Dating Guru: Even Liberal Women Prefer Conservative Men

Dating Guru: Even Liberal Women Prefer Conservative Men

Dating Guru: Even Liberal Women Prefer Conservative Men

Oh, the tumultuous world of dating and love American style! Going on 21 years of being married, the dating world is foreign and even more complex than it was when my husband and I met in 2002.

Dating “guru”, Steve Santagati, recently came forward to state the obvious to some, the shocking to others. Hold on to your hats for this revelation:

Any liberal woman who’s with a liberal man, chances are she hates him, she resents him. Women want to be with a man that they can trust that they feel safe with. And the bottom line is conservative men have these qualities over liberals by a landslide.”-Steve Santagati

I know what you’re thinking: “Well, Duh.” Santagati, penned the 2008 book, The Manual: A True Bad Boy Explains How Men Think, Date, and Mate–and What Women Can Do to Come Out on Top.

No matter what they tell you, ‘Equality, blah blah blah,’ if they keep pushing that on you, ask any woman to give you an honest answer. You’re driving down the road. It’s pouring rain. You get a flat tire, and your beta liberal husband says to you, ‘Honey, I don’t want to usurp your femininity. So why don’t you go out and change the tire, and I’ll wait in here and listen to NPR?’ It ain’t going to happen. She’s going to hate you.” -Steve Santagati

Meh. Everyone knows AOC (who everyone wants to sleep with) will sit in the car with her Birkenstock-wearing fiancé and have her driver change the tire.

Why all of this talk about masculinity? Because, Democrats are trying to appeal to the male vote. Who are they using for this? second “gentleman” Doug Emhoff who cheated on his first wife with the nanny. Then, there’s Tim Walz:

But he wears camo. But he coached football! Yeah, he also put TAMPONS in the boys’ bathrooms. THESE are the examples of “masculinity” of the Democrat party. A MAN who says “boys deserve tampons, too”.

They are doing so in trying to put forward male figures, Tim Walz being one of them, Doug Emhoff last night, who can speak to men out there who might not be the sort of testosterone-laden, you know, gun-toting kind of guy who wants to listen to Hulk Hogan and the kind of players that came out at the RNC.”-Dana Bash, CNN

It’s almost as if, in these circles, testosterone is a bad thing. I’ll tell you what is a bad thing. A man who has testosterone recommending it to your daughter, a biological GIRL who thinks she wants to be a BOY. A man, who thinks there is nothing wrong with the notion of gender-transitioning kids.

It really comes down to … logic and common sense. Can I take care of you? Am I a stable guy? Those are the overriding factors that make a conservative very different than a wishy-washy man-bun liberal.”-Steve Santagati

Something else that defies logic of liberal women who date liberal men? The sheer fact that liberal men are seemingly okay with killing their offspring should their female counterpart become accidentally pregnant.

If you look at the DNC … and you look at the people that are involved, especially at the level that will attend such an event, they’re very angry people. The men are not being true to themselves. It’s all a veneer of, ‘Oh yes, I apologize for my Whiteness. I apologize for my male toxicity. I apologize for these things,’ women don’t want that.”-Steve Santagati

I will say this. Anger manifests itself in liberal men in different ways. And, most liberal women will never be satisfied and will forever beat their heads against a bloody wall until they come to the brutal realization that some liberal men, like some conservative men (they don’t get a pass here), are douchebags. As a college liberal in my 20s, I would say that my dating life was flat-out miserable. There was the liberal pot-head I dated for about three years who once called me the mother of the worst words to call a woman and made fun of my emotions with “logic”. (He never finished his degree.) There was the narcissistic, psychopath who hated his mommy and was eyeing a 17 year-old girl (he was 26) at the time we broke up. His reasoning? “I need something more cerebral”. This dumb-ass also never finished his college degree. He was a flat-out predator going after an under-age girl who is now still living in fantasyland and spouting about “respecting women” by honoring their choice to have an abortion. By “believing them” when they say they have been sexually assaulted. He is the epitome of pretentious and self-serving to this day.

It’s not about that at all. It’s about protection. It’s about safety. It’s about decisiveness and an unwavering set of values. It’s about a love of God and family. My husband was probably, hands down, the most conservative guy I’ve ever dated. In my 20s, I swore I would never end up with someone like him-the slightly-nerdy Marine with short hair who can fly a jet, shoot a rifle, be willing to go off to war, but also cried real tears when we exchanged our vows and held our son for the first time. The man who makes me feel beautiful when I feel ugly. The man who doesn’t discount my emotions or call me names. The man who talks to our son about women-loving them, protecting them and having self-respect (because this is more important for boys today than most like to think).

I have known a few liberal marriages that have worked out in the long-term. I am happy for my liberal friends who have achieved this, but in reality, it wasn’t without implementing some “conservative” and “patriarchal” (as they will call them) ideologies such as marriage in the white, flows wedding dress and, later on, children. Ultimately, they wanted the fairy tale, even though they said they didn’t.

To the uber-liberal socialists today, these traditional ideologies are taboo. Calling a man your “husband” instead of “partner” is just giving in to age-old, white, male supremacy.

Dating is complex and I am glad to say I am not in that world anymore. And, ultimately, a woman and a man need to be aligned. Liberal ladies in the house? I encourage you to look beyond the veneer. You may be pleasantly surprised. You might have to lose the blue hair and the septum rings first.

Featured photo: Pixabay; Cropped; Pixabay License

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