When I read this, my heart absolutely lurched. Couldn’t this be considered stalking?
Spring has sprung in Alaska, and with this beautiful season comes the news today that the Palins have a new neighbor! Welcome, Joe McGinniss!
Yes, that Joe McGinniss. Here he is – about 15 feet away on the neighbor’s rented deck overlooking my children’s play area and my kitchen window. Maybe we’ll welcome him with a homemade blueberry pie tomorrow so he’ll know how friendly Alaskans are.
We found out the good news today. Upon my family’s return this morning from endorsement rallies and speeches in the Lower 48 states, I finally got the chance to tackle my garden and lawn this evening! So, putting on the shorts and tank top to catch that too-brief northern summer sun and placing a giddy Trig in his toddler backpack for a lawn-mowing adventure, I looked up in surprise to see a “new neighbor” overlooking my property just a stone’s throw away. Needless to say, our outdoor adventure ended quickly after Todd went to introduce himself to the stranger who was peering in…
Joe announced to Todd that he’s moved in right next door to us. He’s rented the place for the next five months or so. He moved up all the way from Massachusetts to live right next to us – while he writes a book about me. Knowing of his many other scathing pieces of “journalism” (including the bizarre anti-Palin administration oil development pieces that resulted in my Department of Natural Resources announcing that his work is the most twisted energy-related yellow journalism they’d ever encountered), we’re sure to have a doozey to look forward to with this treasure he’s penning. Wonder what kind of material he’ll gather while overlooking Piper’s bedroom, my little garden, and the family’s swimming hole?
Welcome, Joe! It’ll be a great summer – come borrow a cup of sugar if ever you need some sweetener. And you know what they say about “fences make for good neighbors”? Well, we’ll get started on that tall fence tomorrow, and I’ll try to keep Trig’s squeals down to a quiet giggle so we don’t disturb your peaceful summer. Enjoy!
I don’t blame Sarah Palin for being so disturbed. I would be, too. This in particular made me nervous, and I’m not even part of her family:
Wonder what kind of material he’ll gather while overlooking Piper’s bedroom, my little garden, and the family’s swimming hole?
I think most normal people would be disturbed reading that. The biased media coverage of Sarah Palin has always been a little unhinged, but this takes it to a completely different level. This man followed her to her home, renting property that overlooks her daughter’s bedroom and their swimming pool. What kind of scintillating political information will he get as he spies on her, her husband, and her children? This is harassment, intimidation, and borderline stalking — at best. And this isn’t exactly a friendly Matt Lauer type living next door, either. As my Newsreal co-blogger Kathy Shaidle points out, this guy was a suspicious character already. He was sued by a convicted murderer after he exploited him and has been accused of plagiarism. It doesn’t exactly make you think, “Gee, this guy seems trustworthy”, does it? I wouldn’t be happy if this happened to my family, and I don’t think most Americans could read about this without feeling unsettled. There’s a line, but unfortunately, that line doesn’t exist for today’s media if you aren’t on their side of the aisle. Conservative women like Sarah Palin apparently can’t even give their children the privacy to enjoy a summer at their home anymore. How sickening. It’s all the worse because it wasn’t a mere coincidence. He sought her out, he intentionally set up camp right next door to her home so he could spy on her and her family. It’s disgusting and wrong. You know you’ve gone too far when you make Andrew Sullivan look tame by comparison.
Exit question: how long will it take the feminists to speak up in defense of a woman being stalked simply for being a polarizing public figure?
Crickets chirping in 3, 2, 1…
The feminists will never come to Sarah’s defense ever. But understand as I do there is big bad BEARS in Alaska and he may meet one while he is there….. we can only hope,,,,,, not.
Okie, PaPa T.
Not sure how many people are taking the “aw c’mon Sarah, quit whining because that’s what you should expect when you’re in the public eye” view of things. They are loud and insistent but they appear to be a vocal minority. It’s really not very often the majority sides with me on anything, but my informal unscientific polling shows a huge consensus that this is a new low.
The thinking of the “quit whining” people is disturbing on many levels, I have to say. It seems to start with a prejudiced exclusion of any possibility that Sarah Palin could be victimized, in any way, ever. She could be burned at the stake tomorrow, and the complaint would be that Sarah Palin caused an excessive emission of carbon.
Okay, overall that is an exaggeration. In some cases though, no it isn’t. Check out David Weigel’s piece about this when you have a minute Cassy. Just freakin’ breathtaking.