‘Day of Absence’ 2018 – Racist Bigots Run Amok

‘Day of Absence’ 2018 – Racist Bigots Run Amok

‘Day of Absence’ 2018 – Racist Bigots Run Amok

“Newsweek.com” is reporting that the racist bigots at The Evergreen State College are once again planning events for “People of Color” (POC) that most often exclude white people aka Caucasians.

In case you have forgotten, for several years Evergreen’s racist, bigoted, social justice zealots have held a college sponsored “Day of Absence”, our Lisa Carr wrote about it here and Jodi Giddings wrote about it here.

As Newsweek reports:

After Evergreen State College’s “Day of Absence” sparked national controversy in 2017, the school canceled the annual anti-racism event this year. Students, however, took matters into their own hands, scheduling a program to start Wednesday to promote discussion and racial awareness.

Students are still calling their series of events “Day of Absence.” Some of the workshops and gatherings, to be held on and off campus, are designated for people of color, while others invite white people to join as well. The events are set to begin Wednesday and will continue through Friday, The College Fix reported.

The schedule includes an open mic, a dance, yoga, a film screening and a discussion of intergenerational and interracial solidarity. A description of the event says, “The mission of this event is to bring POC [people of color] together in order to create a reclamation of space and move forward into the future. In reaction to institution’s consistent disregard for our safety, we are operating independently of the college. This is a day for us, by us.”

“Reclamation of space” “institutions’s consistent disregard for our safety”. In other words, the racist and bigoted social justice zealots got push back and got their little itty bitty feelings hurt. Bless their souls. As a matter of fact, the “Seattle Times” reported that 80 students were disciplined for breaking the student code of conduct:

Evergreen is no stranger to protests, but college President George Bridges said some students went too far in May when they interrupted faculty member Bret Weinstein’s class, and a day later pushed furniture against doors to create barricades during a takeover of the library building.

Disciplined? They should have been expelled. If The Evergreen State College were a serious institution of higher learning, they would have been. How’s that for “disregard for our safety”.

I picked the following video because it demonstrates everything wrong with the education system today. Everyone in this video is an intellectual idiot unworthy of being on a college campus. Even a non-traditional college campus as The Evergreen State College of Olympia, Washington. Apparently, the F-word is a huge part of their vocabulary. The are emotionally stunted at about age 12. They have no respect for public property.

Now for the good news.

NWNewsNetwork.org reported last August that because of “plummeting” enrollment, Evergreen will institute a hiring freeze and:

“Even the most progressive upper-middle-class parents won’t send tens of thousands of dollars to schools that won’t prepare their kids for adulthood — or even provide physical safety,” Ricochet.com editor Jon Gabriel wrote in an article headlined, “Evergreen State College Wakes Up to the Costs of Wokeness.”

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how the free market works. Parents all over are getting “woke” to the fact that their hard earned dollars are not producing any return on investment in their precious little cherub’s education. And, they would like said cherub out of their basement and off of their nickel. Potential students are getting “woke” to the idea that paying off your college loans at 50 years of age is a total drag on your entire life and totally not worth it.

Plus, the world really needs more plumbers and electricians and far fewer Social Justice Zealots.

Looks like the “Day of Absence” is working out really well for The Evergreen State College.

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  • GWB says:

    scheduling a program to start Wednesday to promote discussion and racial awareness
    No, that’s not the goal. The goal is to browbeat whites so that these idiots can gain and retain power.
    (To the woman holding the “We love peace” sign: bullshit. You love power. You couldn’t care less about peace.)

    a discussion of intergenerational and interracial solidarity
    Baloney. You’re going to scream and yell about white men.

    This is a day for us, by us.
    Exactly. Because it’s all about you.
    This is what happens when we stop making them read the classics of Western Civilization – like stories about Hubris and Narcissus.

    during a takeover of the library building
    Because they desperately want to be as important as the moron hippies and SDS in the 60s. (Yes, that’s setting their goals really low……..)

    Plus, the world really needs more plumbers and electricians and far fewer Social Justice Zealots.
    I am so tempted to pull a Khmer Rouge and send all these “intellectuals” out to work as farmhands. Except 1) it’s really fairly evil, and mostly 2) we would likely suffer the results in our food distribution channels.

  • Toni Williams says:

    no I would trust them near my food source and I wouldn’t want them plumbing my toilet either come to think of it.

  • Brian Brandt says:

    “is reporting that the racist bigots at The Evergreen State College are once again planning events for “People of Color” (POC) that most often exclude white people aka Caucasians.”

    I think it’s great. The Evergreen People of Color still have their constitutionally protected Freedom of Association.

    P.S. – I wish I did.

  • George V says:

    Off topic rant:
    Why is it that people taking videos of events can’t seem to actually, ummm… take a video of what is going on? All you get are people’s feet – maybe their butts, on occasion. There must be some unwritten rule “Never shall an amateur video ever point toward the subject.”
    Not only at events of political or SJW topics does this happen. How often have you seen “thrilling video” of, maybe, a tornado, only to be shown the ground, the trees, the neighbor’s garage but not one second of the actual tornado ripping the roofs off houses down the road?

    • GWB says:

      Well, the tornado one is understandable, maybe. There’s that whole screaming, terror, fearing for your lives thing going on, perhaps.

      As to a lot of these videos, there’s two problems many amateurs face:
      1) they’re often so engaged in the event (throwing in their own 2¢, yelling at one of the people, just really enjoying the moment) they aren’t paying attention to where the camera is oriented;
      and 2) they’re trying to be surreptitious, so they don’t get the phone ripped out of their hands and stomped on.
      Of course, sometimes they’re just really lousy with the cameras in their phone. (I find it much harder to hold a phone/tablet steady than I ever did an actual camera.)

    • Brian Brandt says:

      And why can’t they hold the phone horizontally so we don’t have to look at that blurry image on both sides that the TV networks tack on?

  • Timmy says:

    Enrollment down by 20%. Cutting budget by 6 million. Any resume from that “colllege” that comes across my desk goes in the trash.

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