Democrats Don’t Want Parents Involved In Childhood Education

Democrats Don’t Want Parents Involved In Childhood Education

Democrats Don’t Want Parents Involved In Childhood Education

Because they are our “superiors”, Democrats have been consistently vocal about parental involvement with educational curriculum.

This latest report states that, in fact, a majority of white democrats say that parents should not be able to opt their kids out of LGBTQ++++++=? issues in schools. Never you mind, these parents are also taxpayers. This, according to a recent Pew Research survey:

While 54% of U.S. adults at large say parents should be allowed to remove children from lessons on “sexual orientation or gender identity” if the ways these lessons are taught conflicts with their personal views, 51% of Democrats oppose the idea.”-Kristine Parks, Fox News

But wait…there’s more. And, this little nugget of information is curious, to say the least:

Most Republicans (55%) agreed this should be an option for parents, compared to 16% of Democrats and 34% of all adults.

The differences were even more pronounced when comparing White Democrats’ views to those of Black and Hispanic Democrats.”-Kristine Parks, Fox News

Note the difference between White and Black and Hispanic Democrats. The White “educated” masses are the ones pushing this on kids and wanting parents to comply. If a Black or Hispanic Democrat is opposed to LGBTQ, hyper-sexualized education in schools, the White Democrats still want to push it on them and their children by giving them no means to opt out.

Sixty percent of White Democrats believed parents should not be able to opt out of LGBTQ lessons, but just 42% of Hispanic Democrats and 34% of Black Democrats agreed.”-Kristine Parks, Fox News

Curious, I think.

There is no doubt that the LGBTQ curriculum is going to stay in our public school system. House Bills are showing up and being passed. Take Washington’s latest SB 5462 that requires “inclusive learning standards advised by the LGBTQ commission“.

Then, there’s “Woke Kindergarten“:

Glassbrook Elementary in Hayward, California, spent $250,000 in federal funds provided by a program meant to help boost test scores for some of the country’s lowest-performing schools, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. But after two years with “Woke Kindergarten,” students’ scores are reportedly worse.”-Hannah Grossman, Fox News

This is what happens. Test scores go down. The directors with their Doctor of Education degrees sitting at the helm of most school districts cannot do simple math, or logical reasoning apparently. They scratch their heads at School Board meetings and wonder why enrollment is down, attendance is abysmal, behaviors have escalated and why their districts have budget shortfalls. They cannot put it all together. To add insult upon injury here, they want to take away any parental rights to opt out of lessons and programs that do not teach our children the basics. They don’t think parents opting children out of Drag Queen Story Hour or LGBTQ sex-ed is right or fair or equitable, so they want to make the decision for the parents. After all,these children belong to the State, not to their families.

The village idiots are in charge, not the parents.

Now, I may be stereotyping here but I can see with my own eyes some of these White Democrats who are on-board with this. Some are older, elitist, White coastals who send their kids to private school and don’t have to deal with this BS because they can afford not to. They have White friends and do White things. Some are teachers themselves. I envision women in their mid to late 40s with cats and lots of plants. No kids at home, but likes kids at school. These “educators” are completely fine with the curriculum and opposing parental opt-outs because they will never understand what it means to be a parent. They are the same ones who oppose banning (sexually explicit and not age-appropriate) books. They will never understand the psychological damage and confusion some of these trends are inflicting upon children. They teach their “inclusive” lessons, ignore the basics (because, who needs ’em?) and have no responsibility to ensure their students are rational and functional human beings once they graduate high school. The outcome is much worse if these students do not have a solid family to come home to when the dismissal bell rings.

The truth is, involved parents will never “opt out” of their children’s lives. But I find it amazing that teachers and public school administrators now want them to keep their noses out of their child’s education. I always thought this was a partnership. When my son was entering Kindergarten, he was behind on some key milestones on speech. I am thankful that my son’s early years were taught by some very engaged teachers who worked with both of us to get him to where he is today-a graduating senior taking college classes and on the Dean’s List. I shudder to think what that would have looked like if we had to do this today.

I will say this. The White Democrats are the ones who do not think parents should be able to opt out of these lessons in the public school system. These are the very same White Democrats who opted out of showing up in their classrooms during COVID and actually teaching these same kids, in some cases, for almost two years.

And I’ll just leave this right here.

Featured image via alamosbasement on Flickr, cropped, Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

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