Capitol Protest Or Insurrection Depends On The Leader

Capitol Protest Or Insurrection Depends On The Leader

Capitol Protest Or Insurrection Depends On The Leader

Yesterday, everyone was in a lather over the Colorado Supreme Court ruling Trump be removed from the State ballot. The Swamp struck back again and made Trumpers exceedingly glad for the next few days. It won’t last because the ruling will get overturned and those people are incapable of happiness. Trust me.

Meanwhile on Capitol Hill, it was the week of the protest/insurrection. Heh, heh, heh. In the case of Senator Ben Cardin’s staffer, it was a case of In-sir-erection. Heh, heh, heh. That old Antisemite Linda Sarsour led a protest in the Capitol building protesting our government’s support for Israel.

Y’all remember Linda Sarsour? She led the Pussy Hat march to protest the Inauguration of Donald J. Trump.

Miss Sarsour kicked out one of the group’s Jewish leaders,

After the 2017 march, the four co-chairs ousted one of the group’s earliest organizers, Vanessa Wruble, who is Jewish. Ms. Wruble later helped establish a new organization and made accusations of anti-Semitism. Ms. Mallory’s close ties to the Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who is respected in the black community, but is widely reviled in the Jewish community for virulently anti-Semitic remarks, had long raised eyebrows in New York.

Sarsour and her buds were later kicked out for their ties to Farrakhan or they moved on to other commitments, if you please. Now, Linda and her veiled friends are back and at the Capitol.

I really think Sarsour gets her JOLLIES by organizing marches or protests or insurrections. The whole family of this Brookly born female gets off on her organizing events. From Thaiger News:

Renowned political activist Linda Sarsour, known for her significant roles as co-chair in the Women’s Marches of 2017 and 2019, has a strong supporter in her husband, Maher Judeh. Sarsour, who first made headlines for her protest against the police surveillance of American Muslims, has extended her activism to cover civil rights issues like police brutality, feminism, immigration policy and mass incarceration. She had also served as the executive director at the Arab American Association of New York.


Linda Sarsour’s identity and activism have been significantly influenced by her family. Born to Palestinian immigrants in Brooklyn, New York, she is the eldest of seven siblings. Her father, who ran a small market in the Crown Heights district, instilled in her a deep connection to her Palestinian roots. Linda entered an arranged marriage at 17 and was a mother of three by her mid-twenties. Despite her early familial obligations, her commitment to activism didn’t wane.

Sarsour’s family has been a constant pillar of support throughout her journey. They stood by her as she fervently advocated for the civil rights of American Muslims post-9/11. Her family’s unity and resilience have been a significant driving force behind her activism.

Maybe her love of protesting is an outlet for her rage. I dunno. Her latest psychodrama theater was presented yesterday. According to the New York Post:

Police arrested “roughly 60” anti-Israel protesters inside the Capitol Rotunda Tuesday after a group led by controversial activist Linda Sarsour staged an illegal rally in the iconic venue.

“Not another nickel! Not another dime! No more money for Israel’s crimes!” chanted members of the group, holding “Stop Arming Israel” signs.

It is illegal to hold demonstrations inside the Capitol, though violators of the prohibition are inconsistently prosecuted by the DC US Attorney’s Office after being arrested.

Violators are “inconsistently prosecuted” is just too freaking adorable. We would ask the J6 protestors but they are locked up. More:

“We were aware of a group’s potential plan to take a tour of the US Capitol Building and then start a protest,” Capitol Police said in a statement.

“It is against the law to demonstrate inside the Congressional Buildings, so we brought in additional officers to be prepared for the moment the group would break the law. The group was screened when they entered the building. Once they broke the law, roughly 60 people were immediately arrested for [violating] D.C. Code § 22–1307 — Crowding, Obstructing, or Incommoding.”

Was that Cardin staffer “crowding, obstructing or incommoding” anyone or anything? Sorry.

Sarsour, the Brooklyn-born daughter of Palestinian immigrants, is an advocate of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaign, which seeks to build global economic pressure on the Jewish state.

She drew outrage last month for ridiculing the “little posters” of hostages abducted by Hamas during the terrorist group’s Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel, which killed about 1,200 people, including at least 33 Americans.

“The lack of compassion, the absence of empathy and the complete deficit of even a hint of decency tells you everything you need to know about her. Absolutely everything. It’s not just pathetic, it’s **prejudice** full stop,” tweeted Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League.

The ADL previously highlighted “incendiary” Sarsour remarks such as likening Zionism to “white supremacy in America” and writing that “[n]othing is creepier than Zionism.”Sarsour, the Brooklyn-born daughter of Palestinian immigrants, is an advocate of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaign, which seeks to build global economic pressure on the Jewish state.

I told you. She really does get off personally from this. And make note of the BDS campaign which Sarsour is part of. The BDS movement originated with the Nazis, failed and roared back to life in the late 1990’s. There is where your Antisemitism comes from, folks.

And this is what you get. Maybe it’s not an insurrection anymore than January 6, but it is just as ugly a protest:

By the way, nothing is creepier than ghouls like Sarsour.

Featured Image: Festival of Faiths/ Commons

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