DEI Harris is Overdrawn at Bank Madam Melanin

DEI Harris is Overdrawn at Bank Madam Melanin

DEI Harris is Overdrawn at Bank Madam Melanin

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion — DEI — is the shiny and brilliant star at the center of the Left’s cluster of identity politics. Only prejudice and bias has kept BIPOC (or whatever the new melaninated label du jour is) folx down. But never mention it. Ever.

It is really a cute trick we’ve seen time and again from the spittle-flecked hysterics from the Left aimed at even the mildest critique of their Royal Oppressed. And nothing quite comes as close to being declared the sacrosanct House Totem like having a female vagina nestled in a rich, melaninated wrap. Too bad Kamala Harris isn’t really a male-in-a-dress, gay-married to Emhoff. The shield would be turned up to 11. But Democrats gotta work with what was shoved down their gullets by the party Elites, so it’s off to marshal the handmaids and other cannon fodder to shriek that one may never, ever question Kamalalollapalooza.

The most disrespected, unprotected and neglected person in America is still the Black woman.

If you don’t believe me, look at what’s happening to Vice President Kamala Harris following the announcement of her intent to run for president of the United States of America.

You mean the full-court press to reinvent VP Roundheels and her Very Bad Past isn’t convincing the rubes outside of the Outer Party as you demand?

This is the first Black woman to serve as district attorney for one of the most populated cities in the country.

Her stint in Frisco was handed to her by her married John and she was never up to the job. She wanted to appear tough-on-crime by going after pot smokers and parents of truant minors. And let’s talk about Harris’ Brady issues in blocking exculpatory evidence to be given to defense resulting in 600 dismissals.

The first Black woman to serve as the attorney general of the largest justice department in the land.

Which she treated as her own personal, political fiefdom. And her continued abuse of shoveling exculpatory evidence down a black hole was egregious enough to have her clients admonished in open court

Californians witnessed more of Harris’ devil-may-care — or devilish — approach to government corruption and misconduct in the Moonlight Fire case. In 2007, a late summer wildfire had burned 65,000 acres in the California Sierras. The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection’s lead wildfire investigator lied repeatedly about the inferno’s origin and cause. He also destroyed his investigatory notes and, along with the US Forest Service investigators, falsified the joint origin-and-cause report and various witness statements. The goal was to pin the blame — and cost of fighting the fire — on private landowners.

When California Superior Court Judge Leslie C. Nichols reviewed the case, he found the investigatory and discovery abuses so “pervasive” and “egregious” — so “corrupt and tainted” — that he terminated Cal Fire’s action and administered sanctions. He ruled that Cal Fire’s targets could never get a fair trial. The California Court of Appeals upheld Nichols’ overall ruling. In reviewing the abuses in the joint federal-state Moonlight investigation, the appellate court found “substantial evidence” Cal Fire “repeatedly presented false, misleading or evasive discovery responses” and deposition testimony in addition to improperly destroying field notes despite probable civil litigation.

In the course of the Moonlight Fire litigation, the landowners’ attorneys discovered that Cal Fire illegally diverted $3.66 million in state funds to a secret slush fund controlled by a small group of Cal Fire employees. This was a felony under state law, and California legislators asked Harris to investigate this misappropriation of public funds. Harris, however, said she couldn’t investigate because she was representing Cal Fire in the Moonlight Fire lawsuit. She claimed that Cal Fire was, therefore, her “client and she had an ethical conflict of interest.”

But let’s let author Marilyn Mosby continue on with her don’t you dare breathe an unkind word in Madam Kamala’s general direction diatribe …

You would think that the qualifications of this bold, beautiful woman of many firsts, who embodies the accolades of sheer brilliance, would speak for themselves and not be questioned.

Are you paying attention, you mass of unwashed plebes? You are never to question the sHEeR bRiLLanCe of Kamala — Hillary’s tanner but dumber sister.

How could a sitting vice president of the United States be disrespectfully reduced to an unqualified “DEI candidate”

Let’s her from the man who tapped her … no no, I’m not talking about sex … as VP.

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said Monday he was considering four Black women to be his running mate, and has been receiving extensive vetting briefings about each potential candidate.

“I am not committed to naming any (of the potential candidates), but the people I’ve named, and among them there are four Black women,” Biden told MSNBC’s Joy Reid on “The ReidOut.”

DEI, baby, why you so mad? Because citizens are finally tired of the bean-counting grift known as DEI? That DEI is nothing more than a melanin and sex spoils system that threatens lives?

There are plenty of talented, skilled, hard-working individuals from a variety of backgrounds. Yet among whiner Marilyn’s list of dissed women of color, there is no Condoleezza Rice or Carol Swain or Winsome Earle-Sears.


But then, author Marilyn Mosby has a few issues with corruption and honesty in her own life.

Democratic former State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby’s sentence includes 12 months of home confinement, 100 hours of community service and three years of supervised release. (snip)

Mosby was convicted of lying about her finances to make early withdrawals from retirement funds during the COVID-19 pandemic, and fraudulently claiming that her own $5,000 was a gift from her then-husband as she closed on a Florida condominium.

Oh, Marilyn! Oh, Kamala! Will we ever be witness to the DEI poltroons fading into obscurity? Can their race/sex cards finally be cancelled?

