soldier to Call Herself a Rock Star [VIDEO]

Frederica Wilson Uses Death of Soldier to Call Herself a Rock Star [VIDEO]

Frederica Wilson Uses Death of Soldier to Call Herself a Rock Star [VIDEO]

Today Chief of Staff General John Kelly shamed Rep. Frederica Wilson — she of the big hats and even bigger mouth — for politicizing the death of an American soldier.

So how did Rep. Wilson react? Did General Kelly humble her? Did she apologize?

No. And not only no, but hell no!

In fact, Wilson called herself a ‘rock star.’ And then she laughed about it, so very pleased with herself.

Brilliant! The death of a soldier is comedy gold!

Not everyone was amused.

And then there’s this observation:

He’s right: it was never about supporting Sgt. La David Johnson’s pregnant widow and their young children. It was all about making political hay. Let’s be honest here — she doesn’t give a rat’s rear end about this Gold Star family, except when they were politically expedient. As a result she got the attention she craves, and now she thinks she’s a “rock star.”

Credit: Task and Purpose.

Columnist Dan McLaughlin of NRO Online declared that Wilson really stepped into it with her remark.

I wish. But I’m not so sure, because in 2016 Wilson’s Florida Congressional district was solidly Democrat. In fact, no Republicans ran in 2016 against Wilson, although GOP candidate Louis Sola will challenge her in 2018.

But no matter. Consider the fallout if a Republican congressman used the death of a soldier as the punchline of a joke — he’d be drummed out of office at the drop of one of Frederica Wilson’s ginormous tacky hats. Furthermore, he or she would deserve it. But Wilson will be re-elected next year. Because she’s a rock star, you know.

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Kim is a pint-sized patriot who packs some big contradictions. She is a Baby Boomer who never became a hippie, an active Republican who first registered as a Democrat (okay, it was to help a sorority sister's father in his run for sheriff), and a devout Lutheran who practices yoga. Growing up in small-town Indiana, now living in the Kansas City metro, Kim is a conservative Midwestern gal whose heart is also in the Seattle area, where her eldest daughter, son-in-law, and grandson live. Kim is a working speech pathologist who left school system employment behind to subcontract to an agency, and has never looked back. She describes her conservatism as falling in the mold of Russell Kirk's Ten Conservative Principles. Don't know what they are? Google them!

  • Rdm says:

    She is a soulless zombie animated and making noise with no moral or ethical core.

  • parker says:

    I call her cowboy hat cultural appropriation and need a ‘trigger warning’ before viewing that hideous woman.

  • Fisht says:

    “Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate, than that these people are to be free; nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion have drawn indelible lines of distinction between them.” Thomas Jefferson Circa 1821 Autobiography

  • Jose Chung says:

    I had Ms. Wilson as a principal in elementary school back in the 70’s. I am sad to see she has become a rank political opportunist.

  • GWB says:

    I hope an alligator mistakes her hat for a large manta ray and chomps down!

    I’d say something a “Rhinestone Cowboy” here, but I think that would insult rhinestone cowboys and their songs.

  • GWB says:

    Oh, for crying out loud…….

    Now Miss Wilson is claiming “empty barrel” is a racist term!

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