Dems Desperate to “Remake” Kamala Harris

Dems Desperate to “Remake” Kamala Harris

Dems Desperate to “Remake” Kamala Harris

With FICUS Creepy Joe’s disapproval numbers moving into the 60% zone, White House handlers are pivoting to Kamala in order to spruce up and rebuild her. Dr. Frankenstein had an easier task.

“It’s no secret the vice president has trailed the president’s approval ratings consistently, and Biden’s ratings aren’t high,” said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics. “No doubt the eventual GOP nominee for the White House will use Biden’s age and point to Harris saying, ‘You are really electing her.’ So getting her approval numbers up would help Biden.”

And who is going to take on this “remake” of VP Roundheels?

(Anita) Dunn isn’t well known outside of the Beltway, but she’s half of one of the most powerful couples in Washington. She’s the senior adviser to the White House behind many of its communications strategies, including “MAGA Republican” and the “Dark Brandon” meme, and is married to President Joe Biden’s personal lawyer, Bob Bauer.

The 65-year-old Dunn has been called Biden’s “brawler-in-chief” with admiration by ankle-licking, Democrats-with-bylines in media. Somehow the cringe-worthy Dark Brandon attempt is a plus for her tackling the flighty narcissist whose Deep Thoughts are textbook tautological word-salads.

remake kamala deep thoughts

This remake is gonna take a bigger load of chicken-wire and plaster than Dunn expects.

Certainly, Victory Girls has covered Kamala’s Comedy Tour for several years now. Dunn has to tackle the fact that Harris was chosen to warm the VP seat because she was less popular than Old Joe. She ticked off the il-liberal Left’s intersectional boxes while posing no threat of upstaging the Oval Office’s potted plant.

Whitebread Kamala has never had a challenging moment in her life, regardless of the fables she makes up about her childhood. She’s always been the center of her own story, and when you peal back the slapdash cardboard trimmings, there’s nothing there.

Can Dunn remake Kamala’s privileged childhood? Her record as a corrupt District Attorney? Her access to the inner circles of power by being Willie Brown’s concubine? How is Dunn going to spin the hours of Kamala’s Deep Thoughts, inappropriate cackling and her MO of speaking to the hoi polloi as if we were low-IQ first graders?

Or the risible role of Border Czar Biden handed to her and she ran away from?

We are going to need a bigger tub of popcorn to watch the performance of VP Roundheels 2.0.

UPDATE: Welcome Instapundit readers!
UPDATE II: Welcome HotAir readers!
featured image, original artwork by Darleen Click

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  • Lloyd says:

    How does that saying go??…..You can put lipstick on a pig, but………….

  • Scott says:

    “MO of speaking to the hoi polloi as if we were low-IQ first graders?”..not sure that’s intentional, I think that’s just the top limit of her abilities… she really isn’t any more intelligent than that…

    You can put lipstick on a Ho… FIFY

  • SFC D says:

    You can polish a turd (Mythbusters proved it) but it’s still a turd.

  • JAW3 says:

    Very good post! I recall photos of Dunn way back with Mao posters on the wall in the background.

  • Andrew B says:

    “Everyone has the same capacity”? Really? Do I have the same capacity to gestate a baby as does a woman? Do I have the same capacity to win a race as Usain Bolt? The woman is painfully stupid.

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