Columbia Caves: Keffiyeh Mask-Wearing Protestors Hardest Hit

Columbia Caves: Keffiyeh Mask-Wearing Protestors Hardest Hit

Columbia Caves: Keffiyeh Mask-Wearing Protestors Hardest Hit

It took enough clue bats, but Columbia has caved to President Trump. Hardest hit will be all the campus keffiyeh mask-wearing protestors. Whatever will they do now?

Columbia University agreed on Friday to overhaul its protest policies, security practices and Middle Eastern studies department in a remarkable concession to the Trump administration, which has refused to consider restoring $400 million in federal funds without major changes.

The agreement, which stunned and dismayed many members of the faculty, could signal a new stage in the administration’s escalating clash with elite colleges and universities. Harvard, Stanford, the University of Michigan and dozens of other schools face federal inquiries and fear similar penalties, and college administrators have said Columbia’s response to the White House’s demands may set a dangerous precedent.

And believe me, the concessions from Columbia likely has them fuming mad and screaming into the sky with impotence. Why? Because Columbia has essentially issued a mask ban. 

Identification of individuals participating in demonstrations. All individuals who engage in protests or demonstrations, including those who wear face masks or face coverings, must, when asked, present their University identification to the satisfaction of a University Delegate or Public Safety officer. Individuals who fail to comply with these policies will be subject to discipline, being escorted off campus, and detention for trespass where appropriate.

Addressing risk of masked individuals creating disruption. Public safety has determined that face masks or face coverings are not allowed for the purpose of concealing one’s identity in the commission of violations of University policies or state, municipal, or federal laws. We have had important instances in the recent past where individuals unaffiliated with the University have caused significant disruptions on our campus. Face masks or face coverings are always allowed for religious or medical reasons.

Oh sure. All you cute little mask-wearers screaming about how fabulous Palestine is, how wonderful and super innocent everyone living in Gaza is, and happily enjoying attacks on Jews in Israel and on Columbia’s campus can continue to protest. But NOW, law enforcement can ask and EXPECT you to not only show ID verifying you are a student, but remove your mask as well. All the anonymous protestors who AREN’T Columbia or Barnard students are hardest hit. 

Yes, they are big mad at Columbia’s bowing to reality. 

Honestly, given these responses it is evident that the keffiyeh mask-wearing protestors thought they could have free rein to protest when, where, and however they’d like in perpetuity. 

Here’s another reality check those protestors don’t want to hear. Columbia has been, by accepting students from all around the world, essentially been harboring “students” who A. love them some terrorist thugs, and B. have overstayed their visas by months and even YEARS. 

As our friend Beege points out here, Columbia has had a problem for years with students like this, and the number of foreign students stands at about 40%!

Yet, now we have Columbia’s leadership essentially bowing to reality and agreeing to meet Trump’s demands. Although, there were multiple levels to the reality check that landed upon the university.

One of which is PR, the other is the almighty dollar. 

They not only saw monetary reality, they realized their brand was tanking on multiple levels. Yet those who’ve supported the protestors are trying to say this move goes against their First Amendment rights. 

‘A sad day for Columbia and for our democracy,’ Jameel Jaffer, the director of Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, said in a social media post.

No, you do NOT get to wave the First Amendment around when your sole purpose for protests was to shout down, intimidate, and run Jewish students off campus. 

Trump’s Education Secretary Linda McMahon said: ‘Since October 7, Jewish students have faced relentless violence, intimidation, and anti-Semitic harassment on their campuses – only to be ignored by those who are supposed to protect them.

‘Universities must comply with all federal anti-discrimination laws if they are going to receive federal funding.’

Since October 7, 2023 the Columbia campus has been overrun with protestors celebrating the attack that killed over 1,200 and saw 251 innocent men, women, and babies taken hostage. Horrifically, these asshat protestors celebrated the death of the Bibas babies and don’t care that there are still 33 hostages languishing in the Gaza tunnels. 

Will this be a wake-up call, a TRUE wake-up call for Columbia’s administration and will they stand firm and hold the protestors accountable?

“Columbia has an antisemitism crisis, and for months, I have worked with faculty, staff, students, parents, and alumni to urge the administration to act quickly to address this crisis and avoid lasting damage to the University,” he said.

“I hope this federal action is a wake-up call to Columbia’s administration and trustees to take antisemitism and the harassment of Jewish students and faculty seriously so that these grants can be restored, the vital work of the University can continue, and that Columbia can become, once again, a place where the Jewish community thrives.”

The proof, as they say, will be in the pudding. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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