Drew Barrymore Slobbers Over Kamala “Momala” Dearest

Drew Barrymore Slobbers Over Kamala “Momala” Dearest

Drew Barrymore Slobbers Over Kamala “Momala” Dearest

Forget about Border or NASA Czar titles. Drew Barrymore, during her pander fest of an interview, has given Kamala a new title. “Momala”


Drew Barrymore’s on-screen behavior during her daytime talk show typically has people talking, but her recent comments toward Vice President Kamala Harris are raising eyebrows, too.

During Monday’s episode of “The Drew Barrymore Show,” the vice president told the actress and TV host about the first time she met first gentleman Doug Emhoff’s children, Cole Emhoff and Ella Emhoff.

You see, it’s so stupendously wonderful that Kamala is NOT the Disney caricature of the evil stepmother! Her step children absolutely adore her and Drew Barrymore thinks that’s just the most wonderfully amazing thing in the world. I’m totally surprised Drew just didn’t crawl in her lap for a hug and cuddle. 

Here’s the deal to Drew and all those who think that this is totally acceptable. It isn’t. However, if this is the best that Kamala’s handlers can do, that speaks volumes. Especially since they should’ve known how Drew conducts interviews.

Seriously, she KNEELED before Dylan Mulvaney of Budweiser fame while he pranced around in his poofy dress, heels, and 1950’s bouffant hairdo! 

GACK on steroids. 

Which brings me back to the Kamala “Momala” Dearest bit. 

We don’t need a parent, good or bad, running this country. We need an actual President who has his wits and brain intact. We need a Vice President who is a partner and support. Not one that cackles like a loon whenever she can’t answer a decent or even a benign gimme question, and speaks in word salads that signify nothing. 

But all of us who are pointing out how BAD this interview is are the mean girls. For example, the media is singling out Megyn Kelly for daring to opine her aversion to Kamala and Drew’s pander fest.

Megyn Kelly, who regularly spews white supremacist rhetoric on her eponymous show, shared her two cents about VP Kamala Harris’ viral Monday interview segment on “The Drew Barrymore Show.”


“I have my mother’s laugh, and I grew up, around a bunch of women in particular, who laughed from the belly. They would sit around in the kitchen drinking their coffee, telling big stories with big laughs…I think it’s really important for us to remind each other, and our younger ones, don’t be confined to other’s people’s perception about what this looks like and how you should act in order to be. It’s important.”

You know what? None of us would mind Kamala’s laugh cackle as much if it weren’t for the fact that it is her go-to in regards to any question (which means nearly all of them) that she doesn’t know the answer to! 

Furthermore, employing the laugh when talking about very serious subjects such as abortion, taxes, foreign policy, the latest gaslighting over our economy, or ANY policy; a cackle in the middle is incredibly off-putting. 

Then, to make matters worse, Drew Barrymore, instead of conducting a mostly serious interview, slobbers all over Kamala. 

Drew Barrymore: “Well, that’s a great segue to say that I keep thinking in my head that we all need a mom. I’ve been thinking that we really all need a tremendous hug in the world right now, but in our country, we need you to be Momala of the country.”

Harris: “I know. Yeah. I mean, yeah. Yeah, no.

Barrymore: “And as a woman who respects so much and wants to share and wants to be confident and has no ounce of meat that has competitiveness.”

Harris: “Yeah.”

Barrymore: “When we lift each other up, we all rise.”

Harris: “That’s exactly right. That’s right, that’s right.”

Barrymore: “However, we need a great protector.”

Harris: “Yeah. Well you know, part of it is, I think that sadly over the last many years, there has been this kind of perverse approach to what strength looks like, which is to suggest that the measure of one’s strength is based on who you beat down, instead of what we know the true measure of your strength is based on who you lift up.”

That last bit of word salad was just the icing on the cake. Who exactly has Kamala lifted up in these last few years? The George Floyd rioters in Minneapolis and elsewhere? Is she going to advocate for a bail fund for all the Columbia U protestor asshats? Oh wait, maybe she means support of the abortionists who kill babies. 

What we do NOT need is a parent in charge of this country.

Yes, this is a cult. We don’t need a Joe “Corn Pop” Biden with less than half his brain cells in charge with a cackling “Mamala” Dearest as his side kick. We need leadership that leads instead of panders to the likes of Drew Barrymore and her starry-eyed lemming audience. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original photo by Victory Girls Darleen Click 

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  • GWB says:

    The first reference I saw to this little slobberfest spelled it “Mamele.” That brought up a movie, an app, and, eventually, a Yiddish word. The Yiddish is literally “little mama.” (I think Drew has been studying Yiddish because of the campus terrorism.) The movie is a story about a Jewish girl becoming the mother to her family after the mother dies.

    So, yes, she wants Kamala to be our national “little mother” because we all need the national government to provide for us and to hold us in the dark when strange sounds wake us in the night. Why do we give these people any air, again?

    Yes, this is a cult.
    Well, yeah. Progressivism is a religion. And it’s a totalitarian one, with the state as a stand-in for our collective secular godhood. If the real God is our Father, then the State must be our Mommy – “Mamele Dearest” as you put it so appropriately.

    Please, just go away and leave us alone, Mommy.

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