Elon Musk, Time Person Of The Year, Left Sets Hair Afire

Elon Musk, Time Person Of The Year, Left Sets Hair Afire

Elon Musk, Time Person Of The Year, Left Sets Hair Afire

Time Magazine has named Elon Musk as the Person of the Year for 2021. “How in this time of Global Pandemic can a businessman be named Person of the Year?” screams the Leaching Lefties. “It should be the scientists who developed the vaccines or the front line workers.” the Left kvetches. There are three classes of people who may never be named Person of the Year, according to the Whining Left. They are the people of flyover country, the U.S. military and business people/entrepreneurs. They are all icky.

Elon Musk was a bold choice. The past few years give us a glimpse at just how bold the choice was. In 2018, murdered journalist Jamal Kashoggi and the “Guardians of the War on Truth were honored. In 2019, Time named “Climate Change” puppet Greta Thunberg got the award. In 2020, Time chose the safe choice of the presidential ticket of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Musk was a super bold choice.

Most of the business leaders at the top of major corporations today were not even blips in their fathers’ eyes when the business they lead were in their formative years. General Electric, General Motors, Pepsi or Hewlett-Packard? Bah. These new people with their Ivy League MBA’s are number-crunching formulists. They are not visionaries or entrepreneurs. They can afford to buy a lobbyist to do their dirty work. Woke suits them well. They don’t need to get dirty.

Three years ago, when the Thai Boys Soccer Team was stuck in a cave and in danger of drowning, Elon Musk made like NASA in “Apollo 13” and started working out scenarios to save them. Members of the Thai Seal Team got most of them out before Musk worked out the details, but who else besides Musk gave it a try? Crickets.

Most of the Leaching Lefties lamenting the choice of Musk whined that he took government money ($4.9 billion) and doesn’t pay enough in taxes. Whaaaa! Solyndra (failed) got $535 million. General Motors got $45 billion that the corporation didn’t have to pay back. At least with Tesla, we got some innovation. My neighbors have a Tesla and absolutely love it. I don’t get it. He is an electrical engineer and patent lawyer. AN calls his Tesla an electric car. Poor dear.He does love it. When it’s raining, the car will come from a parking lot to the door so that AN doesn’t have to get wet. I could get down with that.

The Leaching Lefties are bleating that exploring space is a waste of money. Loons. This is what man does. There is something out there and man (and woman) must find it, explore it and understand it. The SpaceX Dragon capsule has made more than 20 trips to the International Space Station. Even though I am afraid of heights, I think space exploration is ice cold.

Maybe it’s Musk’s Asperger’s Syndrome, or maybe he just doesn’t care, but he comes off as having a run and gun entrepreneurial attitude. From the Time Person of the Year profile:

Musk has disavowed terrestrial political affiliations and maintained good relations with politicians of both parties, including Presidents Obama and Trump, though he quit the latter’s business council after only a few months over the decision to pull out of the Paris climate accords. Of President Joe Biden, he says, “I don’t think he’s doing an amazing job, but I don’t know—it’s hard to tell.” He has an ardent following in some of the nastier precincts of the far right, but Musk claims that when he tweeted “Take the red pill” last year, he had no idea that “red-pilling” was a right-wing dog whistle: “I was just referring to The Matrix,” the movie from which the meme derives.

Unlike some techno-libertarians, Musk doesn’t anticipate a grim future of competition for resources in which only the naturally gifted prevail. But he rejects the idea that the size of his fortune constitutes a policy problem in and of itself, or that he is morally obligated to pay some share of it in taxes. A recent ProPublica investigation found that Musk and many others in his tax bracket paid no individual federal taxes as recently as 2018 because they had no income, only assets. In October, Senate Democrats considered imposing a “billionaires’ tax” on wealth. When Democratic Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon tweeted in support of it, Musk responded with a vulgar insult of Wyden’s appearance in his profile photo.

I love this guy. Sit back and enjoy this video of Elon Musk’s most motivational quotes:

My fav is “Good ideas are always crazy until they are not”.

Time Magazine has expanded the Person of the Year with participation awards in other categories:

2021 also marks an expansion of the Person of the Year brand for Time. In addition to its main honoree, Time also announced an Entertainer of the Year, and Athlete of the Year, and Heroes of the Year. The Entertainer of the Year was singer-songwriter Olivia Rodrigo, the Athlete of the Year was gymnast Simone Biles, and the Heroes of the Year were “Vaccine scientists and the miracle of mRNA.”

I don’t care about the $100 million that Musk is giving away. I don’t care about his weird personal life. I do care that an icky businessman caused the Leaching Lefties to set their hair afire and run around screaming. Totally worth $4.9 billion.

Featured Image: Steve Jurvetson/Flickr.com/cropped/Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

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