Donald Trump Should Stay Focused And Carry On

Donald Trump Should Stay Focused And Carry On

Donald Trump Should Stay Focused And Carry On

The political landscape seems to have sped up well past warp speed these last few days. Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, former White House Press Secretary, has some advice for her former boss, Donald Trump.

Sarah Sanders says we should stay focused and stay on message, which will carry us to victory.

“Keep doing what we’re doing,” Sanders told the Washington Examiner. “The Democrat Party’s ideas are so broken, and we’ve seen that over the last 3 1/2 years that they aren’t serving the American people.”


“I think we continue to stay focused on our message and it’ll carry us to a big victory,” she said.


“The Left loves to talk about the war on women, but the only war that I see being waged is from the far Left against the conservative, strong women in this country,” she said during the event. – Washington Examiner

In other words, do not fall into the Democrats’ trappings when they start touting things like convicted felons vs prosecutors or the race-baiting tactics the left loves so much. Or, their new old favorite, telling us Trump has a problem with women.

A black woman prosecutor

And you know, since Kamala Harris is a woman, multi-racial, and a prosecutor/Attorney General to boot, the media will think they will have a field day with Donald Trump.

The Trump-hating media will do and say just about anything to try and take the attention away from Trump or try to smear him into oblivion. They will never learn their lesson.

It is 2016 all over again, but instead of laughing at Trump, they are deliriously infected with the TDS virus.

And now, the internet is pondering if Trump would change after someone attempted to kill the man. You know, become gentler and softer.  Here’s his answer.

So yes, Mr. President Trump, hammer down. Just because he is going up against a black woman doesn’t mean he should start using weak language. He needs to continue to speak the truth.

But we all know the Democrats and their state media will try to portray him in all sorts of negative ways. This is why Governor Sanders talks about her advice for Trump: Keep doing what we’re doing.

And I might add, perhaps his base can continue to highlight clips like this one:

Leave it to the Republican social media influencers to address the vitriol from the left. Donald can focus on telling God’s honest truth about Kamala Harris. Do not back down. Stay focused on the message.

And then you have the media like this, from the New York Times trying to tell you that Trump and his allies are fighting for the media’s attention. Say what?

For the first time since Donald J. Trump was indicted in the spring of 2023, he has lost his grip on the news cycle and — temporarily at least — his message. Instead of commanding morning-to-night media attention, the former president and his allies suddenly find themselves reacting to their opponents. – The New York Times

I guess a week and a half since someone attempted to take Donald Trump’s life is ancient history to the imbeciles at the New York Times. And did they have anyone covering the Republican National Convention over there? One would think that the last 72-hour news cycle wouldn’t be something to brag about with a missing Joe Biden, who eventually showed himself on camera last night to show us he’s unfit to run for reelection.

Although, for Joe to tell it, he is passing the torch to a new generation. Yeah, Kamala might be younger, but her outlook on the future of America is far worse. Be careful with Kamala handling the torch; she’s set to burn down what is left of America.

And Donald Trump needs to keep on carrying that message.

Feature Image: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons and InSapphoWeTrust from Los Angeles, California, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons/edited in Canva Pro

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