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Cosmopolitan’s Newest Must-Have Accessory: Designer Babies (And No Father Needed)!

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Cosmopolitan’s Newest Must-Have Accessory: Designer Babies (And No Father Needed)!

Having a traditional family with a husband, a wife, and children seems tough for the Cosmo girl. Being a single mother is so much better, because then you can make all your own decisions without having to consult some annoying meddling father figure. One single mother Cosmo interviewed just loves not having to worry about stupid stuff like compromising. I mean, who wants to do that??

Jenn agrees it can be a huge struggle, like when one of her sons gets sick, and adds that raising kids is expensive on one salary. On the other hand, she likes that she doesn’t have to worry about compromising with another person over parenting styles. She gets to choose how she handles discipline and schooling decisions and doesn’t have to consider anyone else’s opinion on that stuff.

Doesn’t exactly come across like someone mature enough to raise a child, does it, when compromising is considered a bad thing? Cosmopolitan is encouraging immature women to raise fatherless children. The effect this will have on the actual children is never mentioned in the Cosmo article; like with celebrities, having a baby is done for purely selfish reasons with no thought given to the well-being of the child whatsoever. The artificial insemination is encouraged as a means of personal fulfillment for lonely women who feel like they missed the bus. What will it mean for the children of all of these women who decide to get pregnant while single?

As discussed around Father’s Day, the idea of fathers being unnecessary is very popular with the femisogynist Left. The reality is quite different. Fatherlessness is devastating to children, but that’s not mentioned, even in passing.

Children from fatherless homes are 9 times more likely both to drop out of high school and to end up in a state-operated institution. They’re 32 times more likely to run away and 20 times more likely to have behavioral disorders. They’re also 10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances… Single-parent families are also substantially more likely to live in poverty.

Fathers are vital to the well-being of a child, but Cosmopolitan doesn’t care about that, nor do the single women craving love and fulfillment through a baby. The realities of raising a child never come into the picture; for these women, a baby is like a living doll, a fashion accessory. It’s like shopping online for a new purse or some sexy new shoes, and Cosmo goes right along with it, the magazine that prints headlines like “Give Off A Good-in-Bed Vibe” and “NAUGHTY NAUGHTY SEX POLL.”

Cosmopolitan is a shallow, immature, self-centered publication for women who fit the same description, and now it is encouraging these same women to become mothers, just because the women feel like it. They even give the idea of self-insemination a cute little nickname (baster babies!) That’s what Cosmo is advocating here: designer babies.

There is much more involved in becoming a parent than just wanting to have a child, and it takes more than love to make a good parent. Destroying nuclear families and shutting fathers out of child-raising is despicable, especially when you consider that it benefits no one except selfish single mothers with love and fulfillment issues. And it is despicable that a magazine would treat a baby as a new trend to be followed, like adopting a puppy, looking for a boyfriend online, or buying a designer purse.

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1 Comment
  • WayneB says:

    The whole problem with this kind of thing stems from the fact that it starts with well-to-do people. A couple of years ago there was an article about a woman, I can’t remember the whole story, but after she had had one or two children for a while, she decided she was going to write a book on how to be a good mother while having a career, too. This woman had a total of FIVE other women who helped take care of her children (and perhaps her house – don’t remember). How can she possibly give other people advice if she can’t do the job herself?

    Other women see what these women of means do without seeing all the help they have by virtue of their money, and think they can do the same thing. Then, after they have raised a child with virtually no parental involvement, or else after having gone on Welfare, with its own attendant problems, so they can raise the child themselves, they wonder how they have raised a little monster.

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