Remember in November.

featured image original graphic by Darleen Click

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  • Kevin says:

    “Her stint in Frisco was handed to her by her married John and she was never up to the job.” The self-loathing and internalized hatred towards other women is deep, wide and on painful display at Victory Girls. It’s always interesting how women can rip each other to shreds and then ignore the behavior in men (which is usually a thousand times worse). The Malignant Tumor couldn’t keep his stumpy mushroom shaped dick out of a porn star let alone out of the women (non-consensual as well) he molested/raped. That’s what makes Victory Girls so repulsive … ignoring even worse behavior by their on ilk. Luckily I read this post before my morning shower or else I would have to shower again to remove the slime, filth and bad mojo that exudes from Victory Girls posts.

    Okay, enough of pointing out the hypocrisy and on to more fun topics. Did you watch the Malignant Tumor’s rally in Bozeman, Montana? I watched the entire thing mainly because I’m from Montana and went to school at Montana State University where I served in lots of leadership positions as a student. I was on a group chat with six of my best friends from college watching the explosive diarrhea spewing out of the Malignant Tumor’s orifice.

    The rally was one big grievance and retribution fest for Jon Tester, the current Senator (D), from Montana. The Malignant Tumor was enraged by Tester because he voted to impeach the criminal-in-chief and then, more disturbing, was Ronnie “let me expose my painful wounds” Jackson’s grievance filled rant (former pill-pusher doctor at the White House, demoted from Admiral, current representative from Texas). This man was oozing hatred out of every pore. If anyone saw him on the street talking like this, they’d call 911. Ronnie couldn’t get over that Tester was the chair of the Veterans Affairs committee and he pretty much tanked Ronnie’s nomination (and basically medical career). Ronnie was calling Tester fat, obese, and other elementary school bullying comments. He was seething and out for blood. It’s never a good thing when a person can’t move past past grievances; they infect every aspect of your life. Ronnie called all the allegations against him lies. If he wants to disprove those lies, he should release the report of the investigation done concerning his unethical behavior as a doctor. The Navy doesn’t demote an Admiral for trivial things but we know Ronnie would never release those documents. The Malignant Tumor is the same way. The fear mongering … world war III, a depression, millions of “illegal aliens” raping your daughters, and the list goes on. The Malignant Tumor has spewed that message for ten years, ever since he slithered down the escalator.

    The American people see and feel his anger and they are looking for/hoping/wanting/searching for a message of good versus evil, a message of compassion versus hatred, a message of the future versus the past. That pretty much sums up this race … The Malignant Tumor (evil, hatred, fixated on the past) and Harris (good, compassionate, and focused on the future).

    Every since the 2016 election, I don’t take stock in polls when it comes to the Malignant Tumor. The polls have never correctly predicted the outcome when the Malignant Tumor is involved in the race (or him as President and the midterms). The Democrats, Independents, coalitions of people of color, women (who aren’t filled with self-hatred), people supporting women’s healthcare, LGBTQ communities, suburban women, and the list goes on, knows this about the upcoming election and are energized, pumped, and committed to showing up to the poll (or mailing in their ballot) for Kamala. It could either be razor close or a blowout … I’m hoping for a blowout in favor of the Democrats (history is the best predictor of the future when it comes to any election the Malignant Tumor is involved in) and MAGA is exposed to the sunlight and turns into ash, like the vampires they are sucking the blood out of the United States of America.

    Oh, and I hung my American flag next to my gay pride flag … because I’m an inclusive, welcoming American ho believes in the goodness of our nation versus the Malignant Tumor who screams, “America is dead. America is a failed nation. America is ridiculed. America is losing.” The republicans worst enemy is the leader of their ticket, DonOLD J. tRump.

    Maybe you should consider switching him out, like people discussing JD Vance’s departure?

    • John Shepherd says:

      The Democrats have one group that is not welcome.

      Herr Shapiro? Nein! Demokraten sagen Juden Raus!!!

      Dope, there is no difference between Daniels and Harris. Just a different means of payment.

      Now we know Kevin is pedophile.

  • Scott says:

    Wow, that’s a level of projection rarely seen Kevin. You do exactly what you accuse President Trump and Ron Jackson of. Not to mention that every single damn thing you say is bullshit (except you watching it, and being on a zoom call with classmates, that part is likely the truth)

    On top of that, your apparent obsession with President Trumps anatomy is truly disturbing (though not surprising for a sex obsessed bitter gay man).. I’ve said it before, but apparently you haven’t listened, so I’ll say it again. Seek professional help! SOON!

  • John Shepherd says:

    Harris was neither the first black San Francisco DA nor California AG When she ran she claimed to be the first South Asian holder of those offices. She didn’t become black until she decided to run for President.

  • Que says:

    Kevin rage posts, er, spews, er, writes:

    “That’s what makes Victory Girls so repulsive … ignoring even worse behavior by their on (sp) ilk. Luckily I read this post before my morning shower or else I would have to shower again to remove the slime, filth and bad mojo that exudes from Victory Girls posts.“

    The Girls are “so repulsive,” yet he shows up here again, and again, and again. Why, the poor boy is so triggered by reading their articles that he might have to shower afterwards. Goodness!

    Which makes me wonder why he is even here? Don’t normal people avoid what they find to be repulsive? That’s why I don’t view porn. But then, I’m a normal person.

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