First Autopsies On The Ron DeSantis 2024 Campaign

First Autopsies On The Ron DeSantis 2024 Campaign

First Autopsies On The Ron DeSantis 2024 Campaign

Bless their little, pea-picking hearts. The New York Times published the first, of what will be a library full, of autopsies on the Ron DeSantis 2024 Presidential Campaign. Being that they are the New York Times, the natural verdict is that the “Bully” Donald Trump “emasculated” defenseless, little, naive Ron DeSantis. Could the Times be more predictable? LA-ZY and BO-RING.

While Ron DeSantis came in a distant second to Donald Trump (DJT) and slightly ahead of Nikki Haley in the Iowa Caucus, his internal poling must have been troubling for the future for him to suspend his campaign on Sunday and endorse Trump. It had to stick in DeSantis’s craw to say those words but, to my eyes, he looked as if he had been freed. He had never looked like a “happy warrior” to me.

The Times article: “The Emasculation of Ron DeSantis by the Bully Donald Trump” begins:

Donald J. Trump plumbed new depths of degradation in his savage takedown of Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, a yearlong campaign of emasculation and humiliation that helped force one of the party’s rising stars out of the presidential race after just one contest and left him to pick up the pieces of his political future.

In front of enormous rally audiences, Mr. Trump painted Mr. DeSantis as a submissive sniveler, insisting that he had cried and begged “on his knees” for an endorsement in the 2018 Florida governor’s race.

In a series of sexually charged attacks, Mr. Trump suggested — without a shred of proof — that Mr. DeSantis wore high heels, that he might be gay and that perhaps he was a pedophile.

He promised that intense national scrutiny would leave Mr. DeSantis whining for “mommy.”

Excuse me while I stop laughing. Let’s look at the emotionally charged phrases and modifiers shall we? “Plumbed new depths of degradation”, “savage”, “emasculation and humiliation”, “submissive sniveler”, “begged “on his knees””, “sexually charged”, “wore high heels”, “might be gay”, and might be a pedo. An exciting career as a lonely romance novelist might be better for these guys. As autopsies go, this is pretty emotional. The Trump Derangement Syndrome might have something to do with these words.

These two writers continue the autopsy apace. The same charged language. They are trying to damage Donald Trump the Bully now and Ron DeSantis the Weakling for the future:

Now he is both defeated and debased. His departure from the race on Sunday was a far fall from grace after opening his campaign as the heir apparent in a Trumpified Republican Party. Rehabilitating that reputation as he considers his next political move will require plenty of repair work with donors and Republican voters, thanks to Mr. Trump’s ruthless parade of insults over 242 days on the campaign trail.

Speaking as a Trump supporter, there is no shame in Ron’s game, at all. None, zip, zero, zilch, nada. As autopsies go, these guys were out for blood. In honor of these writers, let’s prepare for the 2028 Presidential Race and acknowledge these guys have RDS (Ron Derangement Syndrome). Ron DeSantis DID make mistakes, like the announcement of his Presidential run on Twitter Spaces and trying to be down with the young folk. Every campaign makes mistakes. Trump (he won’t admit it) makes mistakes. There was another problem for DeSantis:

Nope, not ready to move on. From before Trump took office, the Democrat Media Industrial Complex created lies and chaos to stop Trump. The Corporate Republicans shivved him in the back every chance they got. He wasn’t one of them. He was NOKD (Not our kind, Dear.) Trump is vulgar. Trump is a brawler. Trump is what I think we need right now. Meanwhile, Ron DeSantis is back in Tallahassee:

He looked so relaxed when he made this video. Should DeSantis be Trump’s VP? I have no strong feelings one way or t’other. I do know that the lawfare the Democrats, and some Republicans, have weaponized against Trump could be used against ANYONE. That’s important.

The autopsies on the DeSantis campaign will be endless. That’s fine. One or two of them may find a nugget or two. But, they can’t admit the truth. It wasn’t about DeSantis or any other candidate. We despise the media as much as they do us. We love Trump and hate them.

Featured Image: Gage Skidmore/ Commons

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  • Liz says:

    “Being that they are the New York Times, the natural verdict is that the “Bully” Donald Trump “emasculated” defenseless, little, naive Ron DeSantis. Could the Times be more predictable? LA-ZY and BO-RING.”

    This is just a continuation of a psyop on the population to make Trump supporters into crazed right wing loonies, so everyone can pretend the left isn’t against “all the right…just the crazies”.
    And quite honestly, a lot of Trump supporters are helping (albeit many are likely bots, trying to paint as many Trump supporters as loonies as possible….a troll’s words in the age of social media are about 500000 times more powerful than any sane, reasonable, intelligent person’s words. And the people most likely to retweet are those who disagree (that is truly using an asymmetrical weapon against your enemies).

    • Liz says:

      This morning on twitter there were about 50 percent posts of animals and/or people I agree with making good points…and 50 percent “Can you believe what this video shows?!?! What this person said on tiktok, et al” Also some crazy who in the old days would be relegated to Jerry Springer. And everyone knew it was fake, or those too stupid to know that didn’t get their message sent around the world 500 times.

  • Blackwing1 says:

    I have never liked Trump, despite having voted for him in two presidential elections. The man is a Constitutionally-illiterate bloviating sales-twit whose major talent is selling himself. His germophobic irrationality led to the weaponizing of the CDC and the abject nonsense of Fauci led to the destruction of the country.

    DeSantis on the other hand is a reasonable, responsible person with whose policies and practices it is very difficult to dispute. His handling of the Covidiocy was better than any other governor. I would infinitely prefer him as the Rep-wing nominee for the presidency. That being said…

    DeSantis has all of the speaking presence of a sack of mud. He is uninspiring, despite that fact that almost all of what he is saying is correct. He has essentially zero charisma, and since presidential elections have become just another popularity contest utterly devoid of actual substance, this puts him at a huge disadvantage when competing with a circus ringmaster like Trump, and he will never overcome this disadvantage with the left-wing operatives currently running the lame-stream media.

    Will I vote for Trump a third time? Yes, since he is better than the alternative of allowing the Dem-wing to continue their destruction of the US, both literally and figuratively, to continue. But he’ll never be allowed to be sworn in even if he wins since the Dem-wing will pull out all of the stops of force and fraud to prevent him from being president. The blatant fraud we saw in 2020 will be dwarfed by the fraud of 2024, but no one will do anything about it since we’re still warm, well-fed, and sheltered.

    • John Shepherd says:

      So what you are saying is the Republican primary voters are shallow and are overawed by celebrity culture over substance. Seeing that is obviously true perhaps we deserve what we get.

  • John Shepherd says:

    Let me help you here. Why did DeSantis fail? First, Trump has a sold core of fanatical supporters who won’t for anyone else. Second, Democrat lawfare made many Republicans feel that had to vote for Trump. All else in nonsense.

    • Third, he was funded by wealthy GOPe donors. His campaign was owned by them. Whatever his principles (which are, in the main, good), he couldn’t go against them.

      Same thing for Haley, although her donors are wealthy Democrats. (Also has a severe lack of principles, but that can be overcome by copious lying – if your donors allow it.)

      • Toni Williams says:

        perfect analysis.

      • John Shepherd says:

        That only matters to Trump Cultists. Other Republicans don’t care because they realize running for President is more than a normal person can afford. The reason that Trump can rely on small donors is that he has his own money to make up difference.

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