Chinese Spy Indictment Embarrasses Cuomo And Hochul

Chinese Spy Indictment Embarrasses Cuomo And Hochul

Chinese Spy Indictment Embarrasses Cuomo And Hochul

Why are Democrats so cozy with Chinese spies?

The late Senator Dianne Feinstein had a Chinese spy as her driver for nearly 20 years. Representative Eric Swalwell most likely had a mistress who was a Chinese spy. Neither Feinstein or Swalwell suffered any legal or political consequences for their inability to vet staff or “friends.”

Now, New York’s former governor and current governor are caught up in a Chinese spy indictment scandal of their own. Linda Sun, former aide to both Andrew Cuomo and Kathy Hochul, has been arrested and charged – along with her husband – with a laundry list of felonies related to the allegation that she was working for China, while also working in the New York governor’s office.

Linda Sun, 41, and her husband Christopher Hu, 40, faces charges of violating and conspiring to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act, visa fraud, alien smuggling and money laundering conspiracy, according to a newly-unsealed indictment in Brooklyn federal court.

In exchange for advancing Beijing’s agenda in New York, the feds allege that Sun and Hu received millions of dollars in shady kickbacks and laundered it to buy a $4.1 million Manhasset mansion, a $2 million Honolulu luxury condo and a fleet of luxury cars, including a 2024 Ferrari Roma.

Sun and Hu were allegedly gifted many personal items by Chinese officials as well, including salted ducks, concert tickets, ballet tickets, and paid vacations to China.

Hu’s business ventures in China also benefited from Sun’s political double-dealings, and ended up generating millions that he funneled to the US as part of a money laundering scheme, the indictment contends.

His Queens-based seafood company and wine store, meanwhile, officially made little money, the documents state.

This is not small potatoes – or small ducks, shall we say, according to the FBI and the DOJ.

“As alleged in the indictment, Linda Sun, a former New York State government employee, acted as an undisclosed agent of the Chinese government while her husband, Christopher Hu, facilitated the transfer of millions of dollars in kickbacks for personal gain. Sun wielded her position of influence among executives to covertly promote PRC and CCP agendas, directly threatening our country’s national security. The FBI is committed to protect the American people from any threat actors who seek to influence officials at the direction of foreign entities,” stated FBI Acting Assistant Director Curtis.

“Sun is alleged to be an undisclosed agent of the PRC and CCP, using Chinese money and her influence within the state of New York to benefit the Chinese government. Sun and her husband then laundered millions of dollars for the foreign country and used the monetary benefits of this scheme to buy luxury vehicles and million dollars properties here in New York,” Thomas M. Fattorusso, Special Agent in Charge of IRS CI New York. “It is with the unwavering determination of federal law enforcement to root-out foreign agents and their schemes that Sun and Hu will now face justice for their criminal acts.”

And thanks to Linda Sun’s time as an aide to TWO Democrat governors, she had quite a bit of influence that can be easily traced after the fact.

Blocking Taiwan, getting information about responses to COVID-19, and making sure that the Uyghur human rights violations are ignored. Did anyone in Cuomo’s or Hochul’s offices ever notice how Linda Sun’s goals seemed to perfectly align with the Chinese Communist Party? I’ll leave that as a rhetorical question, because Hochul is now claiming that she is shocked, SHOCKED, that Sun is alleged to be a Chinese foreign agent.

“I’m furious and I’m outraged and I’m absolutely shocked at how brazen her behavior was,” Hochul told WNYC’s Sean Carlson Tuesday afternoon, referring to Linda Sun, a former deputy chief of staff who was charged with acting as a foreign agent for China.

“It was a betrayal of trust,” she continued.

“We’ve been working with the Department of Justice in this investigation, and we’ll continue to make sure that all the information that’s out there is revealed and that justice is served,” she said.

Sun was first hired by Cuomo’s administration in 2012 and worked in several different roles. She was hired by Hochul as a deputy chief of staff in 2021 after she took over as governor following Cuomo’s resignation.

Hochul was quick to distance herself from the mid-level staffer after Sun and Hu’s arrest Tuesday morning.

“This individual was hired by the Executive Chamber more than a decade ago. We terminated her employment in March 2023 after discovering evidence of misconduct, immediately reported her actions to law enforcement and have assisted law enforcement throughout this process,” a Hochul spokesperson wrote in a statement earlier in the day Tuesday.

Cuomo has also stayed relatively quiet, even taking the opportunity to deflect the blame onto Hochul.

“National security is critical and must be free from foreign influence,” Cuomo spokesperson Rich Azzopardi wrote in a statement Tuesday afternoon.

“While Ms. Sun was promoted to Deputy Chief of Staff in the subsequent administration, during our time she worked in a handful of agencies and was one of many community liaisons who had little to no interaction with the governor.”

Well, one can always count on Andrew Cuomo being a total dipshit. Talk about throwing Kathy Hochul – no great genius herself – under the bus by pointing out that SHE picked Sun to be deputy chief of staff, but Cuomo – whose staff brought her on in the first place – bears ZERO responsibility for hiring a Chinese spy. I keep waiting for karma to bite Cuomo squarely in the ass – perhaps that day is coming with his public testimony to Congress next week about his responses to COVID-19.

But will there be any political fallout for Hochul? HA. Not likely. Because Democrats are simply too trusting, you see, so when they get used by a Chinese spy, it’s never their fault!

Clearly, China sees officials like Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Hochul as pushovers: Remember when Beijing sent a spy balloon across America — with nary a peep from Biden-Harris?

Alas, don’t expect them to do anything different this time.

Hochul, incidentally, ignored warnings about CCP influence operations.

The feds had warned local officials that China seeks relationships with them to promote its agenda, noting that locals “risk being manipulated” by CCP “influence operations” and calling them “deceptive and coercive.”

And China’s agenda is indisputably evil: Beijing has persecuted and murdered Uyghurs, threatened its Pacific neighbors, repressed its own people and even targeted foes on US soil.

Yet Hochul has bragged of the “beautiful relationship between our countries,” calling them “amazing partners” with whom “we continue to work together collaboratively.”

Chinese Consul-General Huang Ping — a CCP hardliner who the feds say oversees organized harassment of critics here and who appears to be PRC Official-1 in the indictment — even praised Hochul as an “old friend,” per Quinn.

No wonder one of her top aides allegedly got away with spying for China.

Hochul, in what has to be a CYA move, says she has now asked the DOJ to expel that Chinese consul general, who allegedly worked with Linda Sun but called Hochul an “old friend,” from the country.

Huang Ping, the now-former consul general in New York, was spotted by The Post scurrying from the consulate Wednesday morning — just hours hours before Hochul told reporters that her request for his ouster, made to an unnamed “high-ranking” State Department official, had apparently been granted.

“I also requested the State Department to take appropriate action in response to the dangerous and outrageous actions taken by the People’s Republic of China,” she said.

So, what will the Biden-Harris administration focus on, now that an alleged Chinese foreign agent who once worked in a Democrat ally’s office has been indicted? PIVOT TO RUSSIA!

And the media will follow like obedient little lemmings to look at “Russian disinformation” over actual Chinese spying. It never fails, and Hochul and Cuomo will get to walk away from this scandal with zero actual consequences, except the blows to their own inflated egos.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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1 Comment
  • Scott says:

    The dims have a long history of allowing their admins to be infested with commies, at least back to FDR. Originally Russians, but not it seems that any commie will do. There’s really only three possibilities here, either 1. dims are really just that stupid (entirely possible), 2.they don’t give a rats ass about the country, as long as they get paid (and China likes to spend money for such purposes).. We all know that dims are first and foremost “all about the Benjamins” or 3. They are knowingly working with the commies to destroy our country…

    All seems equally likely, and any combination of the above is also a viable option..

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