Devon Archer Testimony Is On Behind Closed Doors

Devon Archer Testimony Is On Behind Closed Doors

Devon Archer Testimony Is On Behind Closed Doors

Despite some last-minute shenanigans from the Department of Justice, Devon Archer showed up to Congress today.

As Carol covered for us yesterday, there was a moment over the weekend where the DOJ looked like they wanted Devon Archer arrested before he could testify. That ended up not being the case, but you be the judge on the timing of the first letter, and the reply.

In fact, law professor Jonathan Turley clearly believes in Hanlon’s Razor in this case, but it’s the DOJ who are acting collectively stupid.

On Saturday, the Justice Department told Judge Ronnie Abrams of the Southern District of New York that the court should move toward ordering the incarceration of Archer. The timing was viewed by many as intimidating and was reminiscent of the IRS visiting the home of journalist Matt Taibbi on the day that he was testifying to disclose the government’s massive censorship program.”

The Justice Department then sent a second letter to the court saying that it can wait: ‘To be clear, the Government does not request (and has never requested) that the defendant [Archer] surrender before his Congressional testimony.” Archer can testify . . . and then we can incarcerate him.”

The letters seem to be speaking to Congress, the public, and, of course, Archer rather than the court itself. The Justice Department continues to stumble through this scandal. While it allowed major felonies to expire in the Hunter Biden investigation, it seems on a hair trigger for those who may accuse him or the Department of wrongdoing.”

It often seems like the Justice Department under Merrick Garland is a series of step-on-the-rake moments.”

Turley refers to the entire episode as reinforcing “the image of a department adrift in this expanding scandal.” That’s too generous, in my opinion. The DOJ is locked in a power struggle between those who are just trying to do their jobs (and sometimes end up as whistleblowers), and those who think their job is protecting the Deep State and their most prominent players and purveyors of power. And right now, those in favor of the Deep State status quo quite clearly have the upper hand in their Attorney General, Merrick Garland.

Regardless of the circumstances, Devon Archer did indeed show up to Congress today.

Now, let us remember that Devon Archer is not exactly a wronged friend of Hunter Biden who simply wants a chance to make good before paying his debt to society. Pfffft. Devon Archer has seen Hunter Biden up close and personal for years, and the two of them are pretty much cut from a similar cloth.

Archer, who is set to appear before the House Oversight Committee on Monday and is reportedly preparing to tell lawmakers about President Biden’s interactions with dozens of Hunter’s business associates while he was vice president, informed Hunter Biden in a November 2018 text message that the “judge threw out my conviction today.”

“Thank f—ing god! First good news in way too long my friend. I am so happy for you. I know its (sic) been a living hell but put it behind you now and take great steps forward,” Hunter replied.”

“Love you brother,” Archer said.”

Hunter, son of President Biden, then appeared to refer to the Department of Justice as “motherf—ers” and said he and Archer will “have the last laugh.”

“I swear to god we’ll have the last laugh,” Hunter said.”

“I know. And I mean it. Can I please come see you now that I’m not a felon!?!” Archer said. “Don’t answer that. Just when and where?”

Hunter joked that he liked Archer “better as a felon” and that he was in Newburyport, Massachusetts, for the next week but to call him.”

Devon Archer and Hunter Biden have been in “business” together for over ten years, between the Rosemont Seneca Partners “investment firm,” the BHR Partners “equity firm” that is Chinese-backed, and both men were on the Burisma board together. To put it bluntly, Devon Archer knows where Hunter Biden’s metaphorical bodies are buried, and could very well confirm damning evidence of corruption or bribery by both Hunter and Joe. And he’s been given immunity in order to testify to the House Oversight Committee.

The testimony is happening behind closed doors, and then transcribed and released to the public. While the closed door element will cut down on the insane theatrical grandstanding that has become de rigueur at committee hearings, a transcript means that We the People are cut out of the loop. We are a very audio-visual people, and we like seeing video, and live video means that nothing has been altered for public consumption. Will we get a full, unaltered transcript to read in a few days? Will Democrats block its release, or just bitch and moan about it to the media? Just how many bombshells is Devon Archer willing to throw at his “brother” Hunter Biden? We will just have to wait and see.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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