FBI Loses Count Of Capitol Informants And We’re Shocked

FBI Loses Count Of Capitol Informants And We’re Shocked

FBI Loses Count Of Capitol Informants And We’re Shocked

Brace yourselves for another FBI shocker, folks, I know you’re going to find this hard to believe. The latest and greatest in the January 6th probe tells us that the FBI actually lost count of the number of informants present at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021.

As you pick your jaw up off the floor, Miranda Devine pens the following in The New York Post:

The FBI had so many paid informants at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, that they lost track of the number and had to perform a later audit to determine exactly how many “Confidential Human Sources” run by different FBI field offices were present that day, a former assistant director of the bureau has told lawmakers.”-Miranda Devine, The New York Post

The Washington field office, once run by Steven D’Antuono, learned that some of his informants attended a “Stop the Steal” rally thrown by former President Donald Trump but also learned after the fact that “informants run by other field offices also were present, along with others who had participated of their own accord.”

So, what does the Washington field office ask FBI headquarters to do with this info to get a better idea on the count of informants? Their methodology was quite scientific. A well, thought-out, intentional plan, for sure. You ready for this? They decided to “take a poll” or “put something out there” because, well, there were “like a handful” of informants at the Capitol on that day.

Or, maybe there were “like 8”. No one truly knows for sure. Nor does the FBI know what these people were doing as “informants”, apparently. Nor do we know what the FBI shells out for these informants. Scratch that. We do know, sort of. It’s somewhere to the tune of $42 million a year.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), described D’Antuono’s testimony as “extremely concerning”, suggesting in a letter written to FBI Director, Christopher Wray, that “the FBI cannot adequately track the activities and operations of its informants, and that it lost control of its CHSs present at the Capitol on January 6.” Here’s more:

These revelations reinforce existing concerns, identified by Special Counsel [John] Durham, about the FBI’s use of, and payment to, CHSs who have fabricated evidence and misrepresented information.

The Justice Department Inspector General also identified critical problems in the FBI’s CHS program, including the FBI’s failure to fully vet CHSs and the FBI’s willingness to ignore red flags that would call into question an informant’s reliability.”-Jim Jordan

Things that make you go “hmmmmm”…

“We need to be careful”, he says. There is a “filing somewhere”, on the number of CHSs. There was “more than five”, maybe “more than ten”. The FBI is not in the business of “moderating” anything. (Except maybe Tweets of the anti-maskers back in the days of cOviD). Nor are they in the business of counting up their informants, apparently. And, embarrassing? I’ll say, on many levels. Embarrassing these so-called “informants” let what did happen that day happen. After all, no informants alerted D.C. Mayor Bowser and Nancy Pelosi to any of what would happen in a day that was “worse than 9/11“. Take it from Peter Strzok. A picture perfect example of how members of the FBI cannot seem to count. While I say nobody should have died on either day, we lost almost 3,000 Americans on 9/11. We lost 9 on January 6th, Peter. Learn to count, dude. But, moving right along here…

So, was it might have been one informant, or “like 8” or, maybe there 100, Mr. Wray? Can we take a poll or can someone “put something out” and get a count over here?

What are we left with? A lot of lost and incomplete information from The Federal Bureau of Investigation. What they do know? None, I repeat, none of these CHSs were part of the “non-domestic-terrorist” group, Antifa, apparently. Honestly, the outright disorganization would be laughable if it did not make our administration look so glaringly incompetent. The FBI’s been doing this for years. Do not investigate things that should be investigated like laptops or e-mails that could pose as a national security threat. WHAT HAPPENED?! (Who knows?)

And, when someone turns the heat up on the FBI? Conveniently, they “forget” or “lose track of” how many informants showed up to a riot, where these informants were located, and how much of hard-working Americans’ money was pissed away at paying these informants and the salaries of the individuals who work for the FBI who don’t know how many informants they hired. Or, they will say, “it’s a secret”. (Shhhhhh. They can’t tell you or they’d have to kill you.)

Here’s an honest question-can we get a count of how many people here think the FBI knows their asses from their elbows? By a show of hands? Can we get a poll or put something out there?

Featured image via Federal Bureau of Investigation on Flickr, cropped, public domain

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  • Bucky says:

    The FBI is accountable to no one, least of all Congress. Will a GOP controlled Congress, if there ever is such a thing again, do anything about that?

  • therealguyfaux says:

    This tends to suggest that the FBI is rather haphazard in its intel-gathering if it allows the right hand not to know what the left hand doeth. And for them to suggest that many of their snitches supposedly showed up unbidden to do so only adds to the picture of “it’s all good, man, when it comes to this sort of operation…”

  • Blackwing1 says:

    At this point the Feebs are so discredited that I’m forced to assume that anybody at the J6 demonstration who was advocating any form of violence or trespassing was either an undercover agent or a CHS. Those agents managed to find enough useful idiots for their weak imitation of the Reichstag fire.

    This is exactly the same MO they used during the late ’60’s/early -70’s, where the guy pushing the “let’s bomb the Selective Service office” was always the FBI informant.

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