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Code Pink is a mysogynist’s dream come true. These overaged hippies and general nuisances like to do street theater to call attention to themselves, oops, their cause of the day. I should note they would do better if they could avoid shrieking like a demented harpy. These women, to their credit, do get involved, but they also do not quite understand one thing: they were in a federal building which means lawbreaking leads to a Federal Case in a Federal Court. One Code Pinkster named Desiree Fairooz found this out when she went to the confirmation hearing for Attorney General Sessions. Here is the New York Times report and, to be fair, both sides are presenting their case (or delusion in Fairouz’ case):
Ms. Fairooz was a poor innocent snowflake if you can believe the headlines and hysteria on the left. Except that those inconvenient facts say otherwise:
A jury on Wednesday convicted three Code Pink activists on charges related to a protest at the confirmation hearing of Jeff Sessions for attorney general — including a Virginia woman who said all she did was break out in laughter.
Hmm, three people were arrested, tried and convicted in Federal Court. In Washington, D.C. Their possible prizes include:
Each of the three protesters faces up to 12 months in jail, $2,000 in fines, or both, depending on the outcome of a June 21 sentencing hearing.
The term “play stupid games win stupid prizes” seems to apply. And to get arrested for laughing sounds awful extreme, right?
In verdicts returned shortly after noon Wednesday, the jury also convicted two other activists in the group she was with, Tighe Barry and Lenny Bianchi, who were dressed as Ku Klux Klan members with white hoods and robes and stood up before the Jan. 10 hearing started.
Hmm, dressed up in costumes and acting up seems to be a bit more disruptive than sitting in an audience with a silly hat and signs. But what do I know.
In an April court filing, the office of the United States attorney for the District of Columbia had argued that all three protesters shared a common goal to “impede and disrupt” the hearing. Ms. Fairooz, the office said, had “created a scene.”
Now why is that a problem? They were speaking up and Code Pink says that is ok. Except for the fact that the senate issues a gallery pass, and rules are printed on said pass for conduct, behavior and allowed items. You can find information here and on the pass itself:
A code of conduct for visitors to the galleries is set by the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration and is enforced by the doorkeepers. In 1959 the Senate began printing these rules, which include a list of objects prohibited in the galleries, on the back of each pass.
So why was this poor poor snowflake tried and convicted?
Ms. Fairooz had “let out a loud burst of laughter, followed by a second louder burst of laughter,” the U.S. attorney’s office said in the filing. The police then tried to “quietly escort” Ms. Fairooz from the room, but she “grew loud and more disruptive, eventually halting the confirmation hearing,” the court papers argued.
As a friend used to say: “If you are in a hole, stop digging deeper.” So she was escorted out by the capitol police (again, the words of Federal Law Enforcement) and she just had to keep digging.
As she was escorted away, Ms. Fairooz loudly asked, “Why am I being taken out of here?” She also said that the nominee’s “voting record is evil.”
First, this is about her behavior after the cops told her to leave (politely). And her two idiot friends cosplaying the Klan? Seriously? The video kind of destroys her whole “I did nothing wrooong” whine.
Second and more important lesson: if you want to be heard, don’t act like an angry toddler who had their sippy cup taken.
Lady, you are too old to be acting the fool. That behavior is bad enough from a child. You are sixty-one years old. Grow up.
I should note they would do better if they could avoid shrieking like a demented harpy.
Well, that would require they not BE demented harpies. Otherwise you’re asking them to go against their character.
Second and more important lesson: if you want to be heard, don’t act like an angry toddler who had their sippy cup taken.
Well, technically, if you want to be heard, act exactly like a toddler. If you want to be taken seriously (by anyone other than fellow useful idiots), however, then you need to engage constructively.
Another shining example of the loony left…..
Our civility, respect and common decency is at stake. Colbert is another example of a threshold being crossed without a murmur of condemnation from the MSM